Class UnicodeFilter

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class UnicodeFilter
extends Object
implements UnicodeMatcher

UnicodeFilter defines a protocol for selecting a subset of the full range (U+0000 to U+FFFF) of Unicode characters. Currently, filters are used in conjunction with classes like Transliterator to only process selected characters through a transformation.

Stable ICU 2.0.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
protected UnicodeFilter()
          Deprecated. This API is ICU internal only.
Method Summary
abstract  boolean contains(int c)
          Returns true for characters that are in the selected subset.
 int matches(Replaceable text, int[] offset, int limit, boolean incremental)
          Default implementation of UnicodeMatcher::matches() for Unicode filters.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
addMatchSetTo, matchesIndexValue, toPattern

Constructor Detail


protected UnicodeFilter()
Deprecated. This API is ICU internal only.

(This should not be here; it is declared to make CheckTags happy. Java inserts a synthetic constructor and CheckTags can't tell that it's synthetic.)

Internal. This API is ICU internal only.
Method Detail


public abstract boolean contains(int c)
Returns true for characters that are in the selected subset. In other words, if a character is to be filtered, then contains() returns false.

Stable ICU 2.0.


public int matches(Replaceable text,
                   int[] offset,
                   int limit,
                   boolean incremental)
Default implementation of UnicodeMatcher::matches() for Unicode filters. Matches a single 16-bit code unit at offset.

Specified by:
matches in interface UnicodeMatcher
text - the text to be matched
offset - on input, the index into text at which to begin matching. On output, the limit of the matched text. The number of matched characters is the output value of offset minus the input value. Offset should always point to the HIGH SURROGATE (leading code unit) of a pair of surrogates, both on entry and upon return.
limit - the limit index of text to be matched. Greater than offset for a forward direction match, less than offset for a backward direction match. The last character to be considered for matching will be text.charAt(limit-1) in the forward direction or text.charAt(limit+1) in the backward direction.
incremental - if TRUE, then assume further characters may be inserted at limit and check for partial matching. Otherwise assume the text as given is complete.
a match degree value indicating a full match, a partial match, or a mismatch. If incremental is FALSE then U_PARTIAL_MATCH should never be returned.
Stable ICU 2.0.

Copyright (c) 2010 IBM Corporation and others.