


trait CrossScalaModule extends Module with ScalaModule with CrossModuleBase

Self Type
Linear Supertypes
CrossModuleBase, ScalaModule, JavaModule, TaskModule, define.Module, Cacher, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. CrossScalaModule
  2. CrossModuleBase
  3. ScalaModule
  4. JavaModule
  5. TaskModule
  6. Module
  7. Cacher
  8. AnyRef
  9. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Tests extends Module with CrossScalaModule.Tests

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def crossScalaVersion: String
    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def allSourceFiles: Target[Seq[eval.PathRef]]

    All individual source files fed into the compiler

    All individual source files fed into the compiler

    Definition Classes
  5. def allSources: Target[Seq[eval.PathRef]]

    The folders containing all source files fed into the compiler

    The folders containing all source files fed into the compiler

    Definition Classes
  6. def ammoniteReplClasspath: Target[Seq[eval.PathRef]]

    Dependencies that are necessary to run the Ammonite Scala REPL

    Dependencies that are necessary to run the Ammonite Scala REPL

    Definition Classes
  7. def artifactId: T[String]
    Definition Classes
  8. def artifactName: T[String]
    Definition Classes
  9. def artifactScalaVersion: T[String]

    What Scala version string to use when publishing

    What Scala version string to use when publishing

    Definition Classes
  10. def artifactSuffix: T[String]

    The suffix appended to the artifact IDs during publishing

    The suffix appended to the artifact IDs during publishing

    Definition Classes
  11. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  12. def assembly: Target[eval.PathRef]

    An executable uber-jar/assembly containing all the resources and compiled classfiles from this module and all it's upstream modules and dependencies

    An executable uber-jar/assembly containing all the resources and compiled classfiles from this module and all it's upstream modules and dependencies

    Definition Classes
  13. def assemblyRules: Seq[Rule]
    Definition Classes
  14. def cachedTarget[T](t: ⇒ T)(implicit c: Enclosing): T
    Definition Classes
  15. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )
  16. def compile: T[CompilationResult]

    Compiles the current module to generate compiled classfiles/bytecode

    Compiles the current module to generate compiled classfiles/bytecode

    Definition Classes
  17. def compileClasspath: Target[util.Loose.Agg[eval.PathRef]]

    All classfiles and resources from upstream modules and dependencies necessary to compile this module

    All classfiles and resources from upstream modules and dependencies necessary to compile this module

    Definition Classes
  18. def compileIvyDeps: Target[util.Loose.Agg[Dep]]

    Same as ivyDeps, but only present at compile time.

    Same as ivyDeps, but only present at compile time. Useful for e.g. macro-related dependencies like scala-reflect that doesn't need to be present at runtime

    Definition Classes
  19. def console(): Command[Unit]

    Opens up a Scala console with your module and all dependencies present, for you to test and operate your code interactively

    Opens up a Scala console with your module and all dependencies present, for you to test and operate your code interactively

    Definition Classes
  20. def crossFullScalaVersion: T[Boolean]

    Whether to publish artifacts with name "mill_2.12.4" instead of "mill_2.12"

    Whether to publish artifacts with name "mill_2.12.4" instead of "mill_2.12"

    Definition Classes
  21. implicit def crossSbtModuleResolver: Resolver[CrossModuleBase]
    Definition Classes
  22. def defaultCommandName(): String
    Definition Classes
    JavaModule → TaskModule
  23. def docJar: Target[eval.PathRef]

    The documentation jar, containing all the Javadoc/Scaladoc HTML files, for publishing to Maven Central

    The documentation jar, containing all the Javadoc/Scaladoc HTML files, for publishing to Maven Central

    Definition Classes
  24. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  25. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  26. def finalMainClass: T[String]
    Definition Classes
  27. def finalMainClassOpt: T[Either[String, String]]
    Definition Classes
  28. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  29. def forkArgs: Target[Seq[String]]

    Any command-line parameters you want to pass to the forked JVM under run, test or repl

    Any command-line parameters you want to pass to the forked JVM under run, test or repl

    Definition Classes
  30. def forkEnv: Target[Map[String, String]]

    Any environment variables you want to pass to the forked JVM under run, test or repl

    Any environment variables you want to pass to the forked JVM under run, test or repl

    Definition Classes
  31. def forkWorkingDir: Target[Path]
    Definition Classes
  32. def generatedSources: Target[Seq[eval.PathRef]]

    Folders containing source files that are generated rather than hand-written; these files can be generated in this target itself, or can refer to files generated from other targets

    Folders containing source files that are generated rather than hand-written; these files can be generated in this target itself, or can refer to files generated from other targets

    Definition Classes
  33. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  34. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  35. def intellijModulePath: Path
    Definition Classes
  36. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  37. def ivyDeps: Target[util.Loose.Agg[Dep]]

    Any ivy dependencies you want to add to this Module, in the format ivy"org::name:version" for Scala dependencies or ivy"org:name:version" for Java dependencies

    Any ivy dependencies you want to add to this Module, in the format ivy"org::name:version" for Scala dependencies or ivy"org:name:version" for Java dependencies

    Definition Classes
  38. def ivyDepsTree(inverse: Boolean = false): Command[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  39. def jar: Target[eval.PathRef]

    A jar containing only this module's resources and compiled classfiles, without those from upstream modules and dependencies

    A jar containing only this module's resources and compiled classfiles, without those from upstream modules and dependencies

    Definition Classes
  40. def javacOptions: Target[Seq[String]]

    Options to pass to the java compiler

    Options to pass to the java compiler

    Definition Classes
  41. def launcher: Target[eval.PathRef]

    Builds a command-line "launcher" file that can be used to run this module's code, without the Mill process.

