See theIndexStats companion object
class IndexStats(registry: Registry)

Helper for reporting basic stats about the index. The three stats collected are:

  1. Number of key strings
  2. Number of value strings
  3. Number of items
  4. Number of metrics

The number of strings help to determine how close we are to the size of the string table used for interning. Items is mostly provided as a cross reference to get a rough idea of the impact for rolling up a given key. Since the overlap with other dimensions is not known, it will only be a rough estimate.

Value parameters


Spectator registry to use for reporting the stats.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def updateIndexStats(numItems: Int): Unit

Update stats that pertain to index as a whole, based on the latest build of the index. This may widen to include any other useful information about the index itself, such as size in memory, hash load factor, seek time etc.

Update stats that pertain to index as a whole, based on the latest build of the index. This may widen to include any other useful information about the index itself, such as size in memory, hash load factor, seek time etc.


def updateKeyStats(stats: List[KeyStat]): Unit

Update key stats based on the latest build of the index.

Update key stats based on the latest build of the index.
