Class Event.FeatureRequest

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class Event.FeatureRequest
    extends Event
    An event generated by a feature flag evaluation.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      FeatureRequest​(long timestamp, java.lang.String key, LDUser user, int version, int variation, LDValue value, LDValue defaultVal, EvaluationReason reason, java.lang.String prereqOf, boolean trackEvents, long debugEventsUntilDate, boolean debug)
      Constructs a feature request event.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getContextKind()
      The context kind of the user that generated this event
      long getDebugEventsUntilDate()
      If debugging is enabled for this flag, the Unix millisecond time at which to stop debugging.
      LDValue getDefaultVal()
      The application default value used in the evaluation.
      java.lang.String getKey()
      The key of the feature flag that was evaluated.
      java.lang.String getPrereqOf()
      If this flag was evaluated as a prerequisite for another flag, the key of the other flag.
      EvaluationReason getReason()
      The EvaluationReason for this evaluation, or null if the reason was not requested for this evaluation.
      LDValue getValue()
      The value of the selected flag variation.
      int getVariation()
      The index of the selected flag variation, or -1 if the application default value was used.
      int getVersion()
      The version of the feature flag that was evaluated, or -1 if the flag was not found.
      boolean isDebug()
      True if this event was generated due to debugging being enabled.
      boolean isTrackEvents()
      True if full event tracking is enabled for this flag.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • FeatureRequest

        public FeatureRequest​(long timestamp,
                              java.lang.String key,
                              LDUser user,
                              int version,
                              int variation,
                              LDValue value,
                              LDValue defaultVal,
                              EvaluationReason reason,
                              java.lang.String prereqOf,
                              boolean trackEvents,
                              long debugEventsUntilDate,
                              boolean debug)
        Constructs a feature request event.
        timestamp - the timestamp in milliseconds
        key - the flag key
        user - the user associated with the event
        version - the flag version, or -1 if the flag was not found
        variation - the result variation, or -1 if there was an error
        value - the result value
        defaultVal - the default value passed by the application
        reason - the evaluation reason, if it is to be included in the event
        prereqOf - if this flag was evaluated as a prerequisite, this is the key of the flag that referenced it
        trackEvents - true if full event tracking is turned on for this flag
        debugEventsUntilDate - if non-null, the time until which event debugging should be enabled
        debug - true if this is a debugging event
    • Method Detail

      • getKey

        public java.lang.String getKey()
        The key of the feature flag that was evaluated.
        the flag key
      • getVariation

        public int getVariation()
        The index of the selected flag variation, or -1 if the application default value was used.
        zero-based index of the variation, or -1
      • getValue

        public LDValue getValue()
        The value of the selected flag variation.
        the value
      • getDefaultVal

        public LDValue getDefaultVal()
        The application default value used in the evaluation.
        the application default
      • getVersion

        public int getVersion()
        The version of the feature flag that was evaluated, or -1 if the flag was not found.
        the flag version or null
      • getPrereqOf

        public java.lang.String getPrereqOf()
        If this flag was evaluated as a prerequisite for another flag, the key of the other flag.
        a flag key or null
      • isTrackEvents

        public boolean isTrackEvents()
        True if full event tracking is enabled for this flag.
        true if full event tracking is on
      • getDebugEventsUntilDate

        public long getDebugEventsUntilDate()
        If debugging is enabled for this flag, the Unix millisecond time at which to stop debugging.
        a timestamp or zero
      • getReason

        public EvaluationReason getReason()
        The EvaluationReason for this evaluation, or null if the reason was not requested for this evaluation.
        a reason object or null
      • isDebug

        public boolean isDebug()
        True if this event was generated due to debugging being enabled.
        true if this is a debug event
      • getContextKind

        public java.lang.String getContextKind()
        The context kind of the user that generated this event
        the context kind