Interface ThrowableProtoOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:
MessageLiteOrBuilder, MessageOrBuilder
All Known Implementing Classes:
ThrowableProto, ThrowableProto.Builder

public interface ThrowableProtoOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder
  • Method Details

    • getOriginalClassName

      String getOriginalClassName()
       The name of the class of the exception that was actually thrown. Downstream readers
       of this message may or may not have the actual class available to initialize, so
       this is just used to prefix the message of a generic exception type.
      string original_class_name = 1;
      The originalClassName.
    • getOriginalClassNameBytes

      ByteString getOriginalClassNameBytes()
       The name of the class of the exception that was actually thrown. Downstream readers
       of this message may or may not have the actual class available to initialize, so
       this is just used to prefix the message of a generic exception type.
      string original_class_name = 1;
      The bytes for originalClassName.
    • getOriginalMessage

      String getOriginalMessage()
       The message of this throwable. Not filled if there is no message.
      string original_message = 2;
      The originalMessage.
    • getOriginalMessageBytes

      ByteString getOriginalMessageBytes()
       The message of this throwable. Not filled if there is no message.
      string original_message = 2;
      The bytes for originalMessage.
    • getStackTraceList

      List<StackTraceElementProto> getStackTraceList()
       The stack trace of this Throwable.
      repeated .armeria.grpc.StackTraceElementProto stack_trace = 3;
    • getStackTrace

      StackTraceElementProto getStackTrace(int index)
       The stack trace of this Throwable.
      repeated .armeria.grpc.StackTraceElementProto stack_trace = 3;
    • getStackTraceCount

      int getStackTraceCount()
       The stack trace of this Throwable.
      repeated .armeria.grpc.StackTraceElementProto stack_trace = 3;
    • getStackTraceOrBuilderList

      List<? extends StackTraceElementProtoOrBuilder> getStackTraceOrBuilderList()
       The stack trace of this Throwable.
      repeated .armeria.grpc.StackTraceElementProto stack_trace = 3;
    • getStackTraceOrBuilder

      StackTraceElementProtoOrBuilder getStackTraceOrBuilder(int index)
       The stack trace of this Throwable.
      repeated .armeria.grpc.StackTraceElementProto stack_trace = 3;
    • hasCause

      boolean hasCause()
       The cause of this Throwable. Not filled if there is no cause.
      .armeria.grpc.ThrowableProto cause = 4;
      Whether the cause field is set.
    • getCause

      ThrowableProto getCause()
       The cause of this Throwable. Not filled if there is no cause.
      .armeria.grpc.ThrowableProto cause = 4;
      The cause.
    • getCauseOrBuilder

      ThrowableProtoOrBuilder getCauseOrBuilder()
       The cause of this Throwable. Not filled if there is no cause.
      .armeria.grpc.ThrowableProto cause = 4;