Interface WebSocketClient

All Superinterfaces:
ClientBuilderParams, Unwrappable

@UnstableApi public interface WebSocketClient extends ClientBuilderParams, Unwrappable
A WebSocket client. This client has a few different default values for ClientOptions from WebClient because of the nature of WebSocket. See WebSocketClientBuilder for more information.

WebSocket client example:

 WebSocketClient client = WebSocketClient.of("ws://");
 client.connect("/chat").thenAccept(webSocketSession -> {
     // Write messages to the server.
     WebSocketWriter writer = WebSocket.streaming();
     outbound.write("Hello ");
     // You can also use backpressure using whenConsumed().
     outbound.whenConsumed().thenRun(() -> outbound.write("world!"));

     // Read messages from the server.
     Subscriber<WebSocketFrame> myWebSocketSubscriber = new Subscriber<WebSocketFrame>() {
         public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {
         public void onNext(WebSocketFrame webSocketFrame) {
             if (webSocketFrame.type() == WebSocketFrameType.TEXT) {
See Also: