Package com.mikepenz.aboutlibraries.entity


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data class Developer(name: String?, organisationUrl: String?)

Describes the Developer defined in the pom.xml file.

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data class Funding(platform: String, url: String)

Describes the Funding as defined by the dependency. This is only supported for projects hosted for dependencies hosted on: Or can be manually supplied.

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data class Library(uniqueId: String, artifactVersion: String?, name: String, description: String?, website: String?, developers: List<Developer>, organization: Organization?, scm: Scm?, licenses: Set<License>, funding: Set<Funding>, tag: String?)

Describes a complete Library element, specifying important information about a used dependency.

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data class License(name: String, url: String?, year: String?, spdxId: String?, licenseContent: String?, hash: String)

Describes a complete License element. Either retrieved from spdx or downloaded from the artifacts repo

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data class Organization(name: String, url: String?)

Describes the Organization defined in the pom.xml file.

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data class Scm(connection: String?, developerConnection: String?, url: String?)

Describes the Scm defined in the pom.xml file.

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enum SpdxLicense : Enum<SpdxLicense>

SpdxLicense includes all known licenses according to Licenses found in the pom.xml are tried to be mapped against the spdx form for a consistet representation.