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Lazy Result Library
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andThen(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface com.leakyabstractions.result.lazy.LazyConsumer
Returns a composed LazyConsumer that performs, in sequence, this lazy operation followed by the after operation.


com.leakyabstractions.result.lazy - package com.leakyabstractions.result.lazy
A Java library to handle success and failure without exceptions


LazyConsumer<T> - Interface in com.leakyabstractions.result.lazy
Represents an operation to be lazily performed with the success/failure value of a result.
LazyResults - Class in com.leakyabstractions.result.lazy
This class consists exclusively of static methods that return lazy Result instances.


of(Consumer<? super T>) - Static method in interface com.leakyabstractions.result.lazy.LazyConsumer
Creates a new lazy consumer based on a regular one.
ofSupplier(Supplier<Result<S, F>>) - Static method in class com.leakyabstractions.result.lazy.LazyResults
Creates a new lazy result based on the given result supplier.
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Lazy Result Library