


package util

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class CallbackStream extends OutputStream
  2. trait ColorLogger extends Logger
  3. class FileLogger extends Logger
  4. final class IgnoreQualifierVersion extends AnyVal
  5. class LinePrefixOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream

    Prefixes the first and each new line with a dynamically provided prefix.

  6. final class MavenVersion extends AnyVal
  7. trait MultiBiMap[K, V] extends AnyRef

    A map from keys to collections of values: you can assign multiple values to any particular key.

    A map from keys to collections of values: you can assign multiple values to any particular key. Also allows lookups in both directions: what values are assigned to a key or what key a value is assigned to.

  8. class MultiLogger extends Logger
  9. class MultiStream extends PrintStream
  10. final class OsgiVersion extends AnyVal
  11. case class PrefixLogger(out: ColorLogger, context: String, tickerContext: String = "") extends ColorLogger with Product with Serializable
  12. case class PrintLogger(colored: Boolean, disableTicker: Boolean, infoColor: Attrs, errorColor: Attrs, outStream: PrintStream, infoStream: PrintStream, errStream: PrintStream, inStream: InputStream, debugEnabled: Boolean, context: String) extends ColorLogger with Product with Serializable
  13. sealed trait PrintState extends AnyRef
  14. class ProxyLogger extends Logger

    A Logger that forwards all logging to another Logger.

    A Logger that forwards all logging to another Logger. Intended to be used as a base class for wrappers that modify logging behavior.

  15. class Version extends AnyRef
  16. case class Watched[T](value: T, watched: Seq[PathRef]) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object DummyLogger extends Logger
  2. object EitherOps
  3. object Jvm
  4. object MultiBiMap
  5. object PrintState
  6. object Version
  7. object Watched extends Serializable
