Class TestData.FlagBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • booleanFlag

        public TestData.FlagBuilder booleanFlag()
        A shortcut for setting the flag to use the standard boolean configuration.

        This is the default for all new flags created with TestData.flag(String). The flag will have two variations, true and false (in that order); it will return false whenever targeting is off, and true when targeting is on if no other settings specify otherwise.

        the builder
      • on

        public TestData.FlagBuilder on​(boolean on)
        Sets targeting to be on or off for this flag.

        The effect of this depends on the rest of the flag configuration, just as it does on the real LaunchDarkly dashboard. In the default configuration that you get from calling TestData.flag(String) with a new flag key, the flag will return false whenever targeting is off, and true when targeting is on.

        on - true if targeting should be on
        the builder
      • fallthroughVariation

        public TestData.FlagBuilder fallthroughVariation​(boolean value)
        Specifies the fallthrough variation for a boolean flag. The fallthrough is the value that is returned if targeting is on and the user was not matched by a more specific target or rule.

        If the flag was previously configured with other variations, this also changes it to a boolean flag.

        value - true if the flag should return true by default when targeting is on
        the builder
      • fallthroughVariation

        public TestData.FlagBuilder fallthroughVariation​(int variationIndex)
        Specifies the index of the fallthrough variation. The fallthrough is the variation that is returned if targeting is on and the user was not matched by a more specific target or rule.
        variationIndex - the desired fallthrough variation: 0 for the first, 1 for the second, etc.
        the builder
      • offVariation

        public TestData.FlagBuilder offVariation​(boolean value)
        Specifies the off variation for a boolean flag. This is the variation that is returned whenever targeting is off.
        value - true if the flag should return true when targeting is off
        the builder
      • offVariation

        public TestData.FlagBuilder offVariation​(int variationIndex)
        Specifies the index of the off variation. This is the variation that is returned whenever targeting is off.
        variationIndex - the desired off variation: 0 for the first, 1 for the second, etc.
        the builder
      • variationForAllUsers

        public TestData.FlagBuilder variationForAllUsers​(boolean variation)
        Sets the flag to always return the specified boolean variation for all users.

        VariationForAllUsers sets the flag to return the specified boolean variation by default for all users.

        Targeting is switched on, any existing targets or rules are removed, and the flag's variations are set to true and false. The fallthrough variation is set to the specified value. The off variation is left unchanged.

        variation - the desired true/false variation to be returned for all users
        the builder
      • variationForAllUsers

        public TestData.FlagBuilder variationForAllUsers​(int variationIndex)
        Sets the flag to always return the specified variation for all users.

        The variation is specified by number, out of whatever variation values have already been defined. Targeting is switched on, and any existing targets or rules are removed. The fallthrough variation is set to the specified value. The off variation is left unchanged.

        variationIndex - the desired variation: 0 for the first, 1 for the second, etc.
        the builder
      • valueForAllUsers

        public TestData.FlagBuilder valueForAllUsers​(LDValue value)
        Sets the flag to always return the specified variation value for all users.

        The value may be of any JSON type, as defined by LDValue. This method changes the flag to have only a single variation, which is this value, and to return the same variation regardless of whether targeting is on or off. Any existing targets or rules are removed.

        value - the desired value to be returned for all users
        the builder
      • variationForUser

        public TestData.FlagBuilder variationForUser​(java.lang.String userKey,
                                                     boolean variation)
        Sets the flag to return the specified boolean variation for a specific user key when targeting is on.

        This has no effect when targeting is turned off for the flag.

        If the flag was not already a boolean flag, this also changes it to a boolean flag.

        userKey - a user key
        variation - the desired true/false variation to be returned for this user when targeting is on
        the builder
      • variationForUser

        public TestData.FlagBuilder variationForUser​(java.lang.String userKey,
                                                     int variationIndex)
        Sets the flag to return the specified variation for a specific user key when targeting is on.

        This has no effect when targeting is turned off for the flag.

        The variation is specified by number, out of whatever variation values have already been defined.

        userKey - a user key
        variationIndex - the desired variation to be returned for this user when targeting is on: 0 for the first, 1 for the second, etc.
        the builder
      • variations

        public TestData.FlagBuilder variations​(LDValue... values)
        Changes the allowable variation values for the flag.

        The value may be of any JSON type, as defined by LDValue. For instance, a boolean flag normally has LDValue.of(true), LDValue.of(false); a string-valued flag might have LDValue.of("red"), LDValue.of("green"); etc.

        values - the desired variations
        the builder