



package scalatest

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait EitherMatchers extends AnyRef
  2. trait EitherValues extends AnyRef
  3. trait NonEmptyListScalaTestInstances extends AnyRef
  4. trait ValidatedMatchers extends AnyRef
  5. trait ValidatedValues extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object EitherMatchers extends EitherMatchers

    Import singleton in case you prefer to import rather than mix in.

    Import singleton in case you prefer to import rather than mix in.

    import EitherMatchers._
    result should beRight(100)
  2. object EitherValues extends EitherValues

    Companion object for easy importing – rather than mixing in – to allow EitherValues operations.

    Companion object for easy importing – rather than mixing in – to allow EitherValues operations.

    This will permit you to invoke a value method on an instance of a scala.util.Either, which attempts to unwrap the Valid.

    Similar to org.scalatest.OptionValues.Valuable

    Meant to allow you to make statements like:

      result.value should be > 15

    Where it only matches if result is both an Either.Vaild and has a value > 15.

    Otherwise your test will fail, indicating that it was an Invalid instead of Valid

    See also


  3. object NonEmptyListScalaTestInstances extends NonEmptyListScalaTestInstances

    Companion object for easy importing – rather than mixing in.

  4. object ValidatedMatchers extends ValidatedMatchers

    Import singleton in case you prefer to import rather than mix in.

    Import singleton in case you prefer to import rather than mix in.

    import ValidatedMatchers._
    result should beValid (100)
  5. object ValidatedValues extends ValidatedValues

    Companion object for easy importing – rather than mixing in – to allow ValidatedValues operations.

    Companion object for easy importing – rather than mixing in – to allow ValidatedValues operations.

    This will permit you to invoke a value method on an instance of a, which attempts to unwrap the Validated.Valid

    Similar to org.scalatest.OptionValues.Valuable

    Meant to allow you to make statements like:

      result.value should be > 15

    Where it only matches if result is both valid and greater than 15.

    Otherwise your test will fail, indicating that it was an Invalid instead of Valid

    See also

