Uses of Class

Packages that use NumberFormat Extensions and enhancements to java.text to support unicode transforms, UnicodeSet, surrogate char utilities, UCA collation, normalization, break iteration (rule and dictionary based), enhanced number format, international string searching, and arabic shaping. International calendars and other utility classes. 

Uses of NumberFormat in

Subclasses of NumberFormat in
 class DecimalFormat
          [icu enhancement] ICU's replacement for java.text.DecimalFormat.
 class RuleBasedNumberFormat
          A class that formats numbers according to a set of rules.

Fields in declared as NumberFormat
protected  NumberFormat DateFormat.numberFormat
          The number formatter that DateFormat uses to format numbers in dates and times.

Methods in that return NumberFormat
 NumberFormat NumberFormat.NumberFormatFactory.createFormat(Locale loc, int formatType)
          Returns a number format of the appropriate type.
 NumberFormat NumberFormat.NumberFormatFactory.createFormat(ULocale loc, int formatType)
          Returns a number format of the appropriate type.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance()
          Returns a currency format for the current default locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale inLocale)
          Returns a currency format for the specified locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(ULocale inLocale)
          [icu] Returns a currency format for the specified locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getInstance()
          Returns the default number format for the current default locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getInstance(int style)
          [icu] Returns a specific style number format for default locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale inLocale)
          Returns the default number format for the specified locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale inLocale, int style)
          [icu] Returns a specific style number format for a specific locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getInstance(ULocale inLocale)
          [icu] Returns the default number format for the specified locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getInstance(ULocale desiredLocale, int choice)
          Returns a specific style number format for a specific locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance()
          Returns an integer number format for the current default locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(Locale inLocale)
          Returns an integer number format for the specified locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(ULocale inLocale)
          [icu] Returns an integer number format for the specified locale.
 NumberFormat DateFormat.getNumberFormat()
          Returns the number formatter which this date/time formatter uses to format and parse a time.
protected  NumberFormat SimpleDateFormat.getNumberFormat(char ch)
          Deprecated. This API is ICU internal only.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getNumberInstance()
          Returns a general-purpose number format for the current default locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale inLocale)
          Returns a general-purpose number format for the specified locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(ULocale inLocale)
          [icu] Returns a general-purpose number format for the specified locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getPercentInstance()
          Returns a percentage format for the current default locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(Locale inLocale)
          Returns a percentage format for the specified locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(ULocale inLocale)
          [icu] Returns a percentage format for the specified locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getScientificInstance()
          [icu] Returns a scientific format for the current default locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getScientificInstance(Locale inLocale)
          [icu] Returns a scientific format for the specified locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getScientificInstance(ULocale inLocale)
          [icu] Returns a scientific format for the specified locale.

Methods in with parameters of type NumberFormat
 void PluralFormat.setNumberFormat(NumberFormat format)
          Sets the number format used by this formatter.
 void DateFormat.setNumberFormat(NumberFormat newNumberFormat)
          Sets the number formatter.
 void SimpleDateFormat.setNumberFormat(NumberFormat newNumberFormat)
          Overrides superclass method
 TimeUnitFormat TimeUnitFormat.setNumberFormat(NumberFormat format)
          Set the format used for formatting or parsing.
protected  void SimpleDateFormat.zeroPaddingNumber(NumberFormat nf, StringBuffer buf, int value, int minDigits, int maxDigits)
          Deprecated. This API is ICU internal only.

Uses of NumberFormat in

Methods in that return NumberFormat
 NumberFormat GlobalizationPreferences.getNumberFormat(int style)
          Gets a number format according to the current settings.
protected  NumberFormat GlobalizationPreferences.guessNumberFormat(int style)
          This function can be overridden by subclasses to use different heuristics.

Methods in with parameters of type NumberFormat
 GlobalizationPreferences GlobalizationPreferences.setNumberFormat(int style, NumberFormat format)
          Sets a number format explicitly.

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