Class LDConfig.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class LDConfig.Builder
    extends java.lang.Object
    A builder that helps construct LDConfig objects. Builder calls can be chained, enabling the following pattern:
     LDConfig config = new LDConfig.Builder()
    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
        Creates a builder with all configuration parameters set to the default
    • Method Detail

      • applicationInfo

        public LDConfig.Builder applicationInfo​(ApplicationInfoBuilder applicationInfoBuilder)
        Sets the SDK's application metadata, which may be used in LaunchDarkly analytics or other product features, but does not affect feature flag evaluations.

        This object is normally a configuration builder obtained from Components.applicationInfo(), which has methods for setting individual logging-related properties.

        applicationInfoBuilder - a configuration builder object returned by Components.applicationInfo()
        the builder
      • bigSegments

        public LDConfig.Builder bigSegments​(BigSegmentsConfigurationBuilder bigSegmentsConfigBuilder)
        Sets the configuration of the SDK's Big Segments feature.

        Big Segments are a specific type of user segments. For more information, read the LaunchDarkly documentation .

        If you are using this feature, you will normally specify a database implementation that matches how the LaunchDarkly Relay Proxy is configured, since the Relay Proxy manages the Big Segment data.

        By default, there is no implementation and Big Segments cannot be evaluated. In this case, any flag evaluation that references a Big Segment will behave as if no users are included in any Big Segments, and the EvaluationReason associated with any such flag evaluation will have a EvaluationReason.BigSegmentsStatus of EvaluationReason.BigSegmentsStatus.NOT_CONFIGURED.

             // This example uses the Redis integration
             LDConfig config = LDConfig.builder()
        bigSegmentsConfigBuilder - a configuration builder object returned by Components.bigSegments(BigSegmentStoreFactory).
        the builder
      • dataSource

        public LDConfig.Builder dataSource​(DataSourceFactory factory)
        Sets the implementation of the component that receives feature flag data from LaunchDarkly, using a factory object. Depending on the implementation, the factory may be a builder that allows you to set other configuration options as well.

        The default is Components.streamingDataSource(). You may instead use Components.pollingDataSource(), or a test fixture such as FileData.dataSource(). See those methods for details on how to configure them.

        factory - the factory object
        the builder
      • diagnosticOptOut

        public LDConfig.Builder diagnosticOptOut​(boolean diagnosticOptOut)
        Set to true to opt out of sending diagnostics data.

        Unless diagnosticOptOut is set to true, the client will send some diagnostics data to the LaunchDarkly servers in order to assist in the development of future SDK improvements. These diagnostics consist of an initial payload containing some details of SDK in use, the SDK's configuration, and the platform the SDK is being run on; as well as payloads sent periodically with information on irregular occurrences such as dropped events.

        diagnosticOptOut - true if you want to opt out of sending any diagnostics data
        the builder
        See Also:
      • offline

        public LDConfig.Builder offline​(boolean offline)
        Set whether this client is offline.

        In offline mode, the SDK will not make network connections to LaunchDarkly for any purpose. Feature flag data will only be available if it already exists in the data store, and analytics events will not be sent.

        This is equivalent to calling dataSource(Components.externalUpdatesOnly()) and events(Components.noEvents()). It overrides any other values you may have set for dataSource(DataSourceFactory) or events(EventProcessorFactory).

        offline - when set to true no calls to LaunchDarkly will be made
        the builder
      • startWait

        public LDConfig.Builder startWait​(java.time.Duration startWait)
        Set how long the constructor will block awaiting a successful connection to LaunchDarkly. Setting this to a zero or negative duration will not block and cause the constructor to return immediately.

        The default is LDConfig.DEFAULT_START_WAIT.

        startWait - maximum time to wait; null to use the default
        the builder
      • threadPriority

        public LDConfig.Builder threadPriority​(int threadPriority)
        Set the priority to use for all threads created by the SDK.

        By default, the SDK's worker threads use Thread.MIN_PRIORITY so that they will yield to application threads if the JVM is busy. You may increase this if you want the SDK to be prioritized over some other low-priority tasks.

        Values outside the range of [Thread.MIN_PRIORITY, Thread.MAX_PRIORITY] will be set to the minimum or maximum.

        threadPriority - the priority for SDK threads
        the builder
      • build

        public LDConfig build()
        Builds the configured LDConfig object.
        the LDConfig configured by this builder