Class XHE10PayloadType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.helger.commons.lang.IExplicitlyCloneable, Serializable, Cloneable

    public class XHE10PayloadType
    extends Object
    implements Serializable, com.helger.commons.lang.IExplicitlyCloneable

    Java class for PayloadType complex type.

    The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

     <complexType name="PayloadType">
         <restriction base="{}anyType">
             <element ref="{}ID" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}Description" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}DocumentTypeCode" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}ContentTypeCode" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}CustomizationID" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}ProfileID" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}ProfileExecutionID" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}HandlingServiceID" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}ValidationTypeCode" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}ValidationVersionID" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}InstanceEncryptionIndicator"/>
             <element ref="{}InstanceEncryptionMethod" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}InstanceHashValue" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}InstanceDecryptionInformationExternalReference" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}InstanceDecryptionKeyExternalReference" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}RelevantExternalReference" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element ref="{}PayloadExternalReference" minOccurs="0"/>
             <element name="PayloadContent" type="{}PayloadContentType" minOccurs="0"/>

    This class was annotated by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-annotate

    This class contains methods created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-equalshashcode

    This class contains methods created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-tostring

    This class contains methods created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-list-extension

    This class contains methods created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-cloneable2

    This class contains methods created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • XHE10PayloadType

        public XHE10PayloadType()
        Default constructor
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
    • Method Detail

      • getDescription

        @ReturnsMutableObject("JAXB implementation style")
        public List<XHE10DescriptionType> getDescription()
        Gets the value of the description property.

        This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the Jakarta XML Binding object. This is why there is not a set method for the description property.

        For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


        Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list XHE10DescriptionType

        The value of the description property.
      • setInstanceDecryptionInformationExternalReference

        public void setInstanceDecryptionInformationExternalReference​(@Nullable
                                                                      XHE10ExternalReferenceType value)
        Sets the value of the instanceDecryptionInformationExternalReference property.
        value - allowed object is XHE10ExternalReferenceType
      • getRelevantExternalReference

        @ReturnsMutableObject("JAXB implementation style")
        public List<XHE10ExternalReferenceType> getRelevantExternalReference()
        Gets the value of the relevantExternalReference property.

        This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the Jakarta XML Binding object. This is why there is not a set method for the relevantExternalReference property.

        For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


        Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list XHE10ExternalReferenceType

        The value of the relevantExternalReference property.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-equalshashcode
        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-equalshashcode
        hashCode in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-tostring
        toString in class Object
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(@Nullable
                                   List<XHE10DescriptionType> aList)
        Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-list-extension
        aList - The new list member to set. May be null.
      • setRelevantExternalReference

        public void setRelevantExternalReference​(@Nullable
                                                 List<XHE10ExternalReferenceType> aList)
        Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-list-extension
        aList - The new list member to set. May be null.
      • hasDescriptionEntries

        public boolean hasDescriptionEntries()
        Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-list-extension
        true if at least one item is contained, false otherwise.
      • hasNoDescriptionEntries

        public boolean hasNoDescriptionEntries()
        Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-list-extension
        true if no item is contained, false otherwise.
      • getDescriptionCount

        public int getDescriptionCount()
        Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-list-extension
        The number of contained elements. Always ≥ 0.
      • addDescription

        public void addDescription​(@Nonnull
                                   XHE10DescriptionType elem)
        Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-list-extension
        elem - The element to be added. May not be null.
      • hasRelevantExternalReferenceEntries

        public boolean hasRelevantExternalReferenceEntries()
        Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-list-extension
        true if at least one item is contained, false otherwise.
      • hasNoRelevantExternalReferenceEntries

        public boolean hasNoRelevantExternalReferenceEntries()
        Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-list-extension
        true if no item is contained, false otherwise.
      • getRelevantExternalReferenceCount

        public int getRelevantExternalReferenceCount()
        Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-list-extension
        The number of contained elements. Always ≥ 0.
      • addRelevantExternalReference

        public void addRelevantExternalReference​(@Nonnull
                                                 XHE10ExternalReferenceType elem)
        Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-list-extension
        elem - The element to be added. May not be null.
      • cloneTo

        public void cloneTo​(@Nonnull
                            XHE10PayloadType ret)
        This method clones all values from this to the passed object. All data in the parameter object is overwritten!Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-cloneable2
        ret - The target object to clone to. May not be null.
      • clone

        public XHE10PayloadType clone()
        Created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-cloneable2
        Specified by:
        clone in interface com.helger.commons.lang.IExplicitlyCloneable
        clone in class Object
        The cloned object. Never null.
      • setID

        public XHE10IDType setID​(@Nullable
                                 String valueParam)
        Special setter with value of type String
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        valueParam - The value to be set. May be null.
        The created intermediary object of type XHE10IDType and never null
      • setDocumentTypeCode

        public XHE10DocumentTypeCodeType setDocumentTypeCode​(@Nullable
                                                             String valueParam)
        Special setter with value of type String
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        valueParam - The value to be set. May be null.
        The created intermediary object of type XHE10DocumentTypeCodeType and never null
      • setContentTypeCode

        public XHE10ContentTypeCodeType setContentTypeCode​(@Nullable
                                                           String valueParam)
        Special setter with value of type String
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        valueParam - The value to be set. May be null.
        The created intermediary object of type XHE10ContentTypeCodeType and never null
      • setCustomizationID

