
object stream
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(path: Path, skip: Path => Boolean, preOrder: Boolean, followLinks: Boolean, maxDepth: Int, includeTarget: Boolean): Generator[Path]
Value parameters:

Whether or not to follow symlinks while walking; defaults to false


Whether or not to include the given path as part of the walk. If true, does not raise an error if the given path is a simple file and not a folder


The max depth of the tree you wish to walk; defaults to unlimited


the root path whose contents you wish to walk


Whether you want a folder to appear before or after its contents in the final sequence. e.g. if you're deleting them recursively you want it to be false so the folder gets deleted last, but if you're copying them recursively you want preOrder to be true so the folder gets created first.


Skip certain files or folders from appearing in the output. If you skip a folder, its entire subtree is ignored

def attrs(path: Path, skip: (Path, StatInfo) => Boolean, preOrder: Boolean, followLinks: Boolean, maxDepth: Int, includeTarget: Boolean): Generator[(Path, StatInfo)]
Value parameters:

Whether or not to follow symlinks while walking; defaults to false


Whether or not to include the given path as part of the walk. If true, does not raise an error if the given path is a simple file and not a folder


The max depth of the tree you wish to walk; defaults to unlimited


the root path whose contents you wish to walk


Whether you want a folder to appear before or after its contents in the final sequence. e.g. if you're deleting them recursively you want it to be false so the folder gets deleted last, but if you're copying them recursively you want preOrder to be true so the folder gets created first.


Skip certain files or folders from appearing in the output. If you skip a folder, its entire subtree is ignored