Uses of Class

Packages that use DateFormat.Field Extensions and enhancements to java.text to support unicode transforms, UnicodeSet, surrogate char utilities, UCA collation, normalization, break iteration (rule and dictionary based), enhanced number format, international string searching, and arabic shaping. 

Uses of DateFormat.Field in

Subclasses of DateFormat.Field in
static class ChineseDateFormat.Field
          The instances of this inner class are used as attribute keys and values in AttributedCharacterIterator that ChineseDateFormat.formatToCharacterIterator() method returns.

Fields in declared as DateFormat.Field
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.AM_PM
          Constant identifying the time of day indicator(am/pm).
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.DAY_OF_MONTH
          Constant identifying the day of month field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.DAY_OF_WEEK
          Constant identifying the day of week field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH
          Constant identifying the day of week in month field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.DAY_OF_YEAR
          Constant identifying the day of year field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.DOW_LOCAL
          Constant identifying the local day of week field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.ERA
          Constant identifying the era field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.EXTENDED_YEAR
          Constant identifying the extended year field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.HOUR_OF_DAY0
          Constant identifying the hour(0-23) of day field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.HOUR_OF_DAY1
          Constant identifying the hour(1-24) of day field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.HOUR0
          Constant identifying the hour(0-11) field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.HOUR1
          Constant identifying the hour(1-12) field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.JULIAN_DAY
          Constant identifying the Julian day field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.MILLISECOND
          Constant identifying the millisecond field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY
          Constant identifying the milliseconds in day field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.MINUTE
          Constant identifying the minute field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.MONTH
          Constant identifying the month field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.QUARTER
          Constant identifying the quarter field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.SECOND
          Constant identifying the second field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.TIME_ZONE
          Constant identifying the time zone field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.WEEK_OF_MONTH
          Constant identifying the week of month field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.WEEK_OF_YEAR
          Constant identifying the week of year field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.YEAR
          Constant identifying the year field.
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.YEAR_WOY
          Constant identifying the year used with week of year field.

Methods in that return DateFormat.Field
static DateFormat.Field DateFormat.Field.ofCalendarField(int calendarField)
          Returns the Field constant that corresponds to the Calendar field calendarField.
static DateFormat.Field ChineseDateFormat.Field.ofCalendarField(int calendarField)
          Returns the Field constant that corresponds to the ChineseCalendar field calendarField.
protected  DateFormat.Field ChineseDateFormat.patternCharToDateFormatField(char ch)
          Returns a DateFormat.Field constant associated with the specified format pattern character.
protected  DateFormat.Field SimpleDateFormat.patternCharToDateFormatField(char ch)
          Returns a DateFormat.Field constant associated with the specified format pattern character.

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