Class BigDecimal

  extended by java.lang.Number
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<BigDecimal>

public class BigDecimal
extends Number
implements Serializable, Comparable<BigDecimal>

The BigDecimal class implements immutable arbitrary-precision decimal numbers. The methods of the BigDecimal class provide operations for fixed and floating point arithmetic, comparison, format conversions, and hashing.

As the numbers are decimal, there is an exact correspondence between an instance of a BigDecimal object and its String representation; the BigDecimal class provides direct conversions to and from String and character array (char[]) objects, as well as conversions to and from the Java primitive types (which may not be exact) and BigInteger.

In the descriptions of constructors and methods in this documentation, the value of a BigDecimal number object is shown as the result of invoking the toString() method on the object. The internal representation of a decimal number is neither defined nor exposed, and is not permitted to affect the result of any operation.

The floating point arithmetic provided by this class is defined by the ANSI X3.274-1996 standard, and is also documented at
[This URL will change.]

Operator methods

Operations on BigDecimal numbers are controlled by a MathContext object, which provides the context (precision and other information) for the operation. Methods that can take a MathContext parameter implement the standard arithmetic operators for BigDecimal objects and are known as operator methods. The default settings provided by the constant MathContext.DEFAULT (digits=9, form=SCIENTIFIC, lostDigits=false, roundingMode=ROUND_HALF_UP) perform general-purpose floating point arithmetic to nine digits of precision. The MathContext parameter must not be null.

Each operator method also has a version provided which does not take a MathContext parameter. For this version of each method, the context settings used are digits=0, form=PLAIN, lostDigits=false, roundingMode=ROUND_HALF_UP; these settings perform fixed point arithmetic with unlimited precision, as defined for the original BigDecimal class in Java 1.1 and Java 1.2.

For monadic operators, only the optional MathContext parameter is present; the operation acts upon the current object.

For dyadic operators, a BigDecimal parameter is always present; it must not be null. The operation acts with the current object being the left-hand operand and the BigDecimal parameter being the right-hand operand.

For example, adding two BigDecimal objects referred to by the names award and extra could be written as any of:

award.add(extra, MathContext.DEFAULT)
award.add(extra, acontext)

(where acontext is a MathContext object), which would return a BigDecimal object whose value is the result of adding award and extra under the appropriate context settings.

When a BigDecimal operator method is used, a set of rules define what the result will be (and, by implication, how the result would be represented as a character string). These rules are defined in the BigDecimal arithmetic documentation (see the URL above), but in summary: