

A simple option parser.

A simple option parser.

====Overview==== An option parser is an ordered collection of option name and option processor pairs that matches on a sequence of arguments, yielding a map of option names to option values. As the parser recognizes option names in the argument sequence, it applies the corresponding processor function to obtain the option value. This process is repeated until the argument sequence is exhausted or the parser encounters an error.

An option name can be expressed in both ''long'' and ''short'' form. For any given sequence of arguments, ''long'' options are detected by the presence of a -- prefix and ''short'' options with a - prefix. Examples include --verbose and -v, respectively.

An option processor is an arbitrary function whose purpose is to return a value that gets assigned to the option name. A processor may consider and absorb subsequent arguments in computing the value, such as --timeout that might expect the next argument to be an integer. Library users are encouraged to utilize the predefined builder methods rather than implement processor functions from scratch.

====Option Construction==== The construction of an option is best done using the DSL, which is available from the following import statement.

import com.loopfor.scalop._

The following is a simple option that demonstrates how the DSL is used to pair an option name with a corresponding processor.

val opt = ("verbose", 'v') ~> just(true)

The ~> method triggers an implicit conversion of the tuple ("verbose", 'v') into an option name and then binds the processor function just(true), resulting in an option.

An option can also be adorned with a default value upon construction using the ~~ operator following the processor function. Doing so ensures that the option is assigned the default value in the absence of being specified in an argument sequence at the time of parsing.

val opt = ("verbose", 'v') ~> just(true) ~~ false

A sequence of options can then be constructed using the :: operator. Note that the order of options is important since the parser will evaluate arguments against those options based on traversal order of the sequence.

val opts = ("verbose", 'v') ~> just(true) ~~ false ::
          ("timeout", 't') ~> as[Int] ~~ 0 ::
          "encoding" ~> as[Charset] ~~ Charset.forName("UTF-8") ::
          '?' ~> just(true) ~~ false ::

=====Replacing Options===== A ''replacing'' option is one which replaces values previously assigned to an option name during argument parsing. Options of this type are created using the ~> operator.

For example:

val opt = "timeout" ~> as[Int]

Given the following sequence of arguments, the value of timeout at the completion of parsing would be 60.

--timeout 30 --timeout 60

=====Appending Options===== An ''appending'' option is one which appends values to a sequence of values previously assigned to an option name during argument parsing. Options of this type are created using the ~>+ operator.

For example:

val opt = "server" ~>+ as[String]

Given the following sequence of arguments, the value of server at the completion of parsing would be Seq("", "").

--server --server

====Parser Construction==== The construction of an option parser happens implicitly when the <~ operator is applied to either a single option or a sequence of options.

The following illustrates the evaluation of arguments against a sequence of options. Note that an ephemeral instance of an option parser is constructed as a byproduct of applying the <~ operator.

val opts = ("verbose", 'v') ~> just(true) ~~ false ::
          ("timeout", 't') ~> as[Int] ~~ 0 ::
          "encoding" ~> as[Charset] ~~ Charset.forName("UTF-8") ::
          '?' ~> just(true) ~~ false ::

val optr = opts <~ Seq("--verbose", "-t", "30", "--encoding", "iso-8859-1", "this", "and", "that")

In the aforementioned example, invoking the parser with the given sequence of arguments produces an option result containing a map of option names to option values. Notice that a value is associated with both ''long'' and ''short'' forms of the option name regardless of which form is specified in the argument sequence.

"verbose" -> true
"v" -> true
"timeout" -> 30
"t" -> 30
"encoding" -> Charset(ISO-8859-1)
"?" -> false
"@" -> Seq("this", "and", "that")

The @ option is a special name containing all non-option values trailing the last option in the argument sequence.

====Parser Behavior==== Given a sequence of arguments, such as those provided by a shell when supplying arguments to a command line program, an option parser behaves in the following manner.

The parser recursively applies the following algorithm as it traverses the argument sequence.

  • If the next argument is equal to "--", the sequence of all subsequent arguments is assigned to the special option name "@" and the parser terminates, returning the option value map. By convention, the -- option is used to explicitly terminate options so that remaining arguments, which might be prefixed with -- or -, are not treated as options.