    Builds a command-line "launcher" file that can be used to run this module's code, without the Mill process. Useful for deployment & other places where you do not want a build tool running

    Definition Classes
  42. def localClasspath: Target[Seq[eval.PathRef]]

    The output classfiles/resources from this module, excluding upstream modules and third-party dependencies

    The output classfiles/resources from this module, excluding upstream modules and third-party dependencies

    Definition Classes
  43. def mainClass: T[Option[String]]

    Allows you to specify an explicit main class to use for the run command.

    Allows you to specify an explicit main class to use for the run command. If none is specified, the classpath is searched for an appropriate main class to use if one exists

    Definition Classes
  44. def mapDependencies: Task[(Dependency) ⇒ Dependency]
    Definition Classes
  45. implicit def millModuleBasePath: BasePath
    Definition Classes
  46. lazy val millModuleDirectChildren: Seq[define.Module]
    Definition Classes
  47. implicit def millModuleExternal: External
    Definition Classes
  48. implicit def millModuleSegments: Segments
    Definition Classes
  49. implicit def millModuleShared: Foreign
    Definition Classes
  50. def millOuterCtx: Ctx
    Definition Classes
  51. def millSourcePath: Path
    Definition Classes
    CrossModuleBase → Module
  52. def moduleDeps: Seq[JavaModule]

    The direct dependencies of this module

    The direct dependencies of this module

    Definition Classes
  53. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  54. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  55. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  56. def platformSuffix: Target[String]

    What platform suffix to use for publishing, e.g.

    What platform suffix to use for publishing, e.g. _sjs for Scala.js projects

    Definition Classes
  57. def prependShellScript: T[String]

    What shell script to use to launch the executable generated by assembly.

    What shell script to use to launch the executable generated by assembly. Defaults to a generic "universal" launcher that should work for Windows, OS-X and Linux

    Definition Classes
  58. def recursiveModuleDeps: Seq[JavaModule]

    The direct and indirect dependencies of this module

    The direct and indirect dependencies of this module

    Definition Classes
  59. def repl(replOptions: String*): Command[Unit]

    Opens up an Ammonite Scala REPL with your module and all dependencies present, for you to test and operate your code interactively

    Opens up an Ammonite Scala REPL with your module and all dependencies present, for you to test and operate your code interactively

    Definition Classes
  60. def repositories: Seq[Repository]
    Definition Classes
  61. def resolveCoursierDependency: Task[(Dep) ⇒ Dependency]
    Definition Classes
  62. def resolveDeps(deps: Task[util.Loose.Agg[Dep]], sources: Boolean = false): Task[Agg[eval.PathRef]]
    Definition Classes
  63. def resolvePublishDependency: Task[(Dep) ⇒ Dependency]
    Definition Classes
  64. def resources: Sources

    The folders where the resource files for this module live

    The folders where the resource files for this module live

    Definition Classes
  65. def run(args: String*): Command[Unit]

    Runs this module's code in a subprocess and waits for it to finish

    Runs this module's code in a subprocess and waits for it to finish

    Definition Classes
  66. def runBackground(args: String*): Command[Unit]

    Runs this module's code in a background process, until it dies or runBackground is used again.

    Runs this module's code in a background process, until it dies or runBackground is used again. This lets you continue using Mill while the process is running in the background: editing files, compiling, and only re-starting the background process when you're ready.

    You can also use -w foo.runBackground to make Mill watch for changes and automatically recompile your code & restart the background process when ready. This is useful when working on long-running server processes that would otherwise run forever

    Definition Classes
  67. def runClasspath: Target[Seq[eval.PathRef]]

    All classfiles and resources from upstream modules and dependencies necessary to run this module's code after compilation

    All classfiles and resources from upstream modules and dependencies necessary to run this module's code after compilation

    Definition Classes
  68. def runIvyDeps: Target[util.Loose.Agg[Dep]]

    Same as ivyDeps, but only present at runtime.

    Same as ivyDeps, but only present at runtime. Useful for e.g. selecting different versions of a dependency to use at runtime after your code has already been compiled

    Definition Classes
  69. def runLocal(args: String*): Command[Unit]

    Runs this module's code in-process within an isolated classloader.

    Runs this module's code in-process within an isolated classloader. This is faster than run, but in exchange you have less isolation between runs since the code can dirty the parent Mill process and potentially leave it in a bad state.

