
trait Path

Represents an ''absolute'' or ''relative'' path to a node in ZooKeeper.

An ''absolute'' path starts with the / character. All other forms are considered ''relative''. Paths are virtually identical to those on Unix file systems and may include both . and .. parts, indicating the current and parent node, respectively.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

Returns true if the path is absolute.

Returns true if the path is absolute.

Returns the name of the last part of the path.

Returns the name of the last part of the path.


"" parent is ""
"/" parent is ""
"/foo" parent is "/"
"/foo/bar" parent is "/foo"
"foo/bar" parent is "foo"

the last part of path, which is an empty string if path is either "" or "/".

Returns the normalized form of this path.

Returns the normalized form of this path.

The normalization process entails the removal of . and .. parts where possible.


"/.." normalizes to "/"
"/foo/.." normalizes to "/"
"/foo/../bar" normalizes to "/bar"
"./foo" normalizes to "foo"
"foo/." normalizes to "foo"
"foo/.." normalizes to ""
"foo/./bar" normalizes to "foo/bar"
"foo/../bar" normalizes to "bar"

the normalized form of this path

Returns the parent path.

Returns the parent path.


the parent of path


if removal of name from path yields "" or "/"

Returns the parent path wrapped in an Option.

Returns the parent path wrapped in an Option.


a Some containing the parent of path or None if removal of name from path yields "" or "/"

Returns a sequence containing the parts of the path.

Returns a sequence containing the parts of the path.

Parts represent the node names sandwiched between / characters. An ''absolute'' path, which is prefixed with /, always yields a sequence containing an empty string as the first element. The path "" contains no parts, hence an empty sequence is returned. In all other cases, parts are non-empty strings.


"" parts ()
"/" parts ("/")
"/foo/bar" parts ("", "foo", "bar")
"foo/bar" parts ("foo", "bar")

a sequence containing the parts of path

Returns the path.

Returns the path.


the path

def resolve(path: String): Path

Resolves the given path relative to this path.

Resolves the given path relative to this path.

Path resolution works as follows:

  • if path is empty, return this path
  • if path starts with /, return path
  • if this path is empty, return path
  • otherwise, return this path + / + path
Value parameters:

the path to resolve against this path


a new path in which the given path is resolved relative to this path

def resolve(path: Path): Path

Resolves the given path relative to this path.

Resolves the given path relative to this path.

Value parameters:

the path to resolve against this path


a new path in which the givne path is resolved relative to this path