All Classes

A RuntimeException that is raised to signal a Subscriber that the StreamMessage it subscribed to has been aborted by StreamMessage.abort().
Provides base implementation for an Authorizer that defines custom AuthSuccessHandler/AuthFailureHandlers.
A skeletal Backoff implementation.
A skeletal HttpVfs implementation for accessing file system with blocking I/O.
A Client decorator that handles failures of remote invocation based on circuit breaker pattern.
A skeletal builder implementation that builds a new AbstractCircuitBreakerClient or its decorator function.
A skeletal builder implementation for ClientOptions.
An abstract Client decorator that limits the concurrent number of active requests.
A skeletal EndpointSelector implementation.
A skeletal builder implementation for creating a new HealthCheckedEndpointGroup.
A skeletal HttpFile implementation.
A skeletal builder class which helps easier implementation of HttpFileBuilder or AggregatedHttpFileBuilder.
Builds a new HttpRequest.
A skeletal HttpService for easier HTTP service implementation.
A skeletal HttpVfs implementation.
A skeletal Listenable implementation.
Builds an implementing class of AbstractMetricCollectingBuilder instance.
AbstractOption<T extends AbstractOption<T,​U,​V>,​U extends AbstractOptionValue<U,​T,​V>,​V>
A configuration option.
AbstractOption.Factory<T extends AbstractOption<T,​U,​V>,​U extends AbstractOptionValue<U,​T,​V>,​V>
Creates a new option instance.
AbstractOptions<T extends AbstractOption<T,​U,​Object>,​U extends AbstractOptionValue<U,​T,​Object>>
A set of configuration options and their respective values.
AbstractOptionValue<T extends AbstractOptionValue<T,​U,​V>,​U extends AbstractOption<U,​T,​V>,​V>
A holder of a value of an AbstractOption.
Provides the information required for building a RequestContext.
A Client decorator that handles failures of remote invocation and retries requests.
Builds a new AbstractRetryingClient or its decorator function.
A skeletal builder implementation for RetryRuleWithContent and CircuitBreakerRuleWithContent.
Decorates a Service to throttle incoming requests.
Skeletal Unwrappable implementation.
A skeletal builder implementation for WebClient.
Consumes the RequestLogs produced by a Service, usually for logging purpose.
Annotation for an additional HTTP header.
The containing annotation type for AdditionalHeader.
Annotation for an additional HTTP trailer.
The containing annotation type for AdditionalTrailer.
A complete body part whose headers and content are readily available.
A complete HTTP file whose attributes and content are readily available.
Builds an AggregatedHttpFile from an HttpData.
A complete HTTP headers and content that are readily available.
A complete HTTP request whose content is readily available as a single HttpData.
A complete HTTP response whose content is readily available as a single HttpData.
A complete multipart whose body parts are readily available.
A builder class for binding an HttpService fluently.
A utility that looks for the Path to the JAR, WAR or directory where a Class is located at.
An object that may hold resources until it is closed.
Provides support for implementing AsyncCloseable or ListenableAsyncCloseable.
A callback which is invoked to handle an authorization failure indicated by Authorizer.
Provides a status of the request authorization operation, optionally combined with AuthSuccessHandler and AuthFailureHandler to facilitate custom status handling.
Determines whether a given data is authorized for the service registered in.
Decorates an HttpService to provide HTTP authorization functionality.
Builds a new AuthService.
A callback which is invoked to handle an authorization success indicated by Authorizer.
The authorization token in HttpHeaderNames.AUTHORIZATION header.
A utility class that provides singleton instances of authorization token extractor functions.
Controls back off between attempts in a single retry operation.
Wraps an existing Backoff.
Specifies that the annotated service method must be invoked from the blocking task executor instead of an event loop thread.
Provides an executor interface which is used for potentially long-running tasks which may block I/O threads.
A builder that is useful for creating a ScheduledExecutorService.
A body part entity.
A builder class for creating BodyPart instances.
A built-in property exported by RequestContextExporter.
A RequestConverterFunction which converts a binary body of the AggregatedHttpRequest to one of byte[] or HttpData depending on the expectedResultType.
A ResponseConverterFunction which creates an HttpResponse when: the result is an instance of HttpData or byte[] the result is an instance of Publisher or Stream while the "content-type" of the ResponseHeaders is "application/binary" or "application/octet-stream" Note that this ResponseConverterFunction is applied to an annotated service by default, so you don't have to specify this converter explicitly.
Specifies the way a ByteBuf is retrieved from an HttpData.
Directives for HTTP caching mechanisms in requests or responses.
A RuntimeException raised when a requested invocation is forced to stop before its completion.
A RuntimeException that is raised to notify StreamMessage.whenComplete() when a Subscriber has cancelled its Subscription.
Builds a new CorsPolicy.
A circuit breaker, which tracks the number of success/failure requests and detects a remote service failure.
Builds a CircuitBreaker instance using builder pattern.
An HttpClient decorator that handles failures of HTTP requests based on circuit breaker pattern.
Builds a new CircuitBreakerClient or its decorator function.
A functional interface that represents a mapper factory, mapping a combination of host, method and path to a CircuitBreaker.
The listener interface for receiving CircuitBreaker events.
A skeletal CircuitBreakerListener implementation in order for a user to implement only the methods what he or she really needs.
Returns a CircuitBreaker instance from remote invocation parameters.
Builder class for building a CircuitBreakerMapping based on a combination of host, method and path.
An RpcClient decorator that handles failures of RPC remote invocation based on circuit breaker pattern.
Builds a new CircuitBreakerRpcClient or its decorator function.
Determines whether a Response should be reported as a success or failure to a CircuitBreaker.
A builder for creating a new CircuitBreakerRule.
Determines whether a Response should be reported as a success or failure to a CircuitBreaker using the content of the Response.
A builder for creating a new CircuitBreakerRuleWithContent.
Defines the states of circuit breaker.
Client<I extends Request,​O extends Response>
Sends a Request to a remote Endpoint.
A source which is used to get a client address.
Creates a new client that connects to the specified URI using the builder pattern.
Provides the construction parameters of a client.
Directives for HTTP caching mechanisms in requests.
Creates a new ClientCacheControl using the builder pattern.
A holder class which has the timing information about a connection attempt before a client sends a Request.
A set of Functions that transforms a Client into another.
Creates a new ClientDecoration using the builder pattern.
Creates and manages clients.
Builds a new ClientFactory.
A ClientFactory option.
A set of ClientFactoryOptions and their respective values.
A value of a ClientFactoryOption.
Creates a new ClientFactory dynamically via Java SPI (Service Provider Interface).
A client option.
A set of ClientOptions and their respective values.
Creates a new ClientOptions using the builder pattern.
A value of a ClientOption.
Provides information about a Request, its Response and its related utilities.
Builds a new ClientRequestContext.
Captures the ClientRequestContexts created by the current thread.
Wraps an existing ClientRequestContext.
Creates a new client that connects to a specified URI.
A RuntimeException raised when the connection to the remote peer has been closed unexpectedly.
A RuntimeException that is raised when a StreamMessage has been closed unexpectedly.
Provides the common shared thread pools and EventLoopGroups which is used when not overridden.
An RpcResponse implementation which is initially incomplete and can be completed later.
Provides the common actions that are useful when handling a CompletionStage.
Represents an exception that is a composite of one or more other exceptions.
Limits the concurrency of client requests.
An HttpClient decorator that limits the concurrent number of active HTTP requests.
A TimeoutException raised when a request is not sent from ConcurrencyLimitingClient due to timeout.
Listens to the client connection pool events.
A skeletal ConnectionPoolListener implementation in order for a user to implement only the methods what he or she really needs.
CONNECT proxy configuration.
Specifies a media type which would be consumed by the service method or class.
An alias for @Consumes(MediaTypeNames.APPLICATION_BINARY).
The containing annotation type for Consumes.
An alias for @Consumes(MediaTypeNames.JSON).
An alias for @Consumes(MediaTypeNames.OCTET_STREAM).
An alias for @Consumes(MediaTypeNames.PROTOBUF).
An alias for @Consumes(MediaTypeNames.PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8).
Representation of the Content-Disposition type and parameters as defined in RFC 6266.
A builder class for creating ContentDisposition.
Produces the preview of RequestLog.
A factory creating a ContentPreviewer.
A builder which builds a ContentPreviewerFactory.
Decorates an HttpClient to preview the content of Requests and Responses.
Decorates an HttpService to preview the content of Requests and Responses.
A RuntimeException raised when the length of request or response content exceeds its limit.
A delegating EventLoop that sets the RequestContext before executing any submitted tasks.
A delegating ScheduledExecutorService that sets the RequestContext before executing any submitted tasks.
A holder of RequestContext.
An interface defining an HTTP cookie.
Builds a Cookie.
Decorates an HttpClient to set cookies to Cookie header of outgoing HttpRequest and store cookies from Set-Cookie headers of incoming HttpResponse.
A Cookie container for a client.
Specifies how CookieJar should accept new Cookie.
An immutable Set of Cookies.
The possible states of a Cookie in a CookieJar.
A CorsService decorator for annotated HTTP services.
A factory which creates a CorsService decorator when only one CorsDecorator is added.
The containing annotation type for CorsDecorator.
A factory which creates a CorsService decorator when two or more CorsDecorators are added.
Contains information of the CORS policy with the specified origins.
Builds a new CorsPolicy.
Decorates an HttpService to add the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support.
Builds a new CorsService or its decorator function.
An exception indicating that a client detected cyclical redirections.
A DecoratingClient that requests and decodes HTTP encoding (e.g., gzip) that has been applied to the content of an HttpResponse.
A builder class for DecodingClient.
A DecoratingService that requests and decodes HTTP encoding (e.g., gzip) that has been applied to the content of an HttpRequest.
DecoratingClient<T_I extends Request,​T_O extends Response,​R_I extends Request,​R_O extends Response>
Decorates a Client.
A ClientFactory that delegates the creation of Clients to another ClientFactory.
A functional interface that enables building a SimpleDecoratingHttpClient with ClientBuilder.decorator(DecoratingHttpClientFunction).
A functional interface that enables building a SimpleDecoratingHttpService with HttpService.decorate(DecoratingHttpServiceFunction).
A functional interface that enables building a SimpleDecoratingRpcClient with ClientBuilder.rpcDecorator(DecoratingRpcClientFunction).
A functional interface that enables building a SimpleDecoratingRpcService with RpcService.decorate(DecoratingRpcServiceFunction).
DecoratingService<T_I extends Request,​T_O extends Response,​R_I extends Request,​R_O extends Response>
A Service that decorates another Service.
A builder class for binding a decorator with Route fluently.
Specifies a DecoratingHttpServiceFunction class which handles an HttpRequest before invoking an annotated service method.
Specifies a DecoratorFactoryFunction class which is a factory to create a decorator.
A decorator factory which is used for a user-defined decorator annotation.
The containing annotation type for Decorator.
Specifies the default value of an optional parameter.
Default ClientRequestContext implementation.
Default ServiceRequestContext implementation.
A StreamMessage which buffers the elements to be signaled into a Queue.
A default duplicator.
A StreamMessage whose stream is published later by another StreamMessage.
Annotation for mapping HttpMethod.DELETE onto specific method.
An annotation used in annotated HTTP service.
Represents a direct connection without a proxy.
DynamicEndpointGroup which resolves targets using DNS address queries (A and AAAA).
Builds a new DnsAddressEndpointGroup that sources its Endpoint list from the A or AAAA DNS records of a certain hostname.
Builds an AddressResolverGroup which builds AddressResolvers that update DNS caches automatically.
DynamicEndpointGroup which resolves targets using DNS SRV records.
Builds a new DnsServiceEndpointGroup that sources its Endpoint list from the SRV DNS records of a certain hostname.
DynamicEndpointGroup which resolves targets using DNS TXT records.
Builds a new DnsTextEndpointGroup that sources its Endpoint list from the TXT DNS records of a certain hostname.
A TimeoutException raised when a response has not been received from a DNS server within timeout.
An HttpService that provides information about the Services running in a Server.
Builds a new DocService.
A filter which includes or excludes service methods when building a DocService.
Generates the ServiceSpecifications of the supported Services.
A supporting base class for implementing the standard pattern of extracting docstrings from arbitrary files in a particular classpath location.
Provides the convenient factory methods for DropwizardMeterRegistry with more sensible defaults for NamingConvention and HierarchicalNameMapper.
A dynamic EndpointGroup.
An EndpointGroupException raised when the resolution of an EndpointGroup fails because there are no Endpoints in the EndpointGroup.
A FixedStreamMessage that publishes no objects, just a close event.
Decorates an HttpService to apply HTTP encoding (e.g., gzip) to an HttpService.
Builds a new EncodingService or its decorator function.
A remote endpoint that refers to a single host.
A list of Endpoints.
A RuntimeException raised when the resolution of an EndpointGroup fails.
Metadata about the endpoints exposed by a Service.
Creates a new EndpointInfo using the builder pattern.
Endpoint selection strategy that creates a EndpointSelector.
Selects an Endpoint from an EndpointGroup.
Computes the weight of the given Endpoint using the given currentStep and totalSteps.
Metadata about an enum type.
Metadata about an enum value.
An immutable object that stores the count of events.
A CompletableFuture that warns the user if they call a method that blocks the event loop.
Provides methods that are useful for creating an EventLoopGroup.
A scheduler which is responsible for assigning an EventLoop to handle a connection to the specified Endpoint.
Specifies an ExceptionHandlerFunction class which handles exceptions throwing from an annotated service method.
An interface for exception handler.
The containing annotation type for ExceptionHandler.
Metadata about an exception type.
Provides methods that are useful for handling exceptions.
Holds a set of ExportGroupBuilder.ExportEntrys.
Builds a new ExportGroup.
An exception indicating that a request has been failed by circuit breaker.
A RuntimeException raised for falling through to the next something.
Metadata about a field of a struct or an exception.
Creates a new FieldInfo using the builder pattern.
The location of a field.
The requirement level of a field.
An HttpService that serves static files from a file system.
Builds a new FileService and its FileServiceConfig.
FileService configuration.
An HttpRequest that filters objects as they are published.
An HttpResponse that filters objects as they are published.
A StreamMessage that filters objects as they are published.
The system properties that affect Armeria's runtime behavior.
Utility methods related with function composition.
Annotation for mapping HttpMethod.GET onto specific method.
A RuntimeException raised when a server sent an HTTP/2 GOAWAY frame with the lastStreamId less then the stream ID of the request.
Annotation for mapping HttpMethod.HEAD onto specific method.
Annotation for mapping an HTTP request header onto the following elements.
An EndpointGroup that filters out unhealthy Endpoints from an existing EndpointGroup, by sending periodic health check requests.
A builder for creating a new HealthCheckedEndpointGroup that sends HTTP health check requests.
Determines whether the Server is healthy.
Provides the properties and operations required for sending health check requests.
An HttpService that responds with HTTP status "200 OK" if the server is healthy and can accept requests and HTTP status "503 Service Not Available" if the server is unhealthy and cannot accept requests.
The result of health check with interval for next check.
Handles PUT, POST or PATCH requests sent to HealthCheckService.
A listener interface for receiving HealthCheckService update events.
The result of a request handled by HealthCheckUpdateHandler.
Converts a normalized HTTP/2 header name to another HTTP/1 header name.
Sends an HttpRequest to a remote Endpoint.
HTTP/2 data that contains a chunk of bytes.
Decodes a stream of HttpObjects to N objects.
An input of HttpDecoder which is used to read a stream of HttpData.
An output of HttpDecoder which holds the decoded data.
A file-like HTTP resource which yields an HttpResponse.
The attributes of an HttpFile.
Builds an HttpFile from a file, a classpath resource or an HttpData.
A response converter implementation which creates an HttpResponse when the result is an instance of HttpFile.
Contains constant definitions for the HTTP header field names.
Immutable HTTP/2 headers.
Builds an HttpHeaders.
A streamed HTTP/2 message.
HTTP request method.
The common interface for HTTP/2 message objects, HttpHeaders and HttpData.
A streamed HTTP/2 Request.
Builds a new HttpRequest.
A duplicator that duplicates a HttpRequest into one or more HttpRequests, which publish the same elements.
An HttpRequest that can have HttpObjects written to it.
A streamed HTTP/2 Response.
A duplicator that duplicates a HttpResponse into one or more HttpResponses, which publish the same elements.
A RuntimeException that is raised to send an HTTP response with the content specified by a user.
An HttpResponse that can have HttpObjects written to it.
An interface which helps a user specify an HttpStatus or ResponseHeaders for a response produced by an annotated HTTP service method.
An HTTP/2 Service.
An interface that enables getting all the Routes where an HttpService should be bound.
HTTP response code and its description.
The class of HTTP status.
A RuntimeException that is raised to send a simplistic HTTP response with minimal content by a Service.
A virtual file system that provides the files requested by FileService.
A utility class which provides factory methods in order to easily create a Predicate of an InetAddress.
A RuntimeException raised when a client received an invalid response.
An InvalidResponseException raised when a client received a response with invalid headers.
A Java SPI (Service Provider Interface) for the default Jackson ObjectMapper.
A RequestConverterFunction which converts a JSON body of the AggregatedHttpRequest to an object using the default ObjectMapper.
A response converter implementation which creates an HttpResponse with content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 or content-type: application/json-seq.
A utility class which helps to create a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Lines text from a content Publisher or Stream.
A utility class which helps to create a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Text Sequences from a content Publisher or Stream.
An interface that accepts item change listeners.
A variant of AsyncCloseable which allows a user to check whether the object is closed or to get notified when closed.
A HealthChecker which notifies its state change to its listeners.
Decorates an HttpClient to log Requests and Responses.
Builds a new LoggingClient.
A LoggingService decorator for annotated HTTP services.
Builds a new logging decorator.
A factory which creates a LoggingService decorator.
The containing annotation type for LoggingDecorator.
Decorates an RpcClient to log Requests and Responses.
Builds a new LoggingRpcClient.
Decorates an HttpService to log HttpRequests and HttpResponses.
Builds a new LoggingService.
Log level.
LRU (Least Recently Used) cache Map.
An HttpService that provides monitoring and management features.
Specifies a predicate which evaluates whether a request can be accepted by a service method.
The containing annotation type for MatchesHeader.
Specifies a predicate which evaluates whether a request can be accepted by a service method.
The containing annotation type for MatchesParam.
Represents an Internet Media Type (also known as a MIME Type or Content Type).
String constants defined in MediaType class.
An immutable Set of MediaTypes which provides useful methods for content negotiation.
A common prefix of Meter.Id which consists of Meter name and Tags.
Creates a MeterIdPrefix from a RequestLog.
Transforms a MeterIdPrefix into another.
Metadata about a function of a Service.
Decorates an HttpClient to collect metrics into MeterRegistry.
Builds a MetricCollectingClient instance.
Decorates an RpcClient to collect metrics into MeterRegistry.
Builds a MetricCollectingRpcClient instance.
Decorates an HttpService to collect metrics into MeterRegistry.
Builds a MetricCollectingService instance.
MIME Parsing exception.
Provides utilities for accessing MeterRegistry.
A reactive Multipart that represents Multiple part messages.
Utility methods to support multipart metadata handling.
Metadata about a named type.
Indicates the return values, parameters and fields are non-nullable by default.
A skeletal RequestContext implementation that helps to implement a non-wrapping RequestContext.
A MeterRegistry which does not record any values.
A Subscriber that discards all elements silently.
Indicates the return values, parameters and fields are nullable.
A response converter implementation which creates an HttpResponse of HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT when the specified result is null.
The bearer token of OAuth 1.0a authentication.
Builds a new OAuth1aToken.
The bearer token of OAuth 2.0 authentication.
A FixedStreamMessage that only publishes one object.
Annotation for mapping HttpMethod.OPTIONS onto specific method.
Specifies an order which is used to sort the annotated service methods.
Operating system.
Annotation for mapping a parameter of a request onto the following elements.
Annotation for mapping HttpMethod.PATCH onto specific method.
Annotation for mapping dynamic web requests onto specific method.
Annotation that can be used on a class as a path prefix for all the methods that handle http request.
The containing annotation type for Path.
Utility class that provides ways to create a pooled HttpData and manage its life cycle.
Annotation for mapping HttpMethod.POST onto specific method.
Specifies a media type which would be produced by the service method or class.
An alias for @Produces(MediaTypeNames.APPLICATION_BINARY).
An alias for @Produces(MediaTypeNames.EVENT_STREAM) and @ResponseConverter(ServerSentEventResponseConverterFunction.class).
The containing annotation type for Produces.
An alias for @Produces(MediaTypeNames.JSON_UTF_8).
An alias for @Produces(MediaTypeNames.JSON_SEQ).
An alias for @Produces(MediaTypeNames.OCTET_STREAM).
An alias for @Produces(MediaTypeNames.PROTOBUF).
An alias for @Produces(MediaTypeNames.PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8).
Exposes Prometheus metrics in text format 0.0.4.
Provides the convenient factory methods for PrometheusMeterRegistry with more sensible defaults for NamingConvention.
A RuntimeException raised when a remote peer violated the current SessionProtocol.
An interface to provide source and destination addresses delivered from a proxy server.
Base configuration for proxy settings used by ClientFactory.
Selects the ProxyConfig to use when connecting to a network resource specified by the SessionProtocol and Endpoint parameter.
The proxy protocol type.
Adapts a Publisher into a StreamMessage.
Annotation for mapping HttpMethod.PUT onto specific method.
Immutable HTTP query parameters.
Builds a QueryParams.
A ThrottlingService decorator for annotated HTTP services.
A factory which creates a ThrottlingService decorator with a ThrottlingStrategy.rateLimiting(double, String).
The containing annotation type for RateLimitingDecorator.
Configuration for automatic redirection.
A builder for RedirectConfig.
An HttpService that sends a redirect response such as "307 Temporary Redirect".
A RuntimeException raised when a server set HTTP/2 MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS to 0, which means a client can't send anything.
Regex based sanitizer.
A FixedStreamMessage that publishes an arbitrary number of objects.
A handler that is invoked when a ServerBuilder rejects to bind an HttpService at a certain Route.
A holder of releasable resource ReleasableHolder.
A request.
A CancellationException raised when a request is cancelled by the user.
Provides information about a Request, its Response and related utilities.
Exports the specified properties from current RequestContext to Map.
The storage for storing RequestContext.
Creates a new RequestContextStorage dynamically via Java SPI (Service Provider Interface).
Wraps an existing RequestContextStorage.
Wraps an existing RequestContext.
Specifies a RequestConverterFunction class which converts an AggregatedHttpRequest to an object.
Converts an AggregatedHttpRequest to an object.
A RequestConverterFunction provider interface which creates a new RequestConverterFunction for converting an AggregatedHttpRequest to an object of the given type.
The containing annotation type for RequestConverter.
Immutable HTTP/2 headers for an HttpRequest.
Builds a RequestHeaders.
An identifier of a Request-Response pair.
A set of informational properties collected while processing a Request and Response.
Provides the access to a RequestLog or RequestOnlyLog, while ensuring the interested RequestLogPropertys are available.
A RuntimeException raised when accessing a RequestLog property that's not available yet.
Updates a RequestLog with newly available information.
A property of RequestLog, used for identifying properties that have been populated during request processing.
Specifies which element should be converted by RequestConverterFunction.
A set of informational properties for request-side only, collected while consuming a Request.
A builder for creating a new RequestOptions.
Provides the access to request-scoped MDC properties.
A TimeoutException raised when a request has not been received from a client within timeout.
A response stream or a holder of the future result value.
A CancellationException raised when a response is cancelled by the user.
Specifies a ResponseConverterFunction class which converts the result to HttpResponse.
Converts a result object to HttpResponse.
A ResponseConverterFunction provider interface which creates a new ResponseConverterFunction for converting an object of the given type and functions.
The containing annotation type for ResponseConverter.
Immutable HTTP/2 headers for an HttpResponse.
Builds a ResponseHeaders.
A TimeoutException raised when a response has not been received from a server within timeout.
Holds retry config used by a RetryingClient.
Builds a RetryConfig.
Returns a RetryConfig given the ClientRequestContext.
A RetryDecision that determines whether a RetryRule retries with a Backoff, skips the current RetryRule or no retries.
An HttpClient decorator that handles failures of an invocation and retries HTTP requests.
Builds a new RetryingClient or its decorator function.
An RpcClient decorator that handles failures of an invocation and retries RPC requests.
Builds a new RetryingRpcClient or its decorator function.
Determines whether a failed request should be retried.
A builder for creating a new RetryRule.
Determines whether a failed request should be retried using the content of a Response.
A builder for creating a new RetryRuleWithContent.
Route maps from an incoming HTTP request to an HttpService based on its path, method, content type and accepted types.
Builds a new Route.
A value mapped by Router.
The type of the path which was specified when a Route is created.
Finds a mapping that matches a given RoutingContext.
A factory that creates a Router instance.
Holds the parameters which are required to find a service available to handle the request.
The result returned by Route.apply(RoutingContext, boolean).
Builds a new RoutingResult.
The type of RoutingResult.
Sends an RpcRequest to a remote Endpoint.
An RPC Request.
An RPC Response.
An RPC Service.
An interface that enables getting all the Routes where an RpcService should be bound.
An AutoCloseable whose SafeCloseable.close() method does not throw an exception.
Sampler is responsible for deciding if a particular trace should be "sampled", i.e. whether the overhead of tracing will occur and/or if a trace will be reported to the collection tier.
Serialization format of a remote procedure call and its reply.
Registers the SerializationFormats dynamically via Java SPI (Service Provider Interface).
A registration entry of a SerializationFormat.
Listens to ServerPorts and delegates client requests to Services.
Builds a new Server and its ServerConfig.
Directives for HTTP caching mechanisms in responses.
Creates a new ServerCacheControl using the builder pattern.
Server configuration.
A Server that allows ability to reconfigure its service endpoints without having to restart the server.
Provides the error responses in case of unexpected exceptions or protocol errors.
Listens to life cycle events of a Server.
A skeletal ServerListener implementation in order for a user to implement only the methods what he or she really needs.
Builds a new ServerListener.
A pair of server-side bind address and SessionProtocol.
An interface for the Server-Sent Events specification.
A builder which creates a ServerSentEvent instance.
A response converter implementation which creates an HttpResponse with content-type: text/event-stream.
A utility class which helps to create a Server-Sent Events stream from a content Publisher or Stream.
Service<I extends Request,​O extends Response>
Handles a Request received by a Server.
A builder class for binding an HttpService fluently.
A helper class that invokes the callback methods in Service.
An HttpService configuration.
Metadata about a Service.
Annotation for service name that is often used as a meter tag or distributed trace's span name.
Generates the default name of a Service from its ServiceRequestContext.
Provides information about an invocation and related utilities.
Builds a new ServiceRequestContext.
Wraps an existing ServiceRequestContext.
The specification of one or more Services that provides their ServiceInfos and NamedTypeInfos.
ServiceWithRoutes<I extends Request,​O extends Response>
An interface that enables getting all the Routes where a Service should be bound.
Session-level protocol that provides facilities such as framing and flow control.
Keeps the recent SessionProtocol negotiation failures.
An exception triggered when failed to negotiate the desired SessionProtocol with a server.
A simple ListenableHealthChecker whose state can be set by a caller.
A function that accepts one signal and produces the length of the signal.
Decorates a Client.
Decorates an HttpClient.
An HttpService that decorates another HttpService.
Decorates an RpcClient.
An RpcService that decorates another RpcService.
A Service that decorates another Service.
SOCKS4 proxy configuration.
SOCKS5 proxy configuration.
An HttpResponse which splits a stream of HttpObjects into HTTP headers and payloads.
Provides asynchronous start-stop life cycle support.
An annotation which specifies a default HTTP status code of a response produced by an annotated HTTP service.
Use StreamDecoder instead.
An interface for objects that apply HTTP content decoding to incoming HttpData.
An interface that constructs a new StreamDecoder for a given Content-Encoding header value.
A skeletal HttpFile that simplifies the streaming of potentially large content.
A variant of Reactive Streams Publisher, which allows only one Subscriber.
A duplicator that duplicates a StreamMessage into one or more StreamMessages, which publish the same elements.
Wraps a StreamMessage and forwards its method invocations to delegate.
Produces the objects to be published by a StreamMessage.
A RequestConverterFunction which converts a text body of the AggregatedHttpRequest to a String.
A ResponseConverterFunction which creates an HttpResponse when: the result is an instance of CharSequence the "content-type" of the ResponseHeaders is MediaType.ANY_TEXT_TYPE Note that this ResponseConverterFunction is applied to an annotated service by default, so you don't have to specify this converter explicitly.
Metadata about a struct type.
Options used when subscribing to a StreamMessage.
Provides utilities for accessing the information about the current system and process.
A utility class to format things as a String with ease.
Provides a builder for ThreadFactory.
Builds a new ThreadFactory.
A FixedStreamMessage that publishes three objects.
A callback which is invoked to handle accepted (successful) requests indicated by ThrottlingStrategy.
A callback which is invoked to handle rejected (failure) requests indicated by ThrottlingStrategy.
Decorates an RPC Service to throttle incoming requests.
Builds a new ThrottlingRpcService.
Decorates an HttpService to throttle incoming requests.
Builds a new ThrottlingService.
Determines whether a request should be throttled.
A time source; returns a time value representing the number of nanoseconds elapsed since some fixed but arbitrary point in time.
A RuntimeException raised when a requested invocation does not complete before its deadline.
The timeout mode.
A RuntimeException raised when the number of pending acquisitions exceeds the ConcurrencyLimitBuilder.maxPendingAcquisitions(int).
An exception indicating that automatic redirection exceeds the maximum limit number.
Annotation for mapping HttpMethod.TRACE onto specific method.
An HttpService that handles transient requests, for example, health check requests.
An RpcService that handles transient requests, for example, health check requests.
TransientService<I extends Request,​O extends Response>
A Service that handles transient requests, for example, health check requests.
Specifies which features should be enabled for a TransientService.
Native transport types.
A FixedStreamMessage that publishes two objects.
Type signature of a method parameter, a method return value or a struct/exception field.
An exception indicating that the host component of the redirection URI is not allowed to redirect.
An exception indicating that the session protocol of the redirection URI is not allowed to redirect.
A CompletableFuture which prevents the caller from completing it.
A RuntimeException raised when it is certain that a request has not been handled by a server and thus can be retried safely.
Indicates the API of the target is not mature enough to guarantee the compatibility between releases.
Provides a way to unwrap an object in decorator pattern, similar to down-casting in an inheritance pattern.
UserClient<I extends Request,​O extends Response>
A base class for implementing a user's entry point for sending a Request.
Retrieves the version information of available Armeria artifacts.
A builder class for binding an HttpService to a virtual host fluently.
Builds a new VirtualHost.
A builder class for binding a decorator to a Route fluently.
A builder class for binding an HttpService fluently.
An asynchronous web client.
Creates a new web client that connects to the specified URI using the builder pattern.
Prepares and executes a new HttpRequest for WebClient.
Builds a weight ramping up EndpointSelectionStrategy which ramps the weight of newly added Endpoints.
A TimeoutException raised when a client failed to send a request to the wire within timeout.