Interface AggregationOptions

@UnstableApi public interface AggregationOptions
An AggregationOptions to control the aggregation behavior of HttpMessage.
  • Method Details

    • builder

      static AggregationOptionsBuilder builder()
    • usePooledObjects

      static AggregationOptions usePooledObjects(io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator alloc)
      Returns a new AggregationOptions that creates PooledObjects without making a copy using the ByteBufAllocator.
    • usePooledObjects

      static AggregationOptions usePooledObjects(io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator alloc, io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutor executor)
      Returns a new AggregationOptions that creates PooledObjects without making a copy using the ByteBufAllocator. The specified EventExecutor is used to run the aggregation function.
    • executor

      @Nullable @Nullable io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutor executor()
      Returns the EventExecutor that executes the aggregation.
    • cacheResult

      boolean cacheResult()
      Returns whether to cache the aggregation result.
    • preferCached

      boolean preferCached()
      Returns whether to return the cached AggregatedHttpMessage if there's one.
    • alloc

      @Nullable @Nullable io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator alloc()
      (Advanced users only) Returns the ByteBufAllocator that can be used to create a PooledObjects without making a copy. If null, a byte[]-based HttpData is created.

      PooledObjects cannot be cached since they have their own life cycle. Therefore, if cacheResult() is set to true, this method always returns null.