


package bucky

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. bucky
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AmqpClient[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  2. case class AmqpClientConfig(host: String, port: Int, username: String, password: String, networkRecoveryInterval: Option[FiniteDuration] = Some(3.seconds), networkRecoveryIntervalOnStart: Option[NetworkRecoveryOnStart] = Some(NetworkRecoveryOnStart()), publishingTimeout: FiniteDuration = 15.seconds, virtualHost: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    AmqpClient configuration.

  3. type Bindings = PartialFunction[RoutingKey, QueueName]
  4. trait Channel[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  5. implicit class ConsumerSugar[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  6. implicit class DeclareSugar[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  7. class DeliveryUnmarshalHandler[F[_], T, S] extends (Delivery) ⇒ F[S] with StrictLogging
  8. type DeliveryUnmarshaller[T] = Unmarshaller[Delivery, T]
  9. case class Envelope(deliveryTag: Long, redeliver: Boolean, exchangeName: ExchangeName, routingKey: RoutingKey) extends Product with Serializable
  10. case class ExchangeName(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
  11. type Handler[F[_], -T] = (T) ⇒ F[ConsumeAction]
  12. implicit class LoggingSyntax[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  13. case class NetworkRecoveryOnStart(interval: FiniteDuration = 3.seconds, max: FiniteDuration = 3.seconds) extends Product with Serializable
  14. class Payload extends AnyRef
  15. trait PayloadMarshaller[-T] extends (T) ⇒ Payload
  16. type PayloadUnmarshaller[T] = Unmarshaller[Payload, T]
  17. type Publisher[F[_], -T] = (T) ⇒ F[Unit]
  18. implicit class PublisherSugar[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  19. type PublisherWithHeaders[F[_], -T] = (T, Map[String, AnyRef]) ⇒ F[Unit]
  20. case class QueueName(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
  21. type RequeueHandler[F[_], -T] = (T) ⇒ F[RequeueConsumeAction]
  22. case class RoutingKey(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
  23. case class UnmarshalFailure(message: String, cause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends Exception with Product with Serializable
  24. class UnmarshalFailureAction[F[_], T] extends StrictLogging
  25. type UnmarshalResult[T] = Either[Throwable, T]
  26. trait Unmarshaller[U, T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. val defaultPreFetchCount: Int
  2. def publishCommandBuilder[T](marshaller: PayloadMarshaller[T]): NothingSet[T]
  3. object AmqpClient extends StrictLogging
  4. object Channel
  5. object Envelope extends Serializable
  6. object LoggingAmqpClient extends StrictLogging
  7. object MessagePropertiesConverters
  8. object Payload
  9. object PayloadMarshaller
  10. object Unmarshaller

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
