
public class InternalApi
extends java.lang.Object
  • Constructor Details

    • InternalApi

      public InternalApi​(InternalApi delegate)
  • Method Details

    • getDelegate

      public InternalApi getDelegate()
    • deleteTxFromMempool

      public void deleteTxFromMempool​(java.lang.String hash, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<InlineResponse200>> resultHandler)
      Delete a pending transaction from the mempool
      hash - The hash of the transaction (required)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxDeleteTxFromMempool

      public io.reactivex.Single<InlineResponse200> rxDeleteTxFromMempool​(java.lang.String hash)
      Delete a pending transaction from the mempool
      hash - The hash of the transaction (required)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • dryRunTxs

      public void dryRunTxs​(DryRunInput dryRunInput, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<DryRunResults>> resultHandler)
      Dry-run transactions on top of a given block. Supports all TXs except GAMetaTx, PayingForTx and OffchainTx
      dryRunInput - transactions (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxDryRunTxs

      public io.reactivex.Single<DryRunResults> rxDryRunTxs​(DryRunInput dryRunInput, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Dry-run transactions on top of a given block. Supports all TXs except GAMetaTx, PayingForTx and OffchainTx
      dryRunInput - transactions (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • getCheckTxInPool

      public void getCheckTxInPool​(java.lang.String hash, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<CheckTxInPoolResponse>> resultHandler)
      Check if a transaction in the pool can be included in a microblock or if it is blocked by something: not enough tokens, missing nonce or something else
      hash - The hash of the transaction (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxGetCheckTxInPool

      public io.reactivex.Single<CheckTxInPoolResponse> rxGetCheckTxInPool​(java.lang.String hash, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Check if a transaction in the pool can be included in a microblock or if it is blocked by something: not enough tokens, missing nonce or something else
      hash - The hash of the transaction (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • getCommitmentId

      public void getCommitmentId​(java.lang.String name, java.math.BigInteger salt, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<CommitmentId>> resultHandler)
      Compute commitment ID for a given salt and name
      name - Name (required)
      salt - Salt (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxGetCommitmentId

      public io.reactivex.Single<CommitmentId> rxGetCommitmentId​(java.lang.String name, java.math.BigInteger salt, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Compute commitment ID for a given salt and name
      name - Name (required)
      salt - Salt (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • getNetworkStatus

      public void getNetworkStatus​(java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​PeerDetails>>> resultHandler)
      Get detailed analytics on peers
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxGetNetworkStatus

      public io.reactivex.Single<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​PeerDetails>> rxGetNetworkStatus​(java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get detailed analytics on peers
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • getNodeBeneficiary

      public void getNodeBeneficiary​(io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<PubKey>> resultHandler)
      Get node's beneficiary public key
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxGetNodeBeneficiary

      public io.reactivex.Single<PubKey> rxGetNodeBeneficiary()
      Get node's beneficiary public key
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • getNodePubkey

      public void getNodePubkey​(java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<PubKey>> resultHandler)
      Get node's public key
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxGetNodePubkey

      public io.reactivex.Single<PubKey> rxGetNodePubkey​(java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get node's public key
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • getPeers

      public void getPeers​(java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<Peers>> resultHandler)
      Get node Peers
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxGetPeers

      public io.reactivex.Single<Peers> rxGetPeers​(java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get node Peers
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • getPendingTransactions

      public void getPendingTransactions​(java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<SignedTxs>> resultHandler)
      Get pending transactions
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxGetPendingTransactions

      public io.reactivex.Single<SignedTxs> rxGetPendingTransactions​(java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get pending transactions
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • getTokenSupplyByHeight

      public void getTokenSupplyByHeight​(java.math.BigInteger height, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<TokenSupply>> resultHandler)
      Get total token supply at height
      height - The height (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxGetTokenSupplyByHeight

      public io.reactivex.Single<TokenSupply> rxGetTokenSupplyByHeight​(java.math.BigInteger height, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get total token supply at height
      height - The height (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postChannelCloseMutual

      public void postChannelCloseMutual​(ChannelCloseMutualTx channelCloseMutualTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a channel_close_mutual transaction object
      channelCloseMutualTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostChannelCloseMutual

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostChannelCloseMutual​(ChannelCloseMutualTx channelCloseMutualTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a channel_close_mutual transaction object
      channelCloseMutualTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postChannelCloseSolo

      public void postChannelCloseSolo​(ChannelCloseSoloTx channelCloseSoloTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a channel_close_solo transaction object
      channelCloseSoloTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostChannelCloseSolo

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostChannelCloseSolo​(ChannelCloseSoloTx channelCloseSoloTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a channel_close_solo transaction object
      channelCloseSoloTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postChannelCreate

      public void postChannelCreate​(ChannelCreateTx channelCreateTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a channel_create transaction object
      channelCreateTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostChannelCreate

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostChannelCreate​(ChannelCreateTx channelCreateTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a channel_create transaction object
      channelCreateTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postChannelDeposit

      public void postChannelDeposit​(ChannelDepositTx channelDepositTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a channel_deposit transaction object
      channelDepositTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostChannelDeposit

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostChannelDeposit​(ChannelDepositTx channelDepositTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a channel_deposit transaction object
      channelDepositTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postChannelSetDelegates

      public void postChannelSetDelegates​(ChannelSetDelegatesTx channelSetDelegatesTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a channel_set_delegates_tx transaction object
      channelSetDelegatesTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostChannelSetDelegates

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostChannelSetDelegates​(ChannelSetDelegatesTx channelSetDelegatesTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a channel_set_delegates_tx transaction object
      channelSetDelegatesTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postChannelSettle

      public void postChannelSettle​(ChannelSettleTx channelSettleTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a channel_settle transaction object
      channelSettleTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostChannelSettle

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostChannelSettle​(ChannelSettleTx channelSettleTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a channel_settle transaction object
      channelSettleTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postChannelSlash

      public void postChannelSlash​(ChannelSlashTx channelSlashTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a channel_slash transaction object
      channelSlashTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostChannelSlash

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostChannelSlash​(ChannelSlashTx channelSlashTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a channel_slash transaction object
      channelSlashTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postChannelSnapshotSolo

      public void postChannelSnapshotSolo​(ChannelSnapshotSoloTx channelSnapshotSoloTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a channel_snapshot_solo transaction object
      channelSnapshotSoloTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostChannelSnapshotSolo

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostChannelSnapshotSolo​(ChannelSnapshotSoloTx channelSnapshotSoloTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a channel_snapshot_solo transaction object
      channelSnapshotSoloTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postChannelWithdraw

      public void postChannelWithdraw​(ChannelWithdrawTx channelWithdrawTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a channel_withdrawal transaction object
      channelWithdrawTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostChannelWithdraw

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostChannelWithdraw​(ChannelWithdrawTx channelWithdrawTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a channel_withdrawal transaction object
      channelWithdrawTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postContractCall

      public void postContractCall​(ContractCallTx contractCallTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a contract_call transaction object
      contractCallTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostContractCall

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostContractCall​(ContractCallTx contractCallTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a contract_call transaction object
      contractCallTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postContractCreate

      public void postContractCreate​(ContractCreateTx contractCreateTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<CreateContractUnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a contract_create transaction object
      contractCreateTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostContractCreate

      public io.reactivex.Single<CreateContractUnsignedTx> rxPostContractCreate​(ContractCreateTx contractCreateTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a contract_create transaction object
      contractCreateTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postKeyBlock

      public void postKeyBlock​(KeyBlock keyBlock, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<java.lang.Void>> resultHandler)
      Post a mined key block
      keyBlock - Mined key block (required)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostKeyBlock

      public io.reactivex.Single<java.lang.Void> rxPostKeyBlock​(KeyBlock keyBlock)
      Post a mined key block
      keyBlock - Mined key block (required)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postNameClaim

      public void postNameClaim​(NameClaimTx nameClaimTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a name_claim transaction object
      nameClaimTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostNameClaim

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostNameClaim​(NameClaimTx nameClaimTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a name_claim transaction object
      nameClaimTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postNamePreclaim

      public void postNamePreclaim​(NamePreclaimTx namePreclaimTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a name_preclaim transaction object
      namePreclaimTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostNamePreclaim

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostNamePreclaim​(NamePreclaimTx namePreclaimTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a name_preclaim transaction object
      namePreclaimTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postNameRevoke

      public void postNameRevoke​(NameRevokeTx nameRevokeTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a name_revoke transaction object
      nameRevokeTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostNameRevoke

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostNameRevoke​(NameRevokeTx nameRevokeTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a name_revoke transaction object
      nameRevokeTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postNameTransfer

      public void postNameTransfer​(NameTransferTx nameTransferTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a name_transfer transaction object
      nameTransferTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostNameTransfer

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostNameTransfer​(NameTransferTx nameTransferTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a name_transfer transaction object
      nameTransferTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postNameUpdate

      public void postNameUpdate​(NameUpdateTx nameUpdateTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a name_update transaction object
      nameUpdateTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostNameUpdate

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostNameUpdate​(NameUpdateTx nameUpdateTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a name_update transaction object
      nameUpdateTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postOracleExtend

      public void postOracleExtend​(OracleExtendTx oracleExtendTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get an oracle_extend transaction object
      oracleExtendTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostOracleExtend

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostOracleExtend​(OracleExtendTx oracleExtendTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get an oracle_extend transaction object
      oracleExtendTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postOracleQuery

      public void postOracleQuery​(OracleQueryTx oracleQueryTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get an oracle_query transaction object
      oracleQueryTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostOracleQuery

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostOracleQuery​(OracleQueryTx oracleQueryTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get an oracle_query transaction object
      oracleQueryTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postOracleRegister

      public void postOracleRegister​(OracleRegisterTx oracleRegisterTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a oracle_register transaction object
      oracleRegisterTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostOracleRegister

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostOracleRegister​(OracleRegisterTx oracleRegisterTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a oracle_register transaction object
      oracleRegisterTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postOracleRespond

      public void postOracleRespond​(OracleRespondTx oracleRespondTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get an oracle_response transaction object
      oracleRespondTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostOracleRespond

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostOracleRespond​(OracleRespondTx oracleRespondTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get an oracle_response transaction object
      oracleRespondTx - (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postPayingFor

      public void postPayingFor​(PayingForTx payingForTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a paying-for transaction object
      payingForTx - A paying-for transaction (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostPayingFor

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostPayingFor​(PayingForTx payingForTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a paying-for transaction object
      payingForTx - A paying-for transaction (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • postSpend

      public void postSpend​(SpendTx spendTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString, io.vertx.core.Handler<io.vertx.core.AsyncResult<UnsignedTx>> resultHandler)
      Get a spend transaction object
      spendTx - A spend transaction (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      resultHandler - Asynchronous result handler
    • rxPostSpend

      public io.reactivex.Single<UnsignedTx> rxPostSpend​(SpendTx spendTx, java.lang.Boolean intAsString)
      Get a spend transaction object
      spendTx - A spend transaction (required)
      intAsString - If this flag is set to true, the response will have all integers set as strings (optional, default to false)
      Asynchronous result handler (RxJava Single)
    • newInstance

      public static InternalApi newInstance​(InternalApi arg)