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Action - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git
This object is a Git action value holder independent from the underlying Git implementation.
Action(Identity, TimeStamp) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Action
add(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Adds the given paths to the staging area.
Asset - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities
This object models the fields used to configure a generic asset.
Asset() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Asset
Default constructor.
Asset(String, String) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Asset
Standard constructor.
ASSET - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Service.Feature
When this feature is supported then the implementation class implements the AssetService interface (so it can be safely cast to it) and the service specific methods can be safely invoked without an UnsupportedOperationException being thrown.
ASSETS - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The assets configuration block.
AssetService - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
A service that supports the Service.Feature.ASSET feature to build project assets.
assetServiceInstance(Provider, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.ServiceFactory
Returns an instance for the given provider using the given options.
AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
The name of the option used to pass the authentication token (Personal Access Token, OAuth) to this object instance.
AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
The name of the option used to pass the authentication token (Personal Access Token, OAuth) to this object instance.


BASE_URI_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
The name of the option used to pass the base URI to this object instance.
BASE_URI_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
The name of the option used to pass the base URI to this object instance.
BUILD - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Identifier.Position
The identifier has to be placed in the build part of the version (when using Semantic Versioning).
buildAsset(String, State, Repository) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.AssetService
Builds the asset.
buildAsset(String, State, Repository) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.changelog.Changelog
Builds the asset.
buildAsset(String, State, Repository) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.template.Template
Builds the asset.
BUMP - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default version identifier to bump.
byName(String) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.Presets
Returns a configuration layer instance by its name.


Changelog - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.changelog
The entry point to the service producing changelogs.
CHANGELOG - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Provider
The changelog provider.
clean() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.Nyx
Runs the Clean command to restore the state of the workspace to ints initial state.
Clean - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command
The Clean command takes care of cleaning the release process and reverting the repository state to its initial state.
Clean(State, Repository) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Clean
Standard constructor.
CLEAN - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Commands
The Clean command.
CLEAN - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.WorkspaceStatus
The workspace has no uncommitted changes.
clone(File, URI) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Returns a repository instance working in the given directory after cloning from the given URI.
clone(File, URI) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitLocalService
Returns a repository instance working in the given directory after cloning from the given URI.
clone(File, URI, String, String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Returns a repository instance working in the given directory after cloning from the given URI.
clone(File, URI, String, String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitLocalService
Returns a repository instance working in the given directory after cloning from the given URI.
clone(String, String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Returns a repository instance working in the given directory after cloning from the given URI.
clone(String, String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitLocalService
Returns a repository instance working in the given directory after cloning from the given URI.
clone(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Returns a repository instance working in the given directory after cloning from the given URI.
clone(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitLocalService
Returns a repository instance working in the given directory after cloning from the given URI.
COLLAPSE_VERSIONS - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The flag indicating whether or not the 'collapsed' versioning (pre-release style) must be used.
COLLAPSED_VERSION_QUALIFIER - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The optional qualifier or the template to render the qualifier to use for the pre-release identifier when versions are collapsed.
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.log - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.log
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.changelog - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.changelog
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.template - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.template
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state
com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.template - package com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.template
Command - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command
The Command interface must be implemented by all Nyx commands.
COMMAND - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.log.Markers
The COMMAND marker, used when logging command events.
Commands - Enum in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command
The enumeration of available commands.
commit(String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Commits changes to the repository.
commit(String, Identity, Identity) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Commits changes to the repository.
commit(Collection<String>, String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Adds the given files to the staging area and commits changes to the repository.
commit(Collection<String>, String, Identity, Identity) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Adds the given files to the staging area and commits changes to the repository.
Commit - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git
This object is a Git commit value holder independent from the underlying Git implementation.
Commit(String, int, List<String>, Action, Action, Message, Set<Tag>) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Commit
COMMIT_MESSAGE_CONVENTIONS - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default commit message conventions block.
CommitMessageConvention - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities
This object models the fields used to configure a generic commit message convention.
CommitMessageConvention() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.CommitMessageConvention
Default constructor.
CommitMessageConvention(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.CommitMessageConvention
Standard constructor.
CommitMessageConventions - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets
This class provides reusable configuration chunks for commit message conventions.
CommitMessageConventions - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities
A value holder that models a section containing a map of commit message conventions.
CommitMessageConventions() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.CommitMessageConventions
Default constructor is hidden on purpose.
CommitMessageConventions() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.CommitMessageConventions
Default constructor.
CommitMessageConventions(List<String>, Map<String, CommitMessageConvention>) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.CommitMessageConventions
Standard constructor.
CommitVisitor - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git
This functional interface is used when browsing Git commits and lets consumers receive summary implementation-independent informations about a single commit.
compareTo(Action) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Action
compareTo(Commit) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Commit
compareTo(Identity) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Identity
compareTo(Message) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Message
compareTo(Tag) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Tag
compareTo(TimeStamp) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.TimeStamp
configuration() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.Nyx
Returns the configuration.
Configuration - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration
The Nyx configuration.
Configuration() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Default constructor.
CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.log.Markers
The CONFIGURATION marker, used when logging configuration events.
CONFIGURATION_FILE - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default custom configuration file path.
ConfigurationLayer - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration
This interface models the behavior of the configuration main section layer within the multi-layered configuration.
ConfigurationRoot - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration
This interface models the root configuration, with global options and nested sections.
CONVENTIONAL_COMMITS - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.CommitMessageConventions
The Conventional Commits configuration.
createGitRepository(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitHostingService
Creates a new Git repository for the currently authenticated user.
createGitRepository(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
Creates a new Git repository for the currently authenticated user.
createGitRepository(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
Creates a new Git repository for the currently authenticated user.


DATA - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.log.Markers
The DATA marker, used when logging events related to internal data.
DataAccessException - Exception in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io
This exception models an issue pertaining data access.
DataAccessException() - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io.DataAccessException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
DataAccessException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io.DataAccessException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
DataAccessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io.DataAccessException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
DataAccessException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io.DataAccessException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
DEBUG - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Verbosity
The debug log level.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.log.Markers
The DEFAULT marker, used when logging default configuration.
DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
The default remote name.
Defaults - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration
A utility interface that collects default configuration values.
Defaults.ReleaseType - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration
A utility interface that collects default configuration values for ReleaseType objects.
deleteGitRepository(String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitHostingService
Deletes a Git repository for the currently authenticated user.
deleteGitRepository(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
Deletes a Git repository for the currently authenticated user.
deleteGitRepository(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
Deletes a Git repository for the currently authenticated user.
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The optional string or the template to render to use as the release description.
DIRECTORY - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default working directory.
DIRTY - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.WorkspaceStatus
The workspace has uncommitted changes.
DRY_RUN - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default flag that prevents to alter any repository state and instead just log the actions that would be taken.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Action
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Commit
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Identity
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Message
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Tag
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.TimeStamp
ERROR - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Verbosity
The error log level.
Extended - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets
The extended configuration preset.
Extended() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.Extended
Default constructor.


FATAL - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Verbosity
The fatal log level.
FEATURE - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.ReleaseTypes
The release type used for feature branches
FileMapper - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io
This class is used to load and save data files like configuration or state files.
FILTER_TAGS - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The optional template to render as a regular expression used to match tags from the commit history.
from(Level) - Static method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Verbosity
Returns the proper verbosity level mapped from the given SLF4J level.