        public XHE10CustomizationIDType setCustomizationID​(@Nullable
                                                           String valueParam)
        Special setter with value of type String
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        valueParam - The value to be set. May be null.
        The created intermediary object of type XHE10CustomizationIDType and never null
      • setProfileID

        public XHE10ProfileIDType setProfileID​(@Nullable
                                               String valueParam)
        Special setter with value of type String
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        valueParam - The value to be set. May be null.
        The created intermediary object of type XHE10ProfileIDType and never null
      • setProfileExecutionID

        public XHE10ProfileExecutionIDType setProfileExecutionID​(@Nullable
                                                                 String valueParam)
        Special setter with value of type String
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        valueParam - The value to be set. May be null.
        The created intermediary object of type XHE10ProfileExecutionIDType and never null
      • setHandlingServiceID

        public XHE10HandlingServiceIDType setHandlingServiceID​(@Nullable
                                                               String valueParam)
        Special setter with value of type String
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        valueParam - The value to be set. May be null.
        The created intermediary object of type XHE10HandlingServiceIDType and never null
      • setValidationTypeCode

        public XHE10ValidationTypeCodeType setValidationTypeCode​(@Nullable
                                                                 String valueParam)
        Special setter with value of type String
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        valueParam - The value to be set. May be null.
        The created intermediary object of type XHE10ValidationTypeCodeType and never null
      • setValidationVersionID

        public XHE10ValidationVersionIDType setValidationVersionID​(@Nullable
                                                                   String valueParam)
        Special setter with value of type String
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        valueParam - The value to be set. May be null.
        The created intermediary object of type XHE10ValidationVersionIDType and never null
      • setInstanceEncryptionIndicator

        public XHE10InstanceEncryptionIndicatorType setInstanceEncryptionIndicator​(boolean valueParam)
        Special setter with value of type boolean
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        valueParam - The value to be set.
        The created intermediary object of type XHE10InstanceEncryptionIndicatorType and never null
      • setInstanceEncryptionMethod

        public XHE10InstanceEncryptionMethodType setInstanceEncryptionMethod​(@Nullable
                                                                             String valueParam)
        Special setter with value of type String
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        valueParam - The value to be set. May be null.
        The created intermediary object of type XHE10InstanceEncryptionMethodType and never null
      • setInstanceHashValue

        public XHE10InstanceHashValueType setInstanceHashValue​(@Nullable
                                                               String valueParam)
        Special setter with value of type String
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        valueParam - The value to be set. May be null.
        The created intermediary object of type XHE10InstanceHashValueType and never null
      • getIDValue

        public String getIDValue()
        Get the value of the contained XHE10IDType object
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        Either the value of the contained XHE10IDType object or null
      • getDocumentTypeCodeValue

        public String getDocumentTypeCodeValue()
        Get the value of the contained XHE10DocumentTypeCodeType object
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        Either the value of the contained XHE10DocumentTypeCodeType object or null
      • getContentTypeCodeValue

        public String getContentTypeCodeValue()
        Get the value of the contained XHE10ContentTypeCodeType object
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        Either the value of the contained XHE10ContentTypeCodeType object or null
      • getCustomizationIDValue

        public String getCustomizationIDValue()
        Get the value of the contained XHE10CustomizationIDType object
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        Either the value of the contained XHE10CustomizationIDType object or null
      • getProfileIDValue

        public String getProfileIDValue()
        Get the value of the contained XHE10ProfileIDType object
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        Either the value of the contained XHE10ProfileIDType object or null
      • getProfileExecutionIDValue

        public String getProfileExecutionIDValue()
        Get the value of the contained XHE10ProfileExecutionIDType object
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        Either the value of the contained XHE10ProfileExecutionIDType object or null
      • getHandlingServiceIDValue

        public String getHandlingServiceIDValue()
        Get the value of the contained XHE10HandlingServiceIDType object
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        Either the value of the contained XHE10HandlingServiceIDType object or null
      • getValidationTypeCodeValue

        public String getValidationTypeCodeValue()
        Get the value of the contained XHE10ValidationTypeCodeType object
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        Either the value of the contained XHE10ValidationTypeCodeType object or null
      • getValidationVersionIDValue

        public String getValidationVersionIDValue()
        Get the value of the contained XHE10ValidationVersionIDType object
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        Either the value of the contained XHE10ValidationVersionIDType object or null
      • isInstanceEncryptionIndicatorValue

        public boolean isInstanceEncryptionIndicatorValue​(boolean nullValue)
        Get the value of the contained XHE10InstanceEncryptionIndicatorType object
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        nullValue - The value to be returned, if the owning object is null
        Either the value of the contained XHE10InstanceEncryptionIndicatorType object or the passed nullValue
      • getInstanceEncryptionMethodValue

        public String getInstanceEncryptionMethodValue()
        Get the value of the contained XHE10InstanceEncryptionMethodType object
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        Either the value of the contained XHE10InstanceEncryptionMethodType object or null
      • getInstanceHashValueValue

        public String getInstanceHashValueValue()
        Get the value of the contained XHE10InstanceHashValueType object
        Note: automatically created by ph-jaxb-plugin -Xph-value-extender
        Either the value of the contained XHE10InstanceHashValueType object or null