package index

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Cache[T] extends AnyRef

    This trait defines interface APIs for a Cache.

    This trait defines interface APIs for a Cache.


    Type of cache entry

  2. class CachingIndexCollectionManager extends IndexCollectionManager

    An IndexCollectionManager which leverages a cache to accelerate fetching indexes, with below properties: - Cache entry is only set/used on the read path (i.e.

    An IndexCollectionManager which leverages a cache to accelerate fetching indexes, with below properties: - Cache entry is only set/used on the read path (i.e. getIndexes() API). - If cache entry is stale, indexes are fetched directly from the system path (as done in the parent class) and cache entry will be refreshed. - If any API is called to add a new index or modify an existing index's status, cache gets cleared.

  3. case class Content(root: Directory, fingerprint: NoOpFingerprint = NoOpFingerprint()) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class CoveringIndex(properties: Properties) extends Product with Serializable
  5. class CreationTimeBasedIndexCache extends Cache[Seq[IndexLogEntry]]

    An implementation of cache to store indexes that uses entry's last reset time to check validity of cache entry.

    An implementation of cache to store indexes that uses entry's last reset time to check validity of cache entry. Cache entry is stale if it has been in the cache for some (configurable) time.

  6. case class Directory(name: String, files: Seq[FileInfo] = Seq(), subDirs: Seq[Directory] = Seq()) extends Product with Serializable

    Directory is a representation of file system directory.

    Directory is a representation of file system directory. It consists of a name (directory name), a list of files represented by sequence of FileInfo, and a list of subdirectories.


    Directory name.


    List of leaf files in this directory.


    List of sub-directories in this directory.

  7. class FileBasedSignatureProvider extends LogicalPlanSignatureProvider

    FileBasedSignatureProvider provides the logical plan signature based on files in the logical relation.

    FileBasedSignatureProvider provides the logical plan signature based on files in the logical relation. File metadata, eg. size, modification time and path, of each file in the FileIndex will be used to generate the signature. If the logical plan does not have any LogicalRelation operator, no signature is provided.

  8. class FileIdTracker extends AnyRef

    Provides functionality to generate unique file ids for files.

  9. case class FileInfo(name: String, size: Long, modifiedTime: Long, id: Long) extends Product with Serializable
  10. trait FileSystemFactory extends AnyRef
  11. case class Hdfs(properties: Properties) extends Product with Serializable
  12. trait IndexCacheFactory extends AnyRef
  13. class IndexCollectionManager extends IndexManager
  14. case class IndexConfig(indexName: String, indexedColumns: Seq[String], includedColumns: Seq[String] = Seq()) extends Product with Serializable

    IndexConfig specifies the configuration of an index.

    IndexConfig specifies the configuration of an index.


    Index name.


    Columns from which an index is created.


    Columns to be included in the index.

  15. trait IndexDataManager extends AnyRef

    Index Directory Structure IDRoot/ _hyperspace_log/ 0 1 ...

    Index Directory Structure IDRoot/ _hyperspace_log/ 0 1 ... n IndexConstants.INDEX_VERSION_DIRECTORY_PREFIX=0/ f1.parquet ... IndexConstants.INDEX_VERSION_DIRECTORY_PREFIX=1/ f1.parquet

  16. trait IndexDataManagerFactory extends AnyRef
  17. class IndexDataManagerImpl extends IndexDataManager
  18. case class IndexLogEntry(name: String, derivedDataset: CoveringIndex, content: Content, source: Source, properties: Map[String, String]) extends LogEntry with Product with Serializable
  19. case class IndexLogEntryTag[T](name: String) extends Product with Serializable
  20. trait IndexLogManager extends AnyRef

    Interface for IndexLogManager which handles log operations.

  21. trait IndexLogManagerFactory extends AnyRef
  22. class IndexLogManagerImpl extends IndexLogManager with Logging
  23. trait IndexManager extends AnyRef

    Interface that contains internal APIs to manage index.

  24. class IndexSignatureProvider extends LogicalPlanSignatureProvider

    IndexSignatureProvider provides signature for a logical plan based on: 1- Files and their properties in LogicalRelation operator(s) of the plan; 2- Overall structure of the plan w.r.t its operators' types.

    IndexSignatureProvider provides signature for a logical plan based on: 1- Files and their properties in LogicalRelation operator(s) of the plan; 2- Overall structure of the plan w.r.t its operators' types.

    FileBasedSignatureProvider is used for (1) and PlanSignatureProvider is used for (2).

    If the plan does not comply with FileBasedSignatureProvider or PlanSignatureProvider requirements for signature computation, then no signature will be provided for the plan.

  25. abstract class LogEntry extends AnyRef
  26. case class LogicalPlanFingerprint(properties: Properties) extends Product with Serializable
  27. trait LogicalPlanSignatureProvider extends AnyRef

    This trait contains the interface that provides the signature of logical plan.

  28. case class NoOpFingerprint() extends Product with Serializable
  29. class PlanSignatureProvider extends LogicalPlanSignatureProvider

    PlanSignatureProvider provides signature for a logical plan based on the type of operators in it.

    PlanSignatureProvider provides signature for a logical plan based on the type of operators in it. A plan needs to have at least one operator so its signature can be generated.

  30. case class Relation(rootPaths: Seq[String], data: Hdfs, dataSchemaJson: String, fileFormat: String, options: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable

    IndexLogEntry-specific Relation that represents the source relation.

    IndexLogEntry-specific Relation that represents the source relation.


    List of root paths for the source relation.


    Source data for the relation. captures source data which derived dataset was created from. captures any updates since the derived dataset was created.


    Schema in json format.


    File format name.


    Options to read the source relation.

  31. case class Signature(provider: String, value: String) extends Product with Serializable
  32. case class Source(plan: SparkPlan) extends Product with Serializable
  33. case class SparkPlan(properties: Properties) extends Product with Serializable
  34. case class Update(appendedFiles: Option[Content] = None, deletedFiles: Option[Content] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Captures any HDFS updates.

    Captures any HDFS updates.


    Appended files.


    Deleted files.

Value Members

  1. object CachingIndexCollectionManager
  2. object Content extends Serializable
  3. object CoveringIndex extends Serializable
  4. object DataFrameWriterExtensions
  5. object Directory extends Serializable
  6. object FileInfo extends Serializable
  7. object FileSystemFactoryImpl extends FileSystemFactory
  8. object Hdfs extends Serializable
  9. object IndexCacheFactoryImpl extends IndexCacheFactory
  10. object IndexCacheType
  11. object IndexCollectionManager
  12. object IndexConfig extends Serializable

    Defines IndexConfig.Builder and relevant helper methods for enabling builder pattern for IndexConfig.

  13. object IndexConstants
  14. object IndexDataManagerFactoryImpl extends IndexDataManagerFactory
  15. object IndexLogEntry extends Serializable
  16. object IndexLogEntryTags
  17. object IndexLogManagerFactoryImpl extends IndexLogManagerFactory
  18. object LogEntry
  19. object LogicalPlanFingerprint extends Serializable
  20. object LogicalPlanSignatureProvider

    Factory object for LogicalPlanSignatureProvider.

  21. object PathResolver
  22. object SparkPlan extends Serializable
