Interface KinesisToMqttTransformer

  • Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface KinesisToMqttTransformer
    Implement this transformer for the programmatic creation of Publishes from InboundKinesisRecords. One instance of the implementing class is created per reference in the amazon-kinesis-configuration.xml. The methods of this interface may be called concurrently and must be thread-safe.

    Your implementation of the KinesisToMqttTransformer must be placed in a Java archive (.jar) together with all its dependencies in the customizations folder of the "HiveMQ Enterprise Extension for Amazon Kinesis". In addition, a <transformer> referencing the implementing class via its canonical name must be configured in the amazon-kinesis-configuration.xml file.