geFullName() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHubUser
Returns the full name for the user on this service.
geFullName() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLabUser
Returns the full name for the user on this service.
geFullName() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.User
Returns the full name for the user on this service.
getAssets() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the assets configuration section.
getAssets() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the assets configuration section.
getAssets() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the assets configuration section.
getAuthenticatedUser() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
Retrieves informations about the currently authenticated user.
getAuthenticatedUser() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
Retrieves informations about the currently authenticated user.
getAuthenticatedUser() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.UserService
Retrieves informations about the currently authenticated user.
getAuthorAction() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Commit
Returns the author data.
getBranch() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns the current Git branch name.
getBump() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the version identifier to bump as it's defined by this configuration.
getBump() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the version identifier to bump as it's defined by this configuration.
getBump() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the version identifier to bump as it's defined by this configuration.
getBump() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns the version identifier to bump or bumped on the previous release to produce the new release, if any.
getBumpExpressions() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.CommitMessageConvention
Returns the map where each key is a version identifier to bump and the value is a regular expression to be evaluated against the commit message.
getCollapsedVersionQualifier() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the optional qualifier or the template to render the qualifier to use for the pre-release identifier when versions are collapsed.
getCollapseVersions() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the flag indicating whether or not the 'collapsed' versioning (pre-release style) must be used.
getCommitAction() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Commit
Returns the committer data.
getCommitMessageConventions() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the commit message convention configuration section.
getCommitMessageConventions() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the commit message convention configuration section.
getCommitMessageConventions() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the commit message convention configuration section.
getCommits() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Returns the list of SHA-1 identifiers of all commits in the scope.
getCommitTags(String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Returns a set of abjects representing all the tags for the given commit.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns the configuration object.
getConfigurationFile() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the path to a custom configuration file as it's defined by this configuration.
getConfigurationFile() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the path to a custom configuration file as it's defined by this configuration.
getConfigurationFile() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the path to a custom configuration file as it's defined by this configuration.
getCurrentBranch() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Returns the name of the current branch or a commit SHA-1 if the repository is in the detached head state.
getDate() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Commit
Returns the commit date.
getDefaultBranch() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitHostedRepository
Returns the repository default branch.
getDefaultBranch() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHubRepository
Returns the repository default branch.
getDefaultBranch() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLabRepository
Returns the repository default branch.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the optional string or the template to render to use as the release description.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitHostedRepository
Returns the repository description.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHubRepository
Returns the repository description.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLabRepository
Returns the repository description.
getDirectory() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the directory to use as the working directory as it's defined by this configuration.
getDirectory() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the directory to use as the working directory as it's defined by this configuration.
getDirectory() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the directory to use as the working directory as it's defined by this configuration.
getDirectory() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns the directory used as the working directory as it's defined by the configuration.
getDryRun() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the value of the dry run flag as it's defined by this configuration.
getDryRun() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the value of the dry run flag as it's defined by this configuration.
getDryRun() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the value of the dry run flag as it's defined by this configuration.
getEmail() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Identity
Returns the email.
getExpression() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.CommitMessageConvention
Returns the regular expression used to parse informations from a commit message.
getFilterTags() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the optional template to render as a regular expression used to match tags from the commit history.
getFinalCommit() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Returns the last commit within the scope.
getFooters() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Message
Returns the immutable list of footers, where keys are names and values are values.
getFullMessage() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Message
Returns the full message.
getFullName() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitHostedRepository
Returns the repository full name.
getFullName() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHubRepository
Returns the repository full name.
getFullName() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLabRepository
Returns the repository full name.
getGitCommit() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the optional flag or the template to render indicating whether or not a new commit must be generated in case new artifacts are generated.
getGitCommitMessage() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the optional string or the template to render to use as the commit message if a commit has to be made.
getGitPush() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the optional flag or the template to render indicating whether or not a new commit must be generated and pushed in case new artifacts are generated.
getGitTag() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the optional flag or the template to render indicating whether or not a new tag must be generated.
getGitTagMessage() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the optional string or the template to render to use as the tag message if a tag has to be made.
getHTTPURL() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitHostedRepository
Returns the repository HTTP URL.
getHTTPURL() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHubRepository
Returns the repository HTTP URL.
getHTTPURL() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLabRepository
Returns the repository HTTP URL.
getID() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitHostedRepository
Returns the repository ID.
getID() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHubRepository
Returns the repository ID.
getID() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHubUser
Returns the ID for the user on this service.
getID() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLabRepository
Returns the repository ID.
getID() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLabUser
Returns the ID for the user on this service.
getID() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.User
Returns the ID for the user on this service.
getIdentifiers() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the identifiers configuration block.
getIdentity() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Action
Returns the identity.
getInitialCommit() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Returns the first commit within the scope.
getInitialVersion() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the initial version defined by this configuration to use when no past version is available in the commit history.
getInitialVersion() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the initial version defined by this configuration to use when no past version is available in the commit history.
getInitialVersion() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the initial version defined by this configuration to use when no past version is available in the commit history.
getInternals() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns the live map of internal attributes.
getLatestCommit() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Returns the SHA-1 identifier of the last commit in the current branch.
getLevel() - Method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Verbosity
Returns the SLF4J level corresponding to this verbosity level
getMatchBranches() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the optional template to render as a regular expression used to match branch names.
getMatchEnvironmentVariables() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the match environment variables map.
getMatchWorkspaceStatus() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the identifier of a specific workspace status to be matched.
getMessage() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Commit
Returns the commit message.
getName() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Identity
Returns the name.
getName() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Tag
Returns the name.
getName() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitHostedRepository
Returns the repository name.
getName() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHubRepository
Returns the repository name.
getName() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLabRepository
Returns the repository name.
getNewRelease() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns true if the version (State.getVersion()) is different than the previous version (State.getReleaseScope()ReleaseScope.getPreviousVersion()) and a new release has to be published on the new version.
getNewVersion() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns true if the version (State.getVersion()) is different than the previous version (State.getReleaseScope()ReleaseScope.getPreviousVersion()).
getOptions() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ServiceConfiguration
Returns the map of service configuration options.
getParents() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Commit
Returns the immutable list of parent commit SHA-1 identifiers.
getPassword() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Returns the password to be used when connecting to remote repositories.
getPassword() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
Returns an empty string when the GitHub.AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN_OPTION_NAME option is set, otherwise null.
getPassword() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
Returns the value of the given GitLab.AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN_OPTION_NAME option, if any, otherwise null.
getPassword() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitRemoteService
Returns the password to be used when connecting to remote repositories.
getPath() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Asset
Returns the asset path
getPosition() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Identifier
Returns the identifier position
getPreset() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns selected preset configuration as it's defined by this configuration.
getPreset() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns selected preset configuration as it's defined by this configuration.
getPreset() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns selected preset configuration as it's defined by this configuration.
getPreviousVersion() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Returns the version identifier of the most recent past release.
getPreviousVersionCommit() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Returns the most recent past release commit.
getPrimeVersion() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Returns the version identifier of the most recent past release with only core identifiers.
getPrimeVersionCommit() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Returns the most recent past release commit with only core identifiers.
getPublicationServices() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseTypes
Returns the list of publication services.
getPublish() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the optional flag or the template to render indicating whether or not releases must be published.
getQualifier() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Identifier
Returns the identifier qualifier
getReleaseByTag(String, String, String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
Finds the release in the given repository by the release tag.
getReleaseByTag(String, String, String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
Finds the release in the given repository by the release tag.
getReleaseByTag(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.ReleaseService
