



package framework

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Formatter extends AnyRef

    Default implementation of Formatter, also used by the default SBT test framework.

    Default implementation of Formatter, also used by the default SBT test framework. Allows some degree of customization of the formatted test results.

  2. case class Result (name: String, value: Try[Any], milliDuration: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    A single test's result after execution.

    A single test's result after execution. Any exception thrown or value returned by the test is stored in value. The value returned can be used in another test, which adds a dependency between them.

  3. case class Test (name: String, TestThunkTree: TestThunkTree) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents the metadata around a single test in a TestTreeSeq.

    Represents the metadata around a single test in a TestTreeSeq. This is a pretty simple data structure, as much of the information related to it comes contextually when traversing the utest.framework.TestTreeSeq to reach it.

  4. case class TestPath (value: Seq[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  5. class TestThunkTree extends AnyRef

    A tree of nested lexical scopes that accompanies the tree of tests.

    A tree of nested lexical scopes that accompanies the tree of tests. This is separated from the tree of metadata in TestTreeSeq in order to allow you to query the metadata without executing the tests. Generally created by the TestSuite macro and not instantiated manually.

  6. class TestTreeSeq extends AnyRef

    Extension methods on TreeSeq[Test]

  7. case class Tree [+T](value: T, children: Seq[Tree[T]]) extends Product with Serializable

    An immutable tree with each node containing a value, and a Seq of children.

    An immutable tree with each node containing a value, and a Seq of children. Provides all normal Seq functionality as well as some tree specific methods.

Value Members

  1. object ArgParse

    Crappy but good-enough version of a command-line parsing library

  2. object ExecutionContext
  3. object Test extends Serializable
  4. object TestPath extends Serializable
  5. object TreeBuilder

    Created by haoyi on 3/11/16.
