Class DeferredStreamMessage<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of element signaled
All Implemented Interfaces:
StreamMessage<T>, org.reactivestreams.Publisher<T>

@UnstableApi public class DeferredStreamMessage<T> extends AggregationSupport
A StreamMessage whose stream is published later by another StreamMessage. It is useful when your StreamMessage will not be instantiated early.
  • Constructor Details

    • DeferredStreamMessage

      public DeferredStreamMessage()
  • Method Details

    • delegate

      protected final void delegate(StreamMessage<T> upstream)
      Sets the upstream StreamMessage which will actually publish the stream.
      IllegalStateException - if the upstream has been set already or if close() or close(Throwable) was called already.
    • close

      public final void close()
      Closes the deferred stream without setting a delegate.
      IllegalStateException - if the upstream has been set already or if close() or close(Throwable) was called already.
    • close

      public final void close(Throwable cause)
      Closes the deferred stream without setting a delegate.
      IllegalStateException - if the delegate has been set already or if close() or close(Throwable) was called already.
    • isOpen

      public final boolean isOpen()
      Description copied from interface: StreamMessage
      Returns true if this stream is not closed yet. Note that a stream may not be complete even if it's closed; a stream is complete when it's fully consumed by a Subscriber.
    • isEmpty

      public final boolean isEmpty()
      Description copied from interface: StreamMessage
      Returns true if this stream has been closed and did not publish any elements. Note that this method will not return true when the stream is open even if it has not published anything so far, because it may publish something later.
    • demand

      public final long demand()
      Description copied from interface: StreamMessage
      Returns the current demand of this stream.
    • abort

      public final void abort()
      Description copied from interface: StreamMessage
      Closes this stream with AbortedStreamException and prevents further subscription. A Subscriber that attempts to subscribe to an aborted stream will be notified with an AbortedStreamException via Subscriber.onError(Throwable). Calling this method on a closed or aborted stream has no effect.
    • abort

      public final void abort(Throwable cause)
      Description copied from interface: StreamMessage
      Closes this stream with the specified Throwable and prevents further subscription. A Subscriber that attempts to subscribe to an aborted stream will be notified with the specified Throwable via Subscriber.onError(Throwable). Calling this method on a closed or aborted stream has no effect.
    • collect

      public CompletableFuture<List<T>> collect(EventExecutor executor, SubscriptionOption... options)
      Description copied from interface: StreamMessage
      Collects the elements published by this StreamMessage with the specified EventExecutor and SubscriptionOptions. The returned CompletableFuture will be notified when the elements are fully consumed.

      Note that if this StreamMessage was subscribed by other Subscriber already, the returned CompletableFuture will be completed with an IllegalStateException.

    • subscribe

      public final void subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<? super T> subscriber, EventExecutor executor)
      Description copied from interface: StreamMessage
      Requests to start streaming data to the specified Subscriber. If there is a problem subscribing, Subscriber.onError(Throwable) will be invoked with one of the following exceptions:
      Specified by:
      subscribe in interface StreamMessage<T>
      executor - the executor to subscribe
    • subscribe

      public final void subscribe(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<? super T> subscriber, EventExecutor executor, SubscriptionOption... options)
      Description copied from interface: StreamMessage
      Requests to start streaming data to the specified Subscriber. If there is a problem subscribing, Subscriber.onError(Throwable) will be invoked with one of the following exceptions:
      Specified by:
      subscribe in interface StreamMessage<T>
      executor - the executor to subscribe
      options - SubscriptionOptions to subscribe with
    • whenComplete

      public final CompletableFuture<Void> whenComplete()
      Description copied from interface: StreamMessage
      Returns a CompletableFuture that completes when this stream is complete, either successfully or exceptionally, including cancellation and abortion.

      A StreamMessage is complete (or 'fully consumed') when:

      • the Subscriber consumes all elements and Subscriber.onComplete() is invoked,
      • an error occurred and Subscriber.onError(Throwable) is invoked,
      • the Subscription has been cancelled or
      • StreamMessage.abort() has been requested.
      Specified by:
      whenComplete in interface StreamMessage<T>
    • onRemoval

      protected void onRemoval(T obj)
      Invoked after an element is removed from the StreamMessage and before Subscriber.onNext(Object) is invoked.
      obj - the removed element