Finds the release in the given repository by the release tag.
getReleaseLenient() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the flag that enables tolerance in reading release names with arbitrary prefixes or extra non critical characters as it's defined by this configuration.
getReleaseLenient() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the flag that enables tolerance in reading release names with arbitrary prefixes or extra non critical characters as it's defined by this configuration.
getReleaseLenient() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the flag that enables tolerance in reading release names with arbitrary prefixes or extra non critical characters as it's defined by this configuration.
getReleasePrefix() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the prefix to use in release name generation as it's defined by this configuration.
getReleasePrefix() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the prefix to use in release name generation as it's defined by this configuration.
getReleasePrefix() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the prefix to use in release name generation as it's defined by this configuration.
getReleaseScope() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns the object modelling the attributes defining the scope of the release.
getReleaseType() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns the object modelling the attributes defining the type of the release.
getReleaseTypes() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the release types configuration section.
getReleaseTypes() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the release types configuration section.
getReleaseTypes() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the release types configuration section.
getRemoteNames() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Returns the names of configured remote repositories.
getRemoteRepositories() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseTypes
Returns the list of remote repositories.
getResume() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the value of the resume flag as it's defined by this configuration.
getResume() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the value of the resume flag as it's defined by this configuration.
getResume() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the value of the resume flag as it's defined by this configuration.
getRootCommit() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Returns the SHA-1 identifier of the first commit in the repository (the only commit with no parents).
getScheme() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the versioning scheme to use as it's defined by this configuration.
getScheme() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the versioning scheme to use as it's defined by this configuration.
getScheme() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the versioning scheme to use as it's defined by this configuration.
getScheme() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns the versioning scheme used as it's defined by the configuration.
getService() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Asset
Returns the asset service name
getServiceClass() - Method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Provider
Returns the class implementing the service.
getServices() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the services configuration section.
getServices() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the services configuration section.
getServices() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the services configuration section.
getSHA() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Commit
Returns the SHA-1 identifier for the commit.
getSharedConfigurationFile() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the path to a custom shared configuration file as it's defined by this configuration.
getSharedConfigurationFile() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the path to a custom shared configuration file as it's defined by this configuration.
getSharedConfigurationFile() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the path to a custom shared configuration file as it's defined by this configuration.
getShortMessage() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Message
Returns the short message.
getSignificantCommits() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Returns the list of significant commits (those commits causing the version number to be bumped).
getStateFile() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the path to the file where the Nyx State must be saved as it's defined by this configuration.
getStateFile() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the path to the file where the Nyx State must be saved as it's defined by this configuration.
getStateFile() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the path to the file where the Nyx State must be saved as it's defined by this configuration.
getSupportedRemoteNames() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Returns the list of the remote repositories supported by this service.
getSupportedRemoteNames() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
Returns the list of the remote repositories supported by this service.
getSupportedRemoteNames() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
Returns the list of the remote repositories supported by this service.
getSupportedRemoteNames() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitRemoteService
Returns the list of the remote repositories supported by this service.
getTag() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHubRelease
Returns the tag the release refers to.
getTag() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLabRelease
Returns the tag the release refers to.
getTag() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Release
Returns the tag the release refers to.
getTags() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Commit
Returns the immutable list of tags pointing to this commit.
getTarget() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Tag
Returns the ID (SHA-1) of the tagged object.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns the current timestamp.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Action
Returns the time stamp.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.TimeStamp
Returns the time stamp.
getTimeZone() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.TimeStamp
Returns the time zone.
getTitle() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHubRelease
Returns the release title.
getTitle() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLabRelease
Returns the release title.
getTitle() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Release
Returns the release title.
getType() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ServiceConfiguration
Returns the service type
getUser() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Returns the user name to be used when connecting to remote repositories.
getUser() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
Returns the GitHub.AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN_OPTION_NAME option, if provided, otherwise returns null.
getUser() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
Returns the string "PRIVATE-TOKEN" if the GitLab.AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN_OPTION_NAME is provided (while GitLab.getPassword() will return the token), otherwise returns null.
getUser() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitRemoteService
Returns the user name to be used when connecting to remote repositories.
getUserName() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHubUser
Returns the name for the user on this service.
getUserName() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLabUser
Returns the name for the user on this service.
getUserName() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.User
Returns the name for the user on this service.
getValue() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Identifier
Returns the identifier value
getVerbosity() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the logging verbosity level as it's defined by this configuration.
getVerbosity() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the logging verbosity level as it's defined by this configuration.
getVerbosity() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the logging verbosity level as it's defined by this configuration.
getVersion() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Returns the version defined by this configuration.
getVersion() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.ConfigurationRoot
Returns the version defined by this configuration.
getVersion() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Returns the version defined by this configuration.
getVersion() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns the version inferred by Nyx, if any.
getVersionRange() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the optional template to render as a regular expression used to constrain versions issued by this release type.
getVersionRange() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns the regular expression that is used to check whether or not the version is within a certain range.
getVersionRangeFromBranchName() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Returns the optional flag telling if the version range must be inferred from the branch name.
Git - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git
The entry point to the Git local and remote service.
GIT - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Provider
The generic Git service provider.
GIT_COMMIT - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The optional flag or the template to render indicating whether or not a new commit must be generated in case new artifacts are generated.
GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The optional string or the template to render to use as the commit message if a commit has to be made.
GIT_HOSTING - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Service.Feature
When this feature is supported then the implementation class implements the GitHostingService interface (so it can be safely cast to it) and the service specific methods can be safely invoked without an UnsupportedOperationException being thrown.
GIT_LOCAL - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Service.Feature
When this feature is supported then the implementation class implements the GitLocalService interface (so it can be safely cast to it) and the service specific methods can be safely invoked without an UnsupportedOperationException being thrown.
GIT_PUSH - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The optional flag or the template to render indicating whether or not a new commit must be generated and pushed in case new artifacts are generated.
GIT_REMOTE - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Service.Feature
When this feature is supported then the implementation class implements the GitRemoteService interface (so it can be safely cast to it) and the service specific methods can be safely invoked without an UnsupportedOperationException being thrown.
GIT_TAG - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The optional flag or the template to render indicating whether or not a new tag must be generated.
GIT_TAG_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The optional string or the template to render to use as the tag message if a tag has to be made.
GitException - Exception in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
A generic exception raised when some Git related issue is encountered.
GitException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
GitException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
GitException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
GitHostedRepository - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
A remote Git repository hosted on some service.
GitHostingService - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
A service that supports the Service.Feature.GIT_HOSTING feature to manage hosted repositories.
gitHostingServiceInstance(Provider, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.ServiceFactory
Returns an instance for the given provider using the given options.
GitHub - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github
The entry point to the GitHub remote service.
GITHUB - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Provider
The GitHub service provider.
GITHUB - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.ServiceConfigurations
The GitHub service configuration
GitHubRelease - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github
A GitHub release.
GitHubRepository - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github
A Git repository hosted on GitHub.
GitHubUser - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github
A user for a remote GitHub service.
GitLab - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab
The entry point to the GitLab remote service.
GITLAB - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Provider
The GitLab service provider.
GITLAB - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.ServiceConfigurations
The GitLab service configuration
GitLabRelease - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab
A GitLab release.
GitLabRepository - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab
A Git repository hosted on GitLab.
GitLabUser - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab
A user for a remote GitLab service.
GitLocalService - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
A service that supports the Service.Feature.GIT_LOCAL feature to manage local repositories.
gitLocalServiceInstance(Provider, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.ServiceFactory
Returns an instance for the given provider using the given options.
GITMOJI - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.CommitMessageConventions
The gitmoji configuration.
GitRemoteService - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
A service that supports the Service.Feature.GIT_REMOTE feature to manage remote repositories.
gitRemoteServiceInstance(Provider, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.ServiceFactory
Returns an instance for the given provider using the given options.


hasBranch() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns true if the scope has a non null branch name.
hasBump() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns true if the scope has a non null version identifier to bump or bumped on the previous release to produce the new release.
hasFinalCommit() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Returns true if the scope has a non null last commit within the scope.
hashCode() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Action
hashCode() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Commit
hashCode() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Identity
hashCode() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Message
hashCode() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Tag
hashCode() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.TimeStamp
hasInitialCommit() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Returns true if the scope has a non null first commit within the scope.
hasPreviousVersion() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Returns true if the scope has a non null most recent past release.
hasPreviousVersionCommit() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Returns true if the scope has a non null most recent past release commit.
hasPrimeVersion() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Returns true if the scope has a non null most recent past release with only core identifiers.
hasPrimeVersionCommit() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Returns true if the scope has a non null most recent past release commit with only core identifiers.
hasReleaseType() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns true if the scope has a non null release type set.
hasVersion() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns true if the scope has a non null version.
hasVersionRange() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Returns true if the scope has a non null version range.
HOTFIX - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.ReleaseTypes
The release type used for hotfix branches


Identifier - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities
This object models a custom identifier to be used in version names.
Identifier() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Identifier
Default constructor.
Identifier(String, String, Identifier.Position) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Identifier
Standard constructor.
Identifier.Position - Enum in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities
This enum maps allowed values for a custom identifier position (where the identifier has to be placed in version names).
IDENTIFIERS - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The identifiers configuration block.
Identity - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git
This object is a Git identity value holder independent from the underlying Git implementation.
Identity(String, String) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Identity
IllegalPropertyException - Exception in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities
This exception models an issue pertaining the value of a property.
IllegalPropertyException() - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.IllegalPropertyException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
IllegalPropertyException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.IllegalPropertyException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
IllegalPropertyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.IllegalPropertyException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
IllegalPropertyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.IllegalPropertyException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
infer() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.Nyx
Runs the Infer command and returns the updated state.
Infer - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command
The Infer command takes care of inferring and computing informations in order to make a new release.
Infer(State, Repository) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Infer
Standard constructor.
INFER - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Commands
The Infer command.
INFO - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Verbosity
The info log level.
INITIAL_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default initial version to use.
instance() - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Returns an instance using default options.
instance(Provider, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.ServiceFactory
Returns an instance for the given provider using the given options.
instance(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.changelog.Changelog
Returns an instance using the given options.
instance(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Returns an instance using the given options.
instance(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
Returns an instance using the given options.
instance(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
Returns an instance using the given options.
instance(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.template.Template
Returns an instance using the given options.
INTEGRATION - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.ReleaseTypes
The release type used for integration branches
INTERNAL - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.ReleaseTypes
The fallback release type used for releases not fitting other, more specific, types
isAnnotated() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Tag
Returns true if this is an annotated tag, false if it's a lightweight tag.
isClean() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Returns true if the repository is clean, which is when no differences exist between the working tree, the index, and the current HEAD.
isTemplate(String) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.template.Templates
Returns true if the given buffer is a template, false otherwise.
isUpToDate() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Clean
Returns true if this command is up to date, which means that the internal state (Command.state()) would not change by running (Command.run()) the command again.
isUpToDate() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Command
Returns true if this command is up to date, which means that the internal state (Command.state()) would not change by running (Command.run()) the command again.
isUpToDate() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Infer
Returns true if this command is up to date, which means that the internal state (Command.state()) would not change by running (Command.run()) the command again.
isUpToDate() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Make
Returns true if this command is up to date, which means that the internal state (Command.state()) would not change by running (Command.run()) the command again.
isUpToDate() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Mark
Returns true if this command is up to date, which means that the internal state (Command.state()) would not change by running (Command.run()) the command again.
isUpToDate() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Publish
Returns true if this command is up to date, which means that the internal state (Command.state()) would not change by running (Command.run()) the command again.
isUpToDate(Commands) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.Nyx
Runs true if the given command has already run and is up to date, false otherwise.


load(File, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io.FileMapper
Unmarshals the content of the given file to an object of the given type.
load(URL, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io.FileMapper
Unmarshals the content of the given URL to an object of the given type.


MAIN - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.log.Markers
The MAIN marker, used when logging events from the main classes.
MAINLINE - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.ReleaseTypes
The release type used to issue official releases from the main branch.
MAINTENANCE - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.ReleaseTypes
The release type used for maintenance branches
make() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.Nyx
Runs the Make command and returns the updated state.
Make - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command
The Make command takes care of building the release artifacts.
Make(State, Repository) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Make
Standard constructor.
MAKE - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Commands
The Make command.
mark() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.Nyx
Runs the Mark command and returns the updated state.
Mark - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command
The Mark command takes care of tagging and committing into the Git repository.
Mark(State, Repository) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Mark
Standard constructor.
MARK - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Commands
The Mark command.
Markers - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.log
An utility class with the defined set of markers used.
MATCH_BRANCHES - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The optional template to render as a regular expression used to match branch names.
MATCH_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The map of the match environment variables items, where keys are environment variable names and values are regular expressions.
MATCH_WORKSPACE_STATUS - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The identifier of a specific workspace status to be matched.
MATURITY - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.ReleaseTypes
The release type used for maturity branches
Message - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git
This object is a Git commit message value holder independent from the underlying Git implementation.
Message(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Message


NAME - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The name of the default release type.
NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.Extended
The name identifier for this preset.
NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.Simple
The name identifier for this preset.
Nyx - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx
The Nyx entry point and main class.
Nyx() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.Nyx
Default constructor.
Nyx(File) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.Nyx
Creates a new Nyx instance using the given directory as the base directory.
NyxException - Exception in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx
A superclass for all Nyx specific exceptions.
NyxException() - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.NyxException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
NyxException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.NyxException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NyxException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.NyxException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
NyxException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.NyxException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.


open(File) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Returns a repository instance working in the given directory.
open(File) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitLocalService
Returns a repository instance working in the given directory.
open(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Returns a repository instance working in the given directory.
open(String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.GitLocalService
Returns a repository instance working in the given directory.


PASSWORD_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
The name of the option used to pass the password to this object instance.
PRE_RELEASE - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Identifier.Position
The identifier has to be placed in the pre-release part of the version (when using Semantic Versioning).
PRESET - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default preset configuration.
Presets - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets
The presets factory class.
Presets() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.Presets
Default constructor is hidden on purpose.
Provider - Enum in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
These are the constants representing the available service providers.
publish() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.Nyx
Runs the Publish command and returns the updated state.
Publish - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command
The Publish command takes care of publishing a release.
Publish(State, Repository) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Publish
Standard constructor.
PUBLISH - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Commands
The Publish command.
PUBLISH - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The optional flag or the template to render indicating whether or not releases must be published.
publishRelease(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
Publishes a new release.
publishRelease(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
Publishes a new release.
publishRelease(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.ReleaseService
Publishes a new release.
push() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Pushes local changes in the current branch to the default remote origin.
push(String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Pushes local changes in the current branch to the given remote.
push(String, String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Pushes local changes in the current branch to the default remote origin using no authentication.
push(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Pushes local changes in the current branch to the given remote using no authentication.
push(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Pushes local changes in the current branch to the given remotes.
push(Collection<String>, String, String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Pushes local changes in the current branch to the given remotes using no authentication.


Release - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
A published release.
RELEASE - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.ReleaseTypes
The release type used for release branches
RELEASE_LENIENT - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default flag that alows reading releases from the history tolerating arbitrary prefixes and extra non critical characters.
RELEASE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default prefix to add at the beginning of a version identifier to generate the release identifier.
RELEASE_TYPES - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default release types block.
ReleaseException - Exception in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx
This exception is raised when Nyx encounters an issue during the business operations.
ReleaseException() - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.ReleaseException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
ReleaseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.ReleaseException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
ReleaseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.ReleaseException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
ReleaseException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.ReleaseException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
RELEASES - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Service.Feature
When this feature is supported then the implementation class implements the ReleaseService interface (so it can be safely cast to it) and the service specific methods can be safely invoked without an UnsupportedOperationException being thrown.
ReleaseScope - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities
This is a value object that models the summary data about the scope of a release.
ReleaseScope() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Default constructor.
ReleaseService - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
A service that supports the Service.Feature.RELEASES feature to publish releases.
releaseServiceInstance(Provider, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.ServiceFactory
Returns an instance for the given provider using the given options.
ReleaseType - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities
This object models the fields used to configure a generic release type.
ReleaseType() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Default constructor.
ReleaseType(boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, List<Identifier>, String, Map<String, String>, WorkspaceStatus, String, String, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Standard constructor.
ReleaseTypes - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets
This class provides reusable configuration chunks for release types.
ReleaseTypes - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities
A value holder that models a section containing a map of release types.
ReleaseTypes() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.ReleaseTypes
Default constructor is hidden on purpose.
ReleaseTypes() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseTypes
Default constructor.
ReleaseTypes(List<String>, List<String>, List<String>, Map<String, ReleaseType>) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseTypes
Standard constructor.
REMOTES_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
The name of the option used to pass the list of supported remotes to this object instance.
REMOTES_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
The name of the option used to pass the list of supported remotes to this object instance.
REMOTES_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
The name of the option used to pass the list of supported remotes to this object instance.
render(Reader, Object) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.template.Templates
Renders the given template using the given scope to fetch the values.
render(Reader, Object, Writer) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.template.Templates
Renders the given template using the given scope to fetch the values and writing the output to the given writer.
render(String, Object) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.template.Templates
Renders the given template using the given scope to fetch the values.
repository() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.Nyx
Returns the repository.
Repository - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git
This interface models coarse grained, implementation independent methods used by Nyx to access a Git repository.
REPOSITORY_NAME_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
The name of the option used to pass the name of the Git repository to this object instance.
REPOSITORY_NAME_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
The name of the option used to pass the name of the Git repository to this object instance.
REPOSITORY_OWNER_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
The name of the option used to pass the owner of the Git repository to this object instance.
REPOSITORY_OWNER_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
The name of the option used to pass the owner of the Git repository to this object instance.
resume(File, Configuration) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Loads the state attributes from a previously saved state file.
RESUME - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default flag that enables loading a previously stored State file and resume operations from there.
run() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Clean
Reverts the workspace to its initial state and returns null.
run() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Command
Runs the command and returns the updated reference to the state object.
run() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Infer
Infers all the required informations to produce a new release from the Git repository.
run() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Make
Runs the command and returns the updated reference to the state object.
run() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Mark
Commits pending changes to the Git repository, applies release tags and pushes changes to remotes.
run() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Publish
Runs the command and returns the updated reference to the state object.
run(Commands) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.Nyx
Runs the given command.


save(String, Object) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io.FileMapper
Marshals the content of the given object to a file represented by the given path.
SCHEME - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default versioning scheme to use.
SecurityException - Exception in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
An exception meaning that security constraints failed their checks.
SecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.SecurityException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
SecurityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.SecurityException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
SecurityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.SecurityException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause
Service - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
An abstraction over services.
Service.Feature - Enum in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
These are the constants representing the features that may or may not be supported by services.
ServiceConfiguration - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities
This object models the fields used to configure a generic service.
ServiceConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ServiceConfiguration
Default constructor.
ServiceConfiguration(Provider, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ServiceConfiguration
Standard constructor.
ServiceConfigurations - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets
This class provides reusable configuration chunks for service configurations.
ServiceConfigurations() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.ServiceConfigurations
Default constructor is hidden on purpose.
ServiceException - Exception in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
A generic exception class that indicates an issue with a service.
ServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.ServiceException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
ServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.ServiceException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
ServiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.ServiceException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause
ServiceFactory - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
The generic entry point to inspect and retrieve service implementations.
SERVICES - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The services configuration block.
setAssets(Map<String, Asset>) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setBranch(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Sets the current Git branch name
setBump(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setBump(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Sets the identifier to bump.
setCollapsedVersionQualifier(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the optional qualifier or the template to render the qualifier to use for the pre-release identifier when versions are collapsed.
setCollapseVersions(boolean) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the flag indicating whether or not the 'collapsed' versioning (pre-release style) must be used.
setCommitMessageConventions(CommitMessageConventions) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setConfigurationFile(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setDefaultDirectory(File) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
This method allows to override the default directory that will be returned by Configuration.getDirectory().
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the optional string or the template to render to use as the release description.
setDirectory(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setDryRun(Boolean) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setExpression(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.CommitMessageConvention
Sets the regular expression used to parse informations from a commit message.
setFilterTags(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the optional template to render as a regular expression used to match tags from the commit history.
setGitCommit(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the optional flag or the template to render indicating whether or not a new commit must be generated in case new artifacts are generated.
setGitCommitMessage(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the optional string or the template to render to use as the commit message if a commit has to be made.
setGitPush(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the optional flag or the template to render indicating whether or not a new commit must be generated and pushed in case new artifacts are generated.
setGitTag(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the optional flag or the template to render indicating whether or not a new tag must be generated.
setGitTagMessage(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the optional string or the template to render to use as the tag message if a tag has to be made.
setIdentifiers(List<Identifier>) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the identifiers configuration block.
setInitialVersion(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setMatchBranches(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the optional template to render as a regular expression used to match branch names.
setMatchEnvironmentVariables(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the match environment variables map.
setMatchWorkspaceStatus(WorkspaceStatus) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the identifier of a specific workspace status to be matched.
setOptions(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ServiceConfiguration
Sets the map of service configuration options.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Sets the password to be used when connecting to remote repositories.
setPath(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Asset
Sets the asset path
setPosition(Identifier.Position) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Identifier
Sets the identifier position
setPreset(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setPreviousVersion(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Sets the most recent past release.
setPreviousVersionCommit(Commit) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Sets the most recent past release commit.
setPrimeVersion(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Sets the version identifier of the most recent past release with only core identifiers.
setPrimeVersionCommit(Commit) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseScope
Sets the most recent past release commit with only core identifiers.
setPublish(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the optional flag or the template to render indicating whether or not releases must be published.
setQualifier(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Identifier
Sets the identifier qualifier
setReleaseLenient(Boolean) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setReleasePrefix(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setReleaseType(ReleaseType) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Sets the selected release type.
setReleaseTypes(ReleaseTypes) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setResume(Boolean) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setScheme(Scheme) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setService(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Asset
Sets the asset service name
setServices(Map<String, ServiceConfiguration>) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setSharedConfigurationFile(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setStateFile(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setSupportedRemoteNames(List<String>) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Sets the list of the remote repositories supported by this service.
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Sets the state timestamp.
setType(Provider) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ServiceConfiguration
Sets the service type.
setUser(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Sets the user name to be used when connecting to remote repositories.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Identifier
Sets the identifier value
setVerbosity(Verbosity) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Sets the value for this option.
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Sets the version inferred by Nyx.
setVersionRange(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the optional template to render as a regular expression used to constrain versions issued by this release type.
setVersionRange(String) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Sets the regular expression used to check the version against a range constraint.
setVersionRangeFromBranchName(Boolean) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.ReleaseType
Sets the optional flag telling if the version range must be inferred from the branch name.
SHARED_CONFIGURATION_FILE - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default shared custom configuration file path.
Simple - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets
The simple configuration preset.
Simple() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.presets.Simple
Default constructor.
SimpleConfigurationLayer - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration
A simple configuration layer, acting as a value holder for configuration options.
SimpleConfigurationLayer() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.SimpleConfigurationLayer
Default constructor.
state() - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Command
Returns the state object.
state() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.Nyx
Returns the state.
State - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state
The State class holds a number of attributes resulting from the execution of one or more command and so represents the current status of a release process at a certain point in time.
State() - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
State(Configuration) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Standard constructor.
STATE - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.log.Markers
The STATE marker, used when logging state events.
STATE_FILE - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default path to the local state file.
supports(Service.Feature) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.changelog.Changelog
Safely checks if the underlying implementation supports the given operation.
supports(Service.Feature) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
Safely checks if the underlying implementation supports the given operation.
supports(Service.Feature) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.github.GitHub
Safely checks if the underlying implementation supports the given operation.
supports(Service.Feature) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.gitlab.GitLab
Safely checks if the underlying implementation supports the given operation.
supports(Service.Feature) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Service
Safely checks if the underlying implementation supports the given operation.
supports(Service.Feature) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.template.Template
Safely checks if the underlying implementation supports the given operation.


tag(String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Tags the latest commit in the current branch with a tag with the given name.
tag(String, String) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Tags the latest commit in the current branch with a tag with the given name and optional message.
tag(String, String, Identity) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Tags the latest commit in the current branch with a tag with the given name and optional message using the optional tagger identity.
tag(String, String, String, Identity) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Tags the object represented by the given SHA-1 with a tag with the given name and optional message using the optional tagger identity.
Tag - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git
This object is a Git tag value holder independent from the underlying Git implementation.
Tag(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Tag
Template - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.template
The entry point to the service producing assets using a template starting from the state object.
TEMPLATE - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Provider
The template service provider.
TEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.log.Markers
The TEMPLATE marker, used when logging events about templates and their rendering.
TEMPLATE_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.template.Template
The name of the option used to pass the template to this object instance.
Templates - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.template
The base class used for template management and rendering, encapsulating the Mustache.java library.
TimeStamp - Class in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git
This object is a Git timestamp value holder independent from the underlying Git implementation.
TimeStamp(Date, TimeZone) - Constructor for class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.TimeStamp
toBoolean(String) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.template.Templates
Converts the given value to a boolean.
toInteger(String) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.template.Templates
Converts the given value to an integer.
toString() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Action
toString() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Commit
toString() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Identity
toString() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Message
toString() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.Tag
toString() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.git.TimeStamp
touchTimestamp() - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.state.State
Updates the current timestamp and returns the updated value.
TRACE - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Verbosity
The trace log level.
TransportException - Exception in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io
An exception meaning that something in the transport or connection went wrong.
TransportException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io.TransportException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
TransportException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io.TransportException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
TransportException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.io.TransportException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause


User - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
A user belonging to a service.
USER_OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Git
The name of the option used to pass the user name to this object instance.
USERS - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Service.Feature
When this feature is supported then the implementation class implements the UserService interface (so it can be safely cast to it) and the service specific methods can be safely invoked without an UnsupportedOperationException being thrown.
UserService - Interface in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services
A service that supports the Service.Feature.USERS feature to manage users.
userServiceInstance(Provider, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.ServiceFactory
Returns an instance for the given provider using the given options.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Commands
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Identifier.Position
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Verbosity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.WorkspaceStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Provider
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Service.Feature
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.command.Commands
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Identifier.Position
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Verbosity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.WorkspaceStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Provider
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.Service.Feature
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Verbosity - Enum in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities
This class maps log Levels and the corresponding configuration options and state attributes, whose string representations may not always match the Level values.
VERBOSITY - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default logging level.
VERSION - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults
The default release version.
VERSION_RANGE - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The optional template to render as a regular expression used to constrain versions issued by this release type.
VERSION_RANGE_FROM_BRANCH_NAME - Static variable in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Defaults.ReleaseType
The optional flag telling if the version range must be inferred from the branch name.
visit(Commit) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.CommitVisitor
Visits a single commit and receives all of the commit simplified fields.


walkHistory(String, String, CommitVisitor) - Method in interface com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.services.git.Repository
Browse the repository commit history using the given visitor to inspect each commit.
WARNING - com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities.Verbosity
The warning log level.
withCommandLineConfiguration(ConfigurationLayer) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Adds, replaces or removes the layer at the LayerPriority.COMMAND_LINE level.
withPluginConfiguration(ConfigurationLayer) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Adds, replaces or removes the layer at the LayerPriority.PLUGIN level.
withRuntimeConfiguration(ConfigurationLayer) - Method in class com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.configuration.Configuration
Adds, replaces or removes the layer at the LayerPriority.RUNTIME level, which is the one that can override all other layers.
WorkspaceStatus - Enum in com.mooltiverse.oss.nyx.entities
This class maps allowed values for a Git workspace status.
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