Interface ResponseHeadersBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • add

        ResponseHeadersBuilder add​(CharSequence name,
                                   String... values)
        Description copied from interface: HttpHeadersBuilder
        Adds new headers with the specified name and values. This method is semantically equivalent to
         for (String value : values) {
             headers.add(name, value);
        Specified by:
        add in interface HttpHeadersBuilder
        name - the header name
        values - the header values
      • set

        ResponseHeadersBuilder set​(CharSequence name,
                                   String... values)
        Description copied from interface: HttpHeadersBuilder
        Sets a header with the specified name and values. Any existing headers with the specified name are removed. This method is equivalent to:
         for (String v : values) {
             headers.add(name, v);
        Specified by:
        set in interface HttpHeadersBuilder
        name - the header name
        values - the header values
      • isEndOfStream

        boolean isEndOfStream()
        Tells whether the headers correspond to the last frame in an HTTP/2 stream.
      • contentType

        MediaType contentType()
        Returns the parsed "content-type" header.
        the parsed MediaType if present and valid. null otherwise.
      • get

        String get​(CharSequence name)
        Returns the value of a header with the specified name. If there are more than one value for the specified name, the first value in insertion order is returned.
        name - the name of the header to retrieve
        the first header value if the header is found. null if there's no such header
      • get

        String get​(CharSequence name,
                   String defaultValue)
        Returns the value of a header with the specified name. If there are more than one value for the specified name, the first value in insertion order is returned.
        name - the name of the header to retrieve
        defaultValue - the default value
        the first header value or defaultValue if there is no such header
      • getAll

        List<String> getAll​(CharSequence name)
        Returns all values for the header with the specified name. The returned List can't be modified.
        name - the name of the header to retrieve
        a List of header values or an empty List if there is no such header.
      • getInt

        Integer getInt​(CharSequence name)
        Returns the int value of a header with the specified name. If there are more than one value for the specified name, the first value in insertion order is returned.
        name - the name of the header to retrieve
        the int value of the first value in insertion order or null if there is no such header or it can't be converted to int.
      • getInt

        int getInt​(CharSequence name,
                   int defaultValue)
        Returns the int value of a header with the specified name. If there are more than one value for the specified name, the first value in insertion order is returned.
        name - the name of the header to retrieve
        defaultValue - the default value
        the int value of the first value in insertion order or defaultValue if there is no such header or it can't be converted to int.
      • getLong

        Long getLong​(CharSequence name)
        Returns the long value of a header with the specified name. If there are more than one value for the specified name, the first value in insertion order is returned.
        name - the name of the header to retrieve
        the long value of the first value in insertion order or null if there is no such header or it can't be converted to long.
      • getLong

        long getLong​(CharSequence name,
                     long defaultValue)
        Returns the long value of a header with the specified name. If there are more than one value for the specified name, the first value in insertion order is returned.
        name - the name of the header to retrieve
        defaultValue - the default value
        the long value of the first value in insertion order or defaultValue if there is no such header or it can't be converted to long.
      • getFloat

        Float getFloat​(CharSequence name)
        Returns the float value of a header with the specified name. If there are more than one value for the specified name, the first value in insertion order is returned.
        name - the name of the header to retrieve
        the float value of the first value in insertion order or null if there is no such header or it can't be converted to float.
      • getFloat

        float getFloat​(CharSequence name,
                       float defaultValue)
        Returns the float value of a header with the specified name. If there are more than one value for the specified name, the first value in insertion order is returned.
        name - the name of the header to retrieve
        defaultValue - the default value
        the float value of the first value in insertion order or defaultValue if there is no such header or it can't be converted to float.
      • getDouble

        Double getDouble​(CharSequence name)
        Returns the double value of a header with the specified name. If there are more than one value for the specified name, the first value in insertion order is returned.
        name - the name of the header to retrieve
        the double value of the first value in insertion order or null if there is no such header or it can't be converted to double.
      • getDouble

        double getDouble​(CharSequence name,
                         double defaultValue)
        Returns the double value of a header with the specified name. If there are more than one value for the specified name, the first value in insertion order is returned.
        name - the name of the header to retrieve
        defaultValue - the default value
        the double value of the first value in insertion order or defaultValue if there is no such header or it can't be converted to double.
      • getTimeMillis

        Long getTimeMillis​(CharSequence name)
        Returns the value of a header with the specified name in milliseconds. If there are more than one value for the specified name, the first value in insertion order is returned.
        name - the name of the header to retrieve
        the milliseconds value of the first value in insertion order or null if there is no such header or it can't be converted to milliseconds.
      • getTimeMillis

        long getTimeMillis​(CharSequence name,
                           long defaultValue)
        Returns the value of a header with the specified name in milliseconds. If there are more than one value for the specified name, the first value in insertion order is returned.
        name - the name of the header to retrieve
        defaultValue - the default value
        the milliseconds value of the first value in insertion order or defaultValue if there is no such header or it can't be converted to milliseconds.
      • contains

        boolean contains​(CharSequence name)
        Returns true if a header with the name exists, false otherwise.
        name - the header name
      • contains

        boolean contains​(CharSequence name,
                         String value)
        Returns true if a header with the name and value exists.
        name - the header name
        value - the header value of the header to find
      • containsObject

        boolean containsObject​(CharSequence name,
                               Object value)
        Returns true if a header with the name and value exists.
        name - the header name
        value - the header value
        true if the header exists. false otherwise
      • containsInt

        boolean containsInt​(CharSequence name,
                            int value)
        Returns true if a header with the name and value exists.
        name - the header name
        value - the header value
        true if the header exists. false otherwise
      • containsLong

        boolean containsLong​(CharSequence name,
                             long value)
        Returns true if a header with the name and value exists.
        name - the header name
        value - the header value
        true if the header exists. false otherwise
      • containsFloat

        boolean containsFloat​(CharSequence name,
                              float value)
        Returns true if a header with the name and value exists.
        name - the header name
        value - the header value
        true if the header exists. false otherwise
      • containsDouble

        boolean containsDouble​(CharSequence name,
                               double value)
        Returns true if a header with the name and value exists.
        name - the header name
        value - the header value
        true if the header exists. false otherwise
      • containsTimeMillis

        boolean containsTimeMillis​(CharSequence name,
                                   long value)
        Returns true if a header with the name and value exists.
        name - the header name
        value - the header value
        true if the header exists. false otherwise
      • size

        int size()
        Returns the number of headers.
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
        Returns true if this headers does not contain any entries.
      • names

        Set<AsciiString> names()
        Returns a Set of all header names. The returned Set cannot be modified.
      • forEachValue

        void forEachValue​(CharSequence name,
                          Consumer<String> action)
        Invokes the specified action for all values of the headers with the specified name.
      • valueStream

        default Stream<String> valueStream​(CharSequence name)
        Returns a Stream that yields all values of the headers with the specified name.