



package define

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ApplyerGenerated[TT[_], Z[_], Ctx] extends AnyRef
  2. abstract class BaseModule extends Module
  3. case class BasePath(value: Path) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class Caller(value: Any) extends Product with Serializable
  5. class Command[+T] extends NamedTaskImpl[T]
  6. class Cross[T] extends Module

    Models "cross-builds": sets of duplicate builds which differ only in the value of one or more "case" variables whose values are determined at runtime.

    Models "cross-builds": sets of duplicate builds which differ only in the value of one or more "case" variables whose values are determined at runtime. Used via:

    object foo extends Cross[FooModule]("bar", "baz", "qux") class FooModule(v: String) extends Module{ ... }

  7. case class Ctx(enclosing: String, lineNum: Int, segment: Segment, millSourcePath: Path, segments: Segments, overrides: Int, external: Boolean, foreign: Boolean, fileName: String, enclosingCls: Class[_]) extends Product with Serializable
    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  8. case class Discover[T](value: Map[Class[_], Seq[(Int, EntryPoint[_])]]) extends Product with Serializable
  9. abstract class ExternalModule extends BaseModule
  10. class Input[T] extends NamedTaskImpl[T] with Target[T]
  11. class Module extends Cacher

    Module is a class meant to be extended by traits *only*, in order to propagate the implicit parameters forward to the final concrete instantiation site so they can capture the enclosing/line information of the concrete instance.

  12. trait NamedTask[+T] extends Task[T]
  13. abstract class NamedTaskImpl[+T] extends Task[T] with NamedTask[T]
  14. class Persistent[+T] extends TargetImpl[T]
  15. sealed trait Segment extends AnyRef
  16. case class Segments(value: Segment*) extends Product with Serializable

    Models a path with the Mill build hierarchy, e.g.

    Models a path with the Mill build hierarchy, e.g.


    .-separated segments are Segment.Labels, while []-delimited segments are Segment.Crosss

  17. class Sources extends Input[Seq[PathRef]]
  18. trait Target[+T] extends Task[T] with NamedTask[T]
  19. trait TargetGenerated extends AnyRef
  20. class TargetImpl[+T] extends NamedTaskImpl[T] with Target[T]
  21. abstract class Task[+T] extends Ops[T] with Applyable[Task, T]

    Models a single node in the Mill build graph, with a list of inputs and a single output of type T.

    Models a single node in the Mill build graph, with a list of inputs and a single output of type T.

    Generally not instantiated manually, but instead constructed via the Target.apply & similar macros.

  22. trait TaskModule extends Module
  23. class Worker[+T] extends NamedTaskImpl[T]

Value Members

  1. object Applicative

    A generic Applicative-functor macro: translates calls to

    A generic Applicative-functor macro: translates calls to

    Applier.apply{ ... applyable1.apply() ... applyable2.apply() ... }


    Applier.zipMap(applyable1, applyable2){ (a1, a2, ctx) => ... a1 ... a2 ... }

  2. object BaseModule
  3. object Caller extends Serializable
  4. object Cross
  5. object Ctx extends Serializable
  6. object Discover extends Serializable
  7. object Graph
  8. object Module
  9. object Segment
  10. object Segments extends Serializable
  11. object Target extends TargetGenerated with Applyer[Task, Task, Result, util.Ctx]
  12. object Task