    Definition Classes
  70. def runMain(mainClass: String, args: String*): Command[Unit]

    Same as run, but lets you specify a main class to run

    Same as run, but lets you specify a main class to run

    Definition Classes
  71. def runMainBackground(mainClass: String, args: String*): Command[Unit]

    Same as runBackground, but lets you specify a main class to run

    Same as runBackground, but lets you specify a main class to run

    Definition Classes
  72. def runMainLocal(mainClass: String, args: String*): Command[Unit]

    Same as runLocal, but lets you specify a main class to run

    Same as runLocal, but lets you specify a main class to run

    Definition Classes
  73. def scalaCompilerBridgeSources: Target[Path]
    Definition Classes
  74. def scalaCompilerClasspath: T[util.Loose.Agg[eval.PathRef]]

    Classpath of the Scala Compiler & any compiler plugins

    Classpath of the Scala Compiler & any compiler plugins

    Definition Classes
  75. def scalaDocOptions: Target[Seq[String]]
    Definition Classes
  76. def scalaDocPluginClasspath: T[util.Loose.Agg[eval.PathRef]]

    The ivy coordinates of Scala's own standard library

    The ivy coordinates of Scala's own standard library

    Definition Classes
  77. def scalaDocPluginIvyDeps: Target[util.Loose.Agg[Dep]]
    Definition Classes
  78. def scalaLibraryIvyDeps: Target[util.Loose.Agg[Dep]]
    Definition Classes
  79. def scalaOrganization: T[String]

    What Scala organization to use

    What Scala organization to use

    Definition Classes
  80. def scalaVersion: Target[String]

    What version of Scala to use

    What version of Scala to use

    Definition Classes
  81. def scalacOptions: Target[Seq[String]]

    Command-line options to pass to the Scala compiler

    Command-line options to pass to the Scala compiler

    Definition Classes
  82. def scalacPluginClasspath: T[util.Loose.Agg[eval.PathRef]]

    The local classpath of Scala compiler plugins on-disk; you can add additional jars here if you have some copiler plugin that isn't present on maven central

    The local classpath of Scala compiler plugins on-disk; you can add additional jars here if you have some copiler plugin that isn't present on maven central

    Definition Classes
  83. def scalacPluginIvyDeps: Target[util.Loose.Agg[Dep]]

    Allows you to make use of Scala compiler plugins from maven central

    Allows you to make use of Scala compiler plugins from maven central

    Definition Classes
  84. def skipIdea: Boolean

    Skip Idea project file generation.

    Skip Idea project file generation.

    Definition Classes
  85. def sourceJar: Target[eval.PathRef]

    The source jar, containing only source code for publishing to Maven Central

    The source jar, containing only source code for publishing to Maven Central

    Definition Classes
  86. def sources: Sources

    The folders where the source files for this module live

    The folders where the source files for this module live

    Definition Classes
  87. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  88. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    Module → AnyRef → Any
  89. def transitiveIvyDeps: T[util.Loose.Agg[Dep]]

    The transitive ivy dependencies of this module and all it's upstream modules

    The transitive ivy dependencies of this module and all it's upstream modules

    Definition Classes
  90. def transitiveLocalClasspath: T[util.Loose.Agg[eval.PathRef]]

    The transitive version of localClasspath

    The transitive version of localClasspath

    Definition Classes
  91. def transitiveModuleDeps: Seq[JavaModule]

    Like recursiveModuleDeps but also include the module itself

    Like recursiveModuleDeps but also include the module itself

    Definition Classes
  92. def unmanagedClasspath: Target[util.Loose.Agg[eval.PathRef]]

    Additional jars, classfiles or resources to add to the classpath directly from disk rather than being downloaded from Maven Central or other package repositories

    Additional jars, classfiles or resources to add to the classpath directly from disk rather than being downloaded from Maven Central or other package repositories

    Definition Classes
  93. def upstreamAssembly: Target[eval.PathRef]

    Build the assembly for upstream dependencies separate from the current classpath

    Build the assembly for upstream dependencies separate from the current classpath

    This should allow much faster assembly creation in the common case where upstream dependencies do not change

    Definition Classes
  94. def upstreamAssemblyClasspath: Target[util.Loose.Agg[eval.PathRef]]

    All upstream classfiles and resources necessary to build and executable assembly, but without this module's contribution

    All upstream classfiles and resources necessary to build and executable assembly, but without this module's contribution

    Definition Classes
  95. def upstreamCompileOutput: Target[Seq[CompilationResult]]

    The upstream compilation output of all this module's upstream modules

    The upstream compilation output of all this module's upstream modules

    Definition Classes
  96. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  97. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  98. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )
  99. def zincWorker: ZincWorkerModule
    Definition Classes
  100. object millInternal extends Internal
    Definition Classes

Inherited from CrossModuleBase

Inherited from ScalaModule

Inherited from JavaModule

Inherited from TaskModule

Inherited from define.Module

Inherited from Cacher

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
