Class SQLServerMetaData

  • public class SQLServerMetaData
    extends Object
    Represents metadata for a column. It is used in the ISQLServerDataRecord interface to pass column metadata to the table-valued parameter.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SQLServerMetaData

        public SQLServerMetaData​(String columnName,
                                 int sqlType)
        Constructs a SQLServerMetaData with the column name and SQL type.
        columnName - the name of the column
        sqlType - the SQL type of the column
      • SQLServerMetaData

        public SQLServerMetaData​(String columnName,
                                 int sqlType,
                                 int precision,
                                 int scale)
        Constructs a SQLServerMetaData with the column name, SQL type, precision, and scale.
        columnName - the name of the column
        sqlType - the SQL type of the column
        precision - the precision of the column
        scale - the scale of the column
      • SQLServerMetaData

        public SQLServerMetaData​(String columnName,
                                 int sqlType,
                                 int length)
        Constructs a SQLServerMetaData with the column name, SQL type, and length (for String data). The length is used to differentiate large strings from strings with length less than 4000 characters.
        columnName - the name of the column
        sqlType - the SQL type of the column
        length - the length of the string type
      • SQLServerMetaData

        public SQLServerMetaData​(String columnName,
                                 int sqlType,
                                 int precision,
                                 int scale,
                                 boolean useServerDefault,
                                 boolean isUniqueKey,
                                 int sortOrdinal)
                          throws SQLServerException
        Constructs a SQLServerMetaData.
        columnName - the name of the column
        sqlType - the sql type of the column
        precision - the precision of the column
        scale - the scale of the column
        useServerDefault - specifies if this column should use the default server value; Default value is false.
        isUniqueKey - indicates if the column in the table-valued parameter is unique; Default value is false.
        sortOrder - indicates the sort order for a column; Default value is SQLServerSortOrder.Unspecified.
        sortOrdinal - specifies ordinal of the sort column; sortOrdinal starts from 0; Default value is -1.
        SQLServerException - when an error occurs
      • SQLServerMetaData

        public SQLServerMetaData​(SQLServerMetaData sqlServerMetaData)
        Constructs a SQLServerMetaData from another SQLServerMetaData object.
        sqlServerMetaData - the object passed to initialize a new instance of SQLServerMetaData
    • Method Detail

      • getColumName

        public String getColumName()
        Returns the column name.
        column name
      • getSqlType

        public int getSqlType()
        Returns the java sql type.
        java sql type
      • getPrecision

        public int getPrecision()
        Returns the precision of the type passed to the column.
      • getScale

        public int getScale()
        Returns the scale of the type passed to the column.
      • useServerDefault

        public boolean useServerDefault()
        Returns whether the column uses the default server value.
        whether the column uses the default server value.
      • isUniqueKey

        public boolean isUniqueKey()
        Returns whether the column is unique.
        whether the column is unique.
      • getSortOrder

        public getSortOrder()
        Returns the sort order.
        sort order
      • getSortOrdinal

        public int getSortOrdinal()
        Returns the sort ordinal.
        sort ordinal