See theCountry companion object
sealed abstract class Country(val entryName: String) extends EnumEntry


trait EnumEntry
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object Afghanistan.type
object AlandIslands.type
object Albania.type
object Algeria.type
object AmericanSamoa.type
object Andorra.type
object Angola.type
object Anguilla.type
object Antarctica.type
object AntiguaAndBarbuda.type
object Argentina.type
object Armenia.type
object Aruba.type
object Australia.type
object Austria.type
object Azerbaijan.type
object Bahamas.type
object Bahrain.type
object Bangladesh.type
object Barbados.type
object Belarus.type
object Belgium.type
object Belize.type
object Benin.type
object Bermuda.type
object Bhutan.type
object Bolivia.type
object BosniaAndHerzegovina.type
object Botswana.type
object BouvetIsland.type
object Brazil.type
object BritishVirginIslands.type
object Brunei.type
object Bulgaria.type
object BurkinaFaso.type
object Burundi.type
object Cambodia.type
object Cameroon.type
object Canada.type
object CapeVerde.type
object CaribbeanNetherlands.type
object CaymanIslands.type
object Chad.type
object Chile.type
object China.type
object ChristmasIsland.type
object CocosIslands.type
object Colombia.type
object Comoros.type
object CongoBrazzaville.type
object CongoKinshasa.type
object CookIslands.type
object CostaRica.type
object CoteDivoire.type
object Croatia.type
object Cuba.type
object Curacao.type
object Cyprus.type
object Czechia.type
object Denmark.type
object Djibouti.type
object Dominica.type
object DominicanRepublic.type
object Ecuador.type
object Egypt.type
object ElSalvador.type
object EquatorialGuinea.type
object Eritrea.type
object Estonia.type
object Eswatini.type
object Ethiopia.type
object FalklandIslands.type
object FaroeIslands.type
object Fiji.type
object Finland.type
object France.type
object FrenchGuiana.type
object FrenchPolynesia.type
object Gabon.type
object Gambia.type
object Georgia.type
object Germany.type
object Ghana.type
object Gibraltar.type
object Greece.type
object Greenland.type
object Grenada.type
object Guadeloupe.type
object Guam.type
object Guatemala.type
object Guernsey.type
object Guinea.type
object GuineaBissau.type
object Guyana.type
object Haiti.type
object Honduras.type
object HongKong.type
object Hungary.type
object Iceland.type
object India.type
object Indonesia.type
object Iran.type
object Iraq.type
object Ireland.type
object IsleOfMan.type
object Israel.type
object Italy.type
object Jamaica.type
object Japan.type
object Jersey.type
object Jordan.type
object Kazakhstan.type
object Kenya.type
object Kiribati.type
object Kuwait.type
object Kyrgyzstan.type
object Laos.type
object Latvia.type
object Lebanon.type
object Lesotho.type
object Liberia.type
object Libya.type
object Liechtenstein.type
object Lithuania.type
object Luxembourg.type
object Macao.type
object Madagascar.type
object Malawi.type
object Malaysia.type
object Maldives.type
object Mali.type
object Malta.type
object MarshallIslands.type
object Martinique.type
object Mauritania.type
object Mauritius.type
object Mayotte.type
object Mexico.type
object Micronesia.type
object Moldova.type
object Monaco.type
object Mongolia.type
object Montenegro.type
object Montserrat.type
object Morocco.type
object Mozambique.type
object Myanmar.type
object Namibia.type
object Nauru.type
object Nepal.type
object Netherlands.type
object NewCaledonia.type
object NewZealand.type
object Nicaragua.type
object Niger.type
object Nigeria.type
object Niue.type
object NorfolkIsland.type
object NorthKorea.type
object NorthMacedonia.type
object Norway.type
object Oman.type
object Pakistan.type
object Palau.type
object Panama.type
object PapuaNewGuinea.type
object Paraguay.type
object Peru.type
object Philippines.type
object PitcairnIslands.type
object Poland.type
object Portugal.type
object PuertoRico.type
object Qatar.type
object Reunion.type
object Romania.type
object Russia.type
object Rwanda.type
object SaintBarthelemy.type
object SaintHelena.type
object SaintKittsAndNevis.type
object SaintLucia.type
object SaintMartin.type
object Samoa.type
object SanMarino.type
object SaoTomeAndPrincipe.type
object SaudiArabia.type
object Senegal.type
object Serbia.type
object Seychelles.type
object SierraLeone.type
object Singapore.type
object SintMaarten.type
object Slovakia.type
object Slovenia.type
object SolomonIslands.type
object Somalia.type
object SouthAfrica.type
object SouthKorea.type
object SouthSudan.type
object Spain.type
object SriLanka.type
object Sudan.type
object Suriname.type
object SvalbardAndJanMayen.type
object Sweden.type
object Switzerland.type
object Syria.type
object Taiwan.type
object Tajikistan.type
object Tanzania.type
object Thailand.type
object TimorLeste.type
object Togo.type
object Tokelau.type
object Tonga.type
object TrinidadAndTobago.type
object Tunisia.type
object Turkey.type
object Turkmenistan.type
object TurksAndCaicosIslands.type
object Tuvalu.type
object Uganda.type
object Ukraine.type
object UnitedArabEmirates.type
object UnitedKingdom.type
object UnitedStates.type
object Uruguay.type
object Uzbekistan.type
object Vanuatu.type
object VaticanCity.type
object Venezuela.type
object Vietnam.type
object WallisAndFutuna.type
object WesternSahara.type
object Yemen.type
object Zambia.type
object Zimbabwe.type
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Value members

Concrete fields

override val entryName: String

String representation of this Enum Entry.

String representation of this Enum Entry.

Override in your implementation if needed