  • If the next argument is either a ''long'' or ''short'' option name recognized by the parser, the corresponding processor function is applied to the remaining arguments, yielding a value, which is then associated with the option name, both ''long'' and ''short'', in the option value map. However, if the argument happens to be an option that is not recognized by the parser, then an exception is thrown. Otherwise, the parser is recursively applied to the remaining sequence of arguments.

  • If the next argument is not an option, implying that it contains neither a -- nor a - prefix, then the remaining argument sequence is assigned to the "@" option and the parser terminates.

Finally, default values for each option are assigned to the option value map if values for those corresponding options are absent.

In cases where values, which follow an option, contain either a - or -- prefix, such values must be escaped by prepending the \ character. Otherwise, the parser will interpret the value as an option and proceed accordingly.

The following example will parse incorrectly since -10 will be interpreted as an option.

--time-adjust -10

The correct way to specify this value is as follows:

--time-adjust \-10

====Option Processors==== An option processor is a function accepting as input:

  • the sequence of arguments that follow an option name

and returning as output a tuple containing:

  • the sequence of arguments following those consumed by the processor
  • the option value

The argument sequence provided as input are those that follow the recognized option. For example, given the following argument sequence:

--verbose -F foo.out --timeout 10

Assuming -F was recognized by the parser, then the sequence provided to the associated processor function would be:

Seq("foo.out", "--timeout", "10")

Since a processor may expect additional arguments following the option, as is the case with -F, the resulting sequence will be the arguments that follow those absorbed by the processor, which in this case, would be:

Seq("--timeout", "10")

In cases where a processor requires additional arguments, it is often necessary to perform some degree of validation or transformation, both of which may fail. Exceptions that propagate beyond the processor function are caught by the parser and converted to OptException. Additionally, the yell() methods are provided as a convenience for processor implementations to throw instances of OptException.

====Processor Construction==== A processor is typically constructed using one of the predefined builders, the choice of which depends on the nature of the option.

For standalone options with no additional argument, the just builder can be used to explicitly assign a value.

("verbose", 'v') ~> just(true)

For options that contain one additional argument, the [as] builders simplify construction of the processor by standardizing the manner in which error cases are handled, such as missing arguments and problems encountered with argument converters.

The simplest form of using as follows, which essentially converts the argument into the parameterized type.

("timeout", 't') ~> as[Int]

As with all uses of as, an argument converter must be implicitly defined or supplied directly to the function. Argument converters are discussed in more detail below.

A secondary form of using [as] accepts a user-supplied function, which performs additional processing on the argument once converted. The result of that function becomes the value of the option.

The following example illustrates how a function can be used for validation or alteration.

("timeout", 't') ~> as { arg: Int => if (arg < 0) 0 else arg }

The type of the return value does not need to match the type of the converted argument, which is demonstrated below.

("timeout", 't') ~> as { arg: Int => (if (arg < 0) 0 else arg).seconds }

For options that ''might'' contain an additional argument, the [maybe] builders are similar to their as counterparts in that the handling of error cases is standardized. All processors constructed in this manner yield Option[A] rather than A. This is necessary to distinguish between the presence or absence of a subsequent argument.

The simplest form of using [maybe] is demonstrated below.

val opts = "help" ~> maybe[String]

The value of the option will vary depending on the arguments provided to the parser:

optr = opts <~ Seq()
optr("help") // undefined

optr = opts <~ Seq("--help")
optr("help") == None

optr = opts <~ Seq("--help", "foo")
optr("help") == Some("foo")

A secondary form of using [maybe] accepts a user-supplied function, but is invoked only if a subsequent argument is present.

"help" ~> maybe { arg: String => if (canHelp(arg)) arg else "*" }

====Argument Converters==== An argument converter is a function that transforms individual argument strings into other types. A converter accepts as input:

  • an argument string

and returns an Either[String, A] where:

  • Right(A) conveys successful conversion to an instance of type A
  • Left(String) conveys failure with corresponding user-readable text

A handful of implicit argument converters are provided in the com.loopfor.scalop package as a convenience for constructing the most common option types. In the absence of a suitable converter, a custom implementation can be written quite easily. The following example converts an argument string into its equivalent JDK logging level.

import java.util.logging.Level

implicit def argToLevel(arg: String): Either[String, Level] = {
 try Right(Level.parse(arg.toUpperCase)) catch {
   case _: IllegalArgumentException => Left("unrecognized level")

Providing this converter simplifies option construction as follows.

val opts = ("level", 'L') ~> as[Level] ~~ Level.OFF