Class CSSUnknownRule

    • Constructor Detail

      • CSSUnknownRule

        public CSSUnknownRule​(@Nonnull @Nonempty
                              String sDeclaration)
    • Method Detail

      • isValidDeclaration

        public static boolean isValidDeclaration​(@Nonnull @Nonempty
                                                 String sDeclaration)
      • getDeclaration

        public String getDeclaration()
        The rule declaration string used in the CSS. Neither null nor empty. Always starting with @.
      • getParameterList

        public String getParameterList()
        The parameter-list of the unknown rule. This is the part between the declaration and the first opening bracket ('{')
      • getBody

        public String getBody()
        The body of the unknown rule. This is the part between the first opening bracket ('{') and the matching closing bracket ('}').
      • getAsCSSString

        public String getAsCSSString​(@Nonnull
                                     ICSSWriterSettings aSettings,
                                     int nIndentLevel)
        Description copied from interface: ICSSWriteable
        Get the contents of this object as a serialized CSS string for writing to an output.
        Specified by:
        getAsCSSString in interface ICSSWriteable
        aSettings - The settings to be used to format the output. May not be null.
        nIndentLevel - The current indentation level
        The content of this object as CSS string. Never null.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object