Interface Function8Single<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​TResult>

  • Type Parameters:
    T1 - The type of the first parameter to the callback.
    T2 - The type of the second parameter to the callback.
    T3 - The type of the third parameter to the callback.
    T4 - The type of the fourth parameter to the callback.
    T5 - The type of the fifth parameter to the callback.
    T6 - The type of the sixth parameter to the callback.
    T7 - The type of the seventh parameter to the callback.
    T8 - The type of the eighth parameter to the callback.

    public interface Function8Single<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​TResult>
    A callback that takes one parameter.
    • Method Detail

      • invoke

        io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Single<TResult> invoke​(T1 param1,
                                                         T2 param2,
                                                         T3 param3,
                                                         T4 param4,
                                                         T5 param5,
                                                         T6 param6,
                                                         T7 param7,
                                                         T8 param8)