Class PodFailurePolicyOnExitCodesRequirement.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • containerName

        public PodFailurePolicyOnExitCodesRequirement.Builder containerName​(java.lang.String containerName)
        Restricts the check for exit codes to the container with the specified name. When null, the rule applies to all containers. When specified, it should match one the container or initContainer names in the pod template.
      • operator

        public PodFailurePolicyOnExitCodesRequirement.Builder operator​(@NonNull
                                                                       @NonNull java.lang.String operator)
        Represents the relationship between the container exit code(s) and the specified values. Containers completed with success (exit code 0) are excluded from the requirement check. Possible values are:

        - In: the requirement is satisfied if at least one container exit code

        (might be multiple if there are multiple containers not restricted

        by the 'containerName' field) is in the set of specified values.

        - NotIn: the requirement is satisfied if at least one container exit code

        (might be multiple if there are multiple containers not restricted

        by the 'containerName' field) is not in the set of specified values.

        Additional values are considered to be added in the future. Clients should react to an unknown operator by assuming the requirement is not satisfied.

      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object