Class CSSVisitor

    • Method Detail

      • visitImportRule

        public static void visitImportRule​(@Nonnull
                                           CSSImportRule aImportRule,
                                           ICSSVisitor aVisitor)
        Visit all elements of a single import rule.
        aImportRule - The import rule to visit. May not be null.
        aVisitor - The visitor to use. May not be null.
      • visitNamespaceRule

        public static void visitNamespaceRule​(@Nonnull
                                              CSSNamespaceRule aNamespaceRule,
                                              ICSSVisitor aVisitor)
        Visit all elements of a single namespace rule.
        aNamespaceRule - The namespace rule to visit. May not be null.
        aVisitor - The visitor to use. May not be null.
      • visitAllDeclarations

        public static void visitAllDeclarations​(@Nonnull
                                                IHasCSSDeclarations<?> aHasDeclarations,
                                                ICSSVisitor aVisitor)
        Visit all declarations contained in the passed declaration container.
        aHasDeclarations - The declarations to be visited. May not be null.
        aVisitor - The visitor to be invoked on each declaration. May not be null.
      • visitStyleRule

        public static void visitStyleRule​(@Nonnull
                                          CSSStyleRule aStyleRule,
                                          ICSSVisitor aVisitor)
        Visit all elements of a single style rule.
        aStyleRule - The style rule to visit. May not be null.
        aVisitor - The visitor to use. May not be null.
      • visitPageRule

        public static void visitPageRule​(@Nonnull
                                         CSSPageRule aPageRule,
                                         ICSSVisitor aVisitor)
        Visit all elements of a single page rule.
        aPageRule - The page rule to visit. May not be null.
        aVisitor - The visitor to use. May not be null.
      • visitFontFaceRule

        public static void visitFontFaceRule​(@Nonnull
                                             CSSFontFaceRule aFontFaceRule,
                                             ICSSVisitor aVisitor)
        Visit all elements of a single font-face rule.
        aFontFaceRule - The font-face rule to visit. May not be null.
        aVisitor - The visitor to use. May not be null.
      • visitMediaRule

        public static void visitMediaRule​(@Nonnull
                                          CSSMediaRule aMediaRule,
                                          ICSSVisitor aVisitor)
        Visit all elements of a single media rule.
        aMediaRule - The media rule to visit. May not be null.
        aVisitor - The visitor to use. May not be null.
      • visitKeyframesRule

        public static void visitKeyframesRule​(@Nonnull
                                              CSSKeyframesRule aKeyframesRule,
                                              ICSSVisitor aVisitor)
        Visit all elements of a single keyframes rule.
        aKeyframesRule - The keyframes rule to visit. May not be null.
        aVisitor - The visitor to use. May not be null.
      • visitViewportRule

        public static void visitViewportRule​(@Nonnull
                                             CSSViewportRule aViewportRule,
                                             ICSSVisitor aVisitor)
        Visit all elements of a single viewport rule.
        aViewportRule - The viewport rule to visit. May not be null.
        aVisitor - The visitor to use. May not be null.
      • visitSupportsRule

        public static void visitSupportsRule​(@Nonnull
                                             CSSSupportsRule aSupportsRule,
                                             ICSSVisitor aVisitor)
        Visit all elements of a single supports rule.
        aSupportsRule - The supports rule to visit. May not be null.
        aVisitor - The visitor to use. May not be null.
      • visitUnknownRule

        public static void visitUnknownRule​(@Nonnull
                                            CSSUnknownRule aUnknownRule,
                                            ICSSVisitor aVisitor)
        Visit all elements of a single unknown @ rule.
        aUnknownRule - The unknown rule to visit. May not be null.
        aVisitor - The visitor to use. May not be null.
      • visitTopLevelRule

        public static void visitTopLevelRule​(@Nonnull
                                             ICSSTopLevelRule aTopLevelRule,
                                             ICSSVisitor aVisitor)
        Visit all elements of a single top-level rule. This includes all rules except @import and @namespace rules.
        aTopLevelRule - The top-level rule to visit. May not be null.
        aVisitor - The visitor to use. May not be null.
      • visitCSS

        public static void visitCSS​(@Nonnull
                                    CascadingStyleSheet aCSS,
                                    ICSSVisitor aVisitor)
        Visit all CSS elements in the order of their declaration. import rules come first, namespace rules come next and all other top-level rules in the order of their declaration.
        aCSS - The CSS to visit. May not be null.
        aVisitor - The callback to be invoked for each element found. May not be null.
      • visitAllDeclarationUrls

        public static void visitAllDeclarationUrls​(@Nonnull
                                                   IHasCSSDeclarations<?> aCSS,
                                                   ICSSUrlVisitor aVisitor)
        Visit all items that can contain URLs in CSS files. Therefore the special visitor class CSSVisitorForUrl is used.
        aCSS - The CSS to visit. May not be null.
        aVisitor - The callback to invoke for each found occurrence. May not be null.