Interface AggregatedMultipart

public interface AggregatedMultipart
A complete multipart whose body parts are readily available.
  • Method Details

    • of

      static AggregatedMultipart of(AggregatedBodyPart... bodyParts)
      Returns a new AggregatedMultipart with the default boundary.
      bodyParts - the body part of the multipart message
    • of

      static AggregatedMultipart of(Iterable<? extends AggregatedBodyPart> bodyParts)
      Returns a new AggregatedMultipart with the default boundary.
      bodyParts - the body part of the multipart message
    • of

      static AggregatedMultipart of(String boundary, AggregatedBodyPart... bodyParts)
      Returns a new AggregatedMultipart with the specified boundary.
      boundary - the boundary of the multipart message
      bodyParts - the body part of the multipart message
    • of

      static AggregatedMultipart of(String boundary, Iterable<? extends AggregatedBodyPart> bodyParts)
      Returns a new AggregatedMultipart with the specified boundary.
      boundary - the boundary of the multipart message
      bodyParts - the body part of the multipart message
    • boundary

      String boundary()
      Returns the boundary string.
    • bodyParts

      List<AggregatedBodyPart> bodyParts()
      Returns all the nested body parts.
    • field

      @Nullable default @Nullable AggregatedBodyPart field(String name)
      Returns the first body part identified by the given control name. The control name is the name parameter of the "content-disposition" header for a body part with disposition type form-data.
      name - control name
      the BodyPart of the control name, or null if not present.
    • fields

      default List<AggregatedBodyPart> fields(String name)
      Returns the body parts identified by the given control name. The control name is the name parameter of the "content-disposition" header for a body part with disposition type form-data.
      name - control name
    • names

      default Set<String> names()
      Returns the all control names of the body parts. The control name is the name parameter of the "content-disposition" header for a body part with disposition type form-data.