Uses of Class

Packages that use UCharacterIterator Extensions and enhancements to java.text to support unicode transforms, UnicodeSet, surrogate char utilities, UCA collation, normalization, break iteration (rule and dictionary based), enhanced number format, international string searching, and arabic shaping. 

Uses of UCharacterIterator in

Methods in that return UCharacterIterator
static UCharacterIterator UCharacterIterator.getInstance(char[] source)
          Returns a UCharacterIterator object given a source character array.
static UCharacterIterator UCharacterIterator.getInstance(char[] source, int start, int limit)
          Returns a UCharacterIterator object given a source character array.
static UCharacterIterator UCharacterIterator.getInstance(CharacterIterator source)
          Returns a UCharacterIterator object given a CharacterIterator.
static UCharacterIterator UCharacterIterator.getInstance(Replaceable source)
          Returns a UCharacterIterator object given a Replaceable object.
static UCharacterIterator UCharacterIterator.getInstance(String source)
          Returns a UCharacterIterator object given a source string.
static UCharacterIterator UCharacterIterator.getInstance(StringBuffer source)
          Returns a UCharacterIterator object given a source StringBuffer.

Methods in with parameters of type UCharacterIterator
static int s1, UCharacterIterator s2, int options)
          IDNA2003: Compare two IDN strings for equivalence.
static StringBuffer IDNA.convertIDNToASCII(UCharacterIterator src, int options)
          IDNA2003: Convenience function that implements the IDNToASCII operation as defined in the IDNA RFC.
static StringBuffer IDNA.convertIDNToUnicode(UCharacterIterator src, int options)
          IDNA2003: Convenience function that implements the IDNToUnicode operation as defined in the IDNA RFC.
static StringBuffer IDNA.convertToASCII(UCharacterIterator src, int options)
          IDNA2003: This function implements the ToASCII operation as defined in the IDNA RFC.
static StringBuffer IDNA.convertToUnicode(UCharacterIterator src, int options)
          IDNA2003: Function that implements the ToUnicode operation as defined in the IDNA RFC.
 CollationElementIterator RuleBasedCollator.getCollationElementIterator(UCharacterIterator source)
          Return a CollationElementIterator for the given UCharacterIterator.
 StringBuffer StringPrep.prepare(UCharacterIterator src, int options)
          Prepare the input buffer for use in applications with the given profile.
 void CollationElementIterator.setText(UCharacterIterator source)
          Set a new source string iterator for iteration, and reset the offset to the beginning of the text.
 void Normalizer.setText(UCharacterIterator newText)
          Set the input text over which this Normalizer will iterate.

Constructors in with parameters of type UCharacterIterator
Normalizer(UCharacterIterator iter, Normalizer.Mode mode, int options)
          Creates a new Normalizer object for iterating over the normalized form of the given text.

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