Class Event

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    Event.AliasEvent, Event.Custom, Event.FeatureRequest, Event.Identify, Event.Index

    public class Event
    extends java.lang.Object
    Base class for all analytics events that are generated by the client. Also defines all of its own subclasses. Applications do not need to reference these types directly. They are used internally in analytics event processing, and are visible only to support writing a custom implementation of EventProcessor if desired.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Event

        public Event​(long creationDate,
                     LDUser user)
        Base event constructor.
        creationDate - the timestamp in milliseconds
        user - the user associated with the event
    • Method Detail

      • getCreationDate

        public long getCreationDate()
        The event timestamp.
        the timestamp in milliseconds
      • getUser

        public LDUser getUser()
        The user associated with the event.
        the user object