
See theWritable companion object
trait Writable

A Writable is a source of bytes that can be written to an OutputStream.

Essentially a push-based version of java.io.InputStream, that allows an implementation to guarantee that cleanup logic runs after the bytes are written.

Writable is also much easier to implement than java.io.InputStream: any code that previously wrote output to an ByteArrayOutputStream or StringBuilder can trivially satisfy the Writable interface. That makes Writable very convenient to use for allowing zero-friction zero-overhead streaming data exchange between different libraries.

Writable comes with implicit constructors from Array[Byte], String and InputStream, and is itself a tiny interface with minimal functionality. Libraries using Writable are expected to extend it to provide additional methods or additional implicit constructors that make sense in their context.


class Any
Known subtypes

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def writeBytesTo(out: OutputStream): Unit

Concrete methods

def contentLength: Option[Long]
def httpContentType: Option[String]