Class ResteasyServiceBuilder<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the target custom context class

@UnstableApi public final class ResteasyServiceBuilder<T> extends Object
  • Method Details

    • path

      public ResteasyServiceBuilder<T> path(String contextPath)
      Sets the context path for ResteasyService.
    • securityDomain

      public ResteasyServiceBuilder<T> securityDomain(org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.embedded.SecurityDomain securityDomain)
      Sets the SecurityDomain for ResteasyService.
    • requestContextConverter

      public ResteasyServiceBuilder<T> requestContextConverter(Class<T> contextClass, Function<ServiceRequestContext,T> contextConverter)
      Defines an optional converter that converts Armeria ServiceRequestContext to a target class. This could be useful to expose ServiceRequestContext via custom interface as part of JAX-RS API. The custom context interface is to be used with JAX-RS Context annotation.
      contextClass - the target custom context class
      contextConverter - the function that adopts ServiceRequestContext to contextClass
    • maxRequestBufferSize

      public ResteasyServiceBuilder<T> maxRequestBufferSize(int maxRequestBufferSize)
      Sets the maximum limit for request buffer. If the Content-Length of the request exceeds this limit or the request does not include Content-Length, the request will be handled as unbuffered (streaming) request.
    • responseBufferSize

      public ResteasyServiceBuilder<T> responseBufferSize(int responseBufferSize)
      Sets the size of the response buffer to handle response content. If the response content exceeds this limit the response will be handled as unbuffered (streaming) response.
    • build

      public ResteasyService<T> build()
      Builds new ResteasyService.