Interface IHasErrorLevelComparable<IMPLTYPE extends IHasErrorLevelComparable<IMPLTYPE>>

Type Parameters:
IMPLTYPE - Implementation type
All Superinterfaces:
IErrorIndicator, IGenericImplTrait<IMPLTYPE>, IHasErrorLevel, ISeverityComparable<IMPLTYPE>, ISuccessIndicator
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
LogMessage, SingleError

public interface IHasErrorLevelComparable<IMPLTYPE extends IHasErrorLevelComparable<IMPLTYPE>> extends IHasErrorLevel, ISeverityComparable<IMPLTYPE>, IGenericImplTrait<IMPLTYPE>
Base interface for objects that have a severity based on IErrorLevel.
Philip Helger
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default int
    default boolean
    isEQ(IMPLTYPE aOther)
    Check if this object is of the same level (= equal important) than the passed object.
    default boolean
    isGE(IMPLTYPE aOther)
    Check if this object is of equal or higher level (= equally or more important) than the passed object.
    default boolean
    isGT(IMPLTYPE aOther)
    Check if this object is of higher level (= more important) than the passed object.
    default boolean
    isLE(IMPLTYPE aOther)
    Check if this object is of equal or lower level (= equally or less important) than the passed object.
    default boolean
    isLT(IMPLTYPE aOther)
    Check if this object is of lower level (= less important) than the passed object.
    default boolean
    isNE(IMPLTYPE aOther)
    Check if this object is of a different level (= different importance) than the passed object.

    Methods inherited from interface com.helger.commons.traits.IGenericImplTrait


    Methods inherited from interface com.helger.commons.error.level.IHasErrorLevel

    getErrorLevel, hasErrorLevel, isError, isFailure, isNoError, isSuccess

    Methods inherited from interface com.helger.commons.state.ISuccessIndicator

    and, or