
object Classpath

Loads the jars that make up the classpath of the scala-js-fiddle compiler and re-shapes it into the correct structure to satisfy scala-compile and scalajs-tools


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

def canBeOpenedAsJar(url: URL): Boolean
def classpath(classLoader: ClassLoader, rtCacheDir: Option[Path]): Vector[URL]

In memory cache of all the jars used in the compiler. This takes up some memory but is better than reaching all over the filesystem every time we want to do something.

In memory cache of all the jars used in the compiler. This takes up some memory but is better than reaching all over the filesystem every time we want to do something.


def traceClasspathProblem(msg: String): Unit

Concrete fields