Class Endpoint

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class Endpoint
    extends Object
    implements Comparable<Endpoint>
    A remote endpoint that refers to a single host or a group of multiple hosts.

    A host endpoint has host(), optional ipAddr() and optional port(). It can be represented as "<host>" or "<host>:<port>" in the authority part of a URI. It can have an IP address if the host name has been resolved and thus there's no need to query a DNS server.

    A group endpoint has groupName() and it can be represented as "group:<groupName>" in the authority part of a URI. It can be resolved into a host endpoint with resolve(ClientRequestContext).

    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public static Endpoint parse​(String authority)
        Parse the authority part of a URI. The authority part may have one of the following formats:
        • "group:<groupName>" for a group endpoint
        • "<host>:<port>" for a host endpoint
        • "<host>" for a host endpoint with no port number specified
        An IPv4 or IPv6 address can be specified in lieu of a host name, e.g. "" and "[::1]:8080".
      • isGroup

        public boolean isGroup()
        Returns true if this endpoint refers to a group.
      • groupName

        public String groupName()
        Returns the group name of this endpoint.
        IllegalStateException - if this endpoint is not a group but a host
      • host

        public String host()
        Returns the host name of this endpoint.
        IllegalStateException - if this endpoint is not a host but a group
      • ipAddr

        public String ipAddr()
        Returns the IP address of this endpoint.
        the IP address, or null if the host name is not resolved yet
        IllegalStateException - if this endpoint is not a host but a group
      • hasIpAddr

        public boolean hasIpAddr()
        Returns whether this endpoint has an IP address resolved. This method is a shortcut of ipAddr() != null.
        true if and only if this endpoint has an IP address.
        IllegalStateException - if this endpoint is not a host but a group
      • isIpAddrOnly

        public boolean isIpAddrOnly()
        Returns whether this endpoint's host name is an IP address.
        true if and only if this endpoint's host name is an IP address
        IllegalStateException - if this endpoint is not a host but a group
      • port

        public int port()
        Returns the port number of this endpoint.
        IllegalStateException - if this endpoint is not a host but a group, or this endpoint does not have its port specified.
      • port

        public int port​(int defaultValue)
        Returns the port number of this endpoint.
        defaultValue - the default value to return when this endpoint does not have its port specified
        IllegalStateException - if this endpoint is not a host but a group
      • withDefaultPort

        public Endpoint withDefaultPort​(int defaultPort)
        Returns a new host endpoint with the specified default port number.
        the new endpoint whose port is defaultPort if this endpoint does not have its port specified. this if this endpoint already has its port specified.
        IllegalStateException - if this endpoint is not a host but a group
      • withIpAddr

        public Endpoint withIpAddr​(@Nullable
                                   String ipAddr)
        Returns a new host endpoint with the specified IP address.
        the new endpoint with the specified IP address. this if this endpoint has the same IP address.
        IllegalStateException - if this endpoint is not a host but a group
      • withWeight

        public Endpoint withWeight​(int weight)
        Returns a new host endpoint with the specified weight.
        the new endpoint with the specified weight. this if this endpoint has the same weight.
        IllegalStateException - if this endpoint is not a host but a group
      • weight

        public int weight()
        Returns the weight of this endpoint.
      • authority

        public String authority()
        Converts this endpoint into the authority part of a URI.
        the authority string
      • toUri

        public URI toUri​(String scheme)
        Converts this endpoint into a URI using the scheme.
        scheme - the scheme for URI.
        the URI
      • toUri

        public URI toUri​(String scheme,
                         String path)
        Converts this endpoint into a URI using the scheme and path.
        scheme - the scheme for URI.
        path - the path for URI.
        the URI
      • toUri

        public URI toUri​(Scheme scheme)
        Converts this endpoint into a URI using the Scheme.
        scheme - the Scheme for URI.
        the URI
      • toUri

        public URI toUri​(Scheme scheme,
                         String path)
        Converts this endpoint into a URI using the Scheme and the path.
        scheme - the Scheme for URI.
        path - the path for URI.
        the URI
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object