
class Compiler(dynamicClassPath: AbstractFile, initialClassPath: Seq[URL], classPath: Seq[URL], macroClassLoader: ClassLoader, whiteList: Set[Seq[String]], dependencyCompleteOpt: => Option[String => (Int, Seq[String])], contextInit: FreshContext => Unit, settings: Seq[String], reporter: Option[Message => Unit]) extends Compiler
class Compiler
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def compile(src: Array[Byte], printer: Printer, importsLen: Int, userCodeNestingLevel: Int, fileName: String): Option[Output]
def complete(offset: Int, previousImports: String, snippet: String): (Int, Seq[String], Seq[String])
def objCompiler: Compiler
def preprocessor(fileName: String, markGeneratedSections: Boolean): Preprocessor
def tryTypeCheck(src: Array[Byte], fileName: String): (Tree, Context)

Concrete fields

val compiler: Compiler
lazy val initialCtx: Context

Create a fresh and initialized context with IDE mode enabled

Create a fresh and initialized context with IDE mode enabled