Class CommitMessageConventions

  • public class CommitMessageConventions
    extends Object
    A value holder that models a section containing a map of commit message conventions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CommitMessageConventions

        public CommitMessageConventions()
        Default constructor. Constructs a new object with no items.
      • CommitMessageConventions

        public CommitMessageConventions​(List<String> enabled,
                                        Map<String,​CommitMessageConvention> items)
        Standard constructor. Constructs a new object with the given items.
        enabled - the list of names of enabled items
        items - the map of items
        NullPointerException - if some argument is null
    • Method Detail

      • getEnabled

        public List<String> getEnabled()
        Returns the list of enabled items.
        the list of enabled items. It may be empty but not null if not configured.
      • getItems

        public Map<String,​T> getItems()
        Returns the map of the items configured in this section, where keys are item names and values are actual item objects.
        the map of the items configured in this section, where keys are item names and values are actual item objects. It may be empty but not null if not configured.