package deployment

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class ApplicationDescriptor(appId: String, appVersion: String, streamlets: Vector[StreamletInstance], connections: Vector[Connection], deployments: Vector[StreamletDeployment], agentPaths: Map[String, String], version: String, libraryVersion: String) extends Product with Serializable

    A full description of all information required to deploy and operate a Cloudflow application.

    A full description of all information required to deploy and operate a Cloudflow application.

    Note: this class represents a wire format and therefore tries to minimize duplication of data

  2. trait ApplicationDescriptorJsonFormat extends StreamletDescriptorFormat with ConfigJsonFormat
  3. trait ConfigJsonFormat extends DefaultJsonProtocol
  4. trait ConfigMapData extends AnyRef
  5. final case class Connection(outletName: String, outletStreamletName: String, inletName: String, inletStreamletName: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Describes a connection between the outlet of one namedStreamletDescriptor instance and the inlet of another namedStreamletDescriptor instance.

    Describes a connection between the outlet of one namedStreamletDescriptor instance and the inlet of another namedStreamletDescriptor instance.

    Note: this class contains just enough information to find any remaining information, such as schema details, streamlet details, etc., in the master list of named streamlets by using the streamlet name and inlet/outlet name.

  6. final case class Endpoint(appId: String, streamlet: String, containerPort: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  7. case class PrometheusConfig(data: String) extends ConfigMapData with Product with Serializable
  8. case class RunnerConfig(data: String) extends ConfigMapData with Product with Serializable
  9. final case class Savepoint(appId: String, streamlet: String, outlet: String) extends Product with Serializable
  10. final case class StreamletDeployment(name: String, runtime: String, image: String, streamletName: String, className: String, endpoint: Option[Endpoint], secretName: String, config: Config, portMappings: Map[String, Savepoint], volumeMounts: Option[List[VolumeMountDescriptor]], replicas: Option[Int]) extends Product with Serializable

    Describes the deployable unit for a single streamlet instance, e.g.

    Describes the deployable unit for a single streamlet instance, e.g. everything required to deploy it.

  11. final case class StreamletInstance(name: String, descriptor: StreamletDescriptor) extends Product with Serializable

    Describes an instance of the specified streamlet descriptor.

    Describes an instance of the specified streamlet descriptor. This is the Descriptor counterpart of Streamlet, which is the application-level abstraction. The provided name is the name given in the application blueprint definition.

Value Members

  1. object ApplicationDescriptor extends Serializable
  2. object ApplicationDescriptorJsonFormat extends ApplicationDescriptorJsonFormat
  3. object Dns1123Formatter
  4. object PrometheusConfig extends DefaultJsonProtocol with Serializable
  5. object RunnerConfig extends DefaultJsonProtocol with Serializable
  6. object StreamletDeployment extends Serializable
