
Conversion typeclasses between coulomb types and java.time types

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


abstract class DurationQuantity[V, U] extends Duration => Quantity[V, U]

A typeclass for converting a Duration to an equivalent Quantity

A typeclass for converting a Duration to an equivalent Quantity

Type parameters:

the quantity unit type


the quantity value type

abstract class QuantityDuration[V, U] extends Quantity[V, U] => Duration

A typeclass for converting a Quantity to an equivalent Duration

A typeclass for converting a Quantity to an equivalent Duration

Type parameters:

the quantity unit type


the quantity value type

abstract class TruncatingDurationQuantity[V, U] extends Duration => Quantity[V, U]

A typeclass for converting a Duration to an equivalent Quantity involving a truncation to some integral value type

A typeclass for converting a Duration to an equivalent Quantity involving a truncation to some integral value type

Type parameters:

the quantity unit type


the quantity value type

object all

exports both explicit and implicit conversion typeclasses

exports both explicit and implicit conversion typeclasses

// import both explicit and implicit conversion typeclasses into scope
import coulomb.units.javatime.conversions.all.given
object explicit

defines typeclasses for explicit conversions

defines typeclasses for explicit conversions

// import typeclasses for explicit conversions into scope
import coulomb.units.javatime.conversions.explicit.given
object scala

defines implicit scala.Conversion typeclasses

defines implicit scala.Conversion typeclasses

// import implicit conversion typeclasses into scope
import coulomb.units.javatime.conversions.scala.given