Class NewRelicExporters.Configuration

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class NewRelicExporters.Configuration
    extends java.lang.Object
    Basic Configuration options for the New Relic Exporters.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Configuration

        public Configuration​(java.lang.String apiKey,
                             java.lang.String serviceName)
        Create a new configuration. Both parameters are required.
        apiKey - A valid New Relic insert key.
        serviceName - The name of your service.
    • Method Detail

      • enableAuditLogging

        public NewRelicExporters.Configuration enableAuditLogging()
        Turn on audit logging for the exporters. Please note that this will expose all your telemetry data to your logging system. Requires the slf4j "com.newrelic.telemetry" logger to be enabled at DEBUG level. Defaults to being off.
      • collectionIntervalSeconds

        public NewRelicExporters.Configuration collectionIntervalSeconds​(int interval)
        Set the collection interval, in seconds, for both metrics and spans. Defaults to 5 seconds.