


package main

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait BspServerHandle extends AnyRef

    With this server handle you can interact with a running Mill BSP server.

    With this server handle you can interact with a running Mill BSP server.

  2. sealed trait BspServerResult extends AnyRef
  3. trait BspServerStarter extends AnyRef
  4. class EvaluatorTokenReader[T] extends TokensReader[Evaluator]
  5. trait MainModule extends Module

    mill.Module containing all the default tasks that Mill provides: resolve, show, inspect, plan, etc.

    mill.Module containing all the default tasks that Mill provides: resolve, show, inspect, plan, etc.

  6. abstract class Resolve[R] extends AnyRef
  7. abstract class RootModule extends BaseModule with MainModule

    Used to mark a module in your build.sc as a top-level module, so it's targets and commands can be run directly e.g.

    Used to mark a module in your build.sc as a top-level module, so it's targets and commands can be run directly e.g. via mill run rather than prefixed by the module name mill foo.run.

    Only one top-level module may be defined in your build.sc, and it must be defined at the top level of the build.sc and not nested in any other modules.

  8. class TaskTokenReader[T] extends TokensReader[Task[T]]

    Transparently handle Task[T] like simple T but lift the result into a T.task.

    Transparently handle Task[T] like simple T but lift the result into a T.task.

  9. case class Tasks[T](value: Seq[NamedTask[T]]) extends Product with Serializable
  10. trait VisualizeModule extends define.Module with TaskModule

Value Members

  1. object BspServerResult
  2. object BspServerStarter
  3. object LevenshteinDistance

    Compute the Levenshtein Distance.

    Compute the Levenshtein Distance.

  4. object MainModule
  5. object Resolve
  6. object ResolveMetadata extends Resolve[String]
  7. object ResolveSegments extends Resolve[Segments]
  8. object ResolveTasks extends Resolve[NamedTask[Any]]
  9. object RootModule
  10. object RunScript

    Custom version of ammonite.main.Scripts, letting us run the build.sc script directly without going through Ammonite's main-method/argument-parsing subsystem

    Custom version of ammonite.main.Scripts, letting us run the build.sc script directly without going through Ammonite's main-method/argument-parsing subsystem

  11. object Tasks extends Serializable
  12. object TokenReaders
  13. object VisualizeModule extends ExternalModule with VisualizeModule